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Couple of questions

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Sorry if this has been asked before but is Sana and Starlight the same doll? They look alike!


And is Milk the normal color? I only own a Kai so not sure. Love Cherry and want her, and a Starlight.

DDH-06 - Miku, DDH-05 - Ren, DDH-04 - Keiko

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Yes they are the same! I use this chart to reference which dolls use the same sculpt:


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I'm not sure I understand what you mean by normal colour? Dolls come in Milk, Tea, and Cocoa. Each doll is listed by the colour the come in, so you don't choose skin tone seperately if that's what you're wondering.

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Thanks! Milk seems to be the "normal" coloring of most the dolls. Tea looks tan. At least to me on my computer.

DDH-06 - Miku, DDH-05 - Ren, DDH-04 - Keiko

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Milk is pretty much the same colour as Volks Normal Skin. Tea is tan and the new cocoa is chocolate coloured basically.

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If by "normal" you mean standard version, then no. I think most of the dolls come in "milk" because of demand, rather than a desire to create limited versions in darker skintones. The only limited ones are usually the licensed dolls.


Having said that, there are also seasonal and frontline dolls: seasonal being the ones that are only in production for a short time and then when they're sold out will be unavailable until the next production time, sometimes for their birthday.


Harmony is one of the frontline dolls and she comes in the new cocoa skintone.

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I wish there were a tea version of Starlight -- not Sana, that's a different face-up and I'm not a fan of it.

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Oh wow, I did not know Sana and Starlight were the same sculpt. I quite like Starlight but I really dislike Sana. Never fails to amaze me how much a difference a faceup can make.

Living at my place: Rise (DD Rise Kujikawa), Chie (Smart Doll Mirai) and Aisha (Smart Doll Kurenai)

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There is, I think, a handful of sculpts for the regular girls. But it's the face-ups that make them different.

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I feel the same way about the Starlight vs. Sana face-ups. I have seen some pretty Sanas but the camera angle has to be just right, where as Starlight always looks beautiful. Starlight has a beautiful, soft expression and Sana is more intense and sharp. Infinity is supposed to be the same sculpt at Starlight, but with freckles. I'm hoping she also has a nice face-up- the prototypes look nice.

As far as I know there has not been a cocoa version of the Starlight sculpt, just Twilight sculpt (Moonlight) and Mirai sculpt (Ebony). But I bet a cocoa version of Starlight would be gorgeous.

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