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Shipping costs of DD furniture from Japan to the US

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I was wondering if anyone has had furniture purchased at Volks Int or through a Y!JA proxy shipped to the US or Canada, and if so, what approximately the shipping cost is. I'd assume it'd be $90-100 USD at least, but does it go higher?


There are some pieces I'm interested in buying via a proxy, but the proxy service can't give me an estimate till they have the items on hand--which would require me to buy them first, and I'd rather not do that in case the shipping cost ends up being $300 or suchlike. So any knowledge/experiencs you might have would be greatly appreciated.



At home: Mei (DDP Lucy custom), Aku (DDB Takane custom)


En route: L. (DD Matoi)

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I haven't used a proxy to buy doll furniture or bought any from Volks, but I have bought some from Mandarake that were shipped to Canada.


I usually buy doll sofas like this one: https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1076492065&ref=list


I've had one cost 5,000 yen to ship using Sal parcel and another two were both 4,700 yen with EMS.


I hope this somewhat helps.


Edit: found another one that was shipped via Sal parcel that was 6,150 yen.

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Hi, I'm a proxy in Japan.


Basically we can't estimate the shipping fees since we don't know the exact weight of the item you want to buy. Also, even if it's possible to give an estimated shipping fee, sometimes it can be more, or less.

Also, there're several methods for the shipping (EMS, Airmail, SAL, surface), depending if you want the item to be registered or not, the price may vary...

And if the proxy need to repack everything together, the weight and the size of the package won't be the same.


If you wish, I can give you an estimation, but I don't assure you it's gonna be the exact price.

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Are you using a proxy that charges fees? If so, they will likely charge shipping from the seller to them, and from them to you - which will add to the cost significantly depending on where the proxy service is located. Would you be able to show us a picture of what it is you're thinking of buying? If it has the weight in grams too, that would be great. I could probably give you a rough guess.


It shouldn't be any more than 8,000 yen probably, if it's really big. Size can definitely change shipping cost. I once bought a large hamster house from Y@Japan, that was fairly light, but about the side of a DD tall and probably three feet in diameter or more. That cost almost $100 to ship, despite it being light. Dimensions can and will make a huge difference. If the piece of furniture is long but not tall, (ect.) you'll have a better chance of it not being "oversized".


Also - keep in mind, EMS is almost always cheaper than SAL shipping for larger sized items. Plus it's faster and more secure... so no reason not to go with that. In terms of Mandarake, I've always had them charge less for EMS than SAL.

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Thanks everyone for your replies!


Sadly the seller didn't post the weight of the item in the listing, but based on the dimensions given (it would have been an oversize parcel, most likely) and what you all said I realized it would probably end up being too expensive. That and the price of the auction itself ended up rising far over my limit


I will keep all your advice in mind next time I see furniture pieces up for sale though. Thank you all again for your help!

At home: Mei (DDP Lucy custom), Aku (DDB Takane custom)


En route: L. (DD Matoi)

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