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Volks to begin Volks News Online editions

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I'm sure this will be welcome news for people who hate relying on incomplete scans! Volks have announced that they will start offering digital versions of the magazine starting with issue 77, the newest one from a few weeks back.

It'll go up tomorrow - they haven't yet said if it will cost money to access, but the goal does seem to be to have it spread around the world easier. Regular volks news is 1000 yen for a one year subscription (although it's technically counted as a 'free' perk for VIP membership/beefed up point card) with back issues available in store for 200 yen or so I think?


I'm really happy about this because I'm most likely moving back home after July and relying on incomplete Volks Newses would drive me nuts.

I assume that the online issues will go up after the physical versions are sent out then (similar to how the VIP ones go out first before the nonVIPS can buy copies), so people will still be sharing leaks and scans anyway, but still.

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That's actually pretty neat ^_^ I think they could just make a complete turn to digital news and stop issuing physical copies, which would cost less + it's more environmentally friendly that way (and that way we could all have our news at the same time )

Regardless, this will be very welcome to all of us who await for all the scans very impatiently

( ' .' ) 
( uu)

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But I love thumbing through the glossy pages, so I'd hate it if they dropped the print copies. But then I wouldn't have to keep finding shelf space to keep my back copies...


Speaking of print, I wish I could subscribe from outside of Japan. The $4-5 each adds up over time. At least I'm usually lucky and can get a copy via Volks USA's free shipping campaign. But if the digital version is free, I'll use it, but if I have to pay, I'll just keep ordering the paper copy.

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That's awesome news. I'd pay a subscription fee if needed.

Living at my place: Rise (DD Rise Kujikawa), Chie (Smart Doll Mirai) and Aisha (Smart Doll Kurenai)

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This is great! I'm happy that they're making them more accessible.

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I've always wanted to get hold of the Volks News issues on a regular basis, but being in the UK, having to pay shipping and customs on it each time ruled that out if I wasn't already ordering doll parts or something. Digital editions would be very welcome for me, even if it means a subscription fee!

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oooh, I like how it's not just scans, but there's actual links for relevant sites or webshop things coded right in!

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Wow, it looks great! Hopefully they'll give us the option to pay + get it earlier, but this is a good start.

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Sounds great. I’d be willing to pay a modest subscription fee.

Niki P.

Vinyl brood at home: Len, Noah, Kenji, Rinto, Kiri, Eiji, Anais, Rin, ‘Red’, Lenka, Kai, Midoriya, Marc, ‘Sue’, Terra, Night, Frankie, Anna and Chitose.

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Huzzah! This is excellent! I just finished looking through VN77, and it's like I'm back in Japan again. It's about durn time this happened. Way to go, Volks! Finally, I can once again see those persnickety pages full of important Japanese text that leakers almost never photograph, as well as all the important text in the margins that gets cropped off, and the fine print next to outfits. Event reports are there, too.


Good golly what a relief this is.


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Not being able to read Japanese, is there a download button to save the whole catalog as PDF?

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Singer Yuna

It doesn't seem so.


I'm really happy of them being available online worldwide...it was about time... If they want to delay the online so the VIP get them early it's fine too but the paid suscription sound a great idea (and a way for them making MORE money).


I also like a lot A LOT the DD youtube channel http://youtube.com/user/VOLKSdollfiedream/ the last one was the "DD in 5 minutes" and I can't wait to see how they explain "soo... these limited DDs are only available if you win one lottery and then you have the privilege of pay them...and you don't have a clue of how many are made"


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