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Smart Doll April 1 announcements

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I post this because while there are the obvious joke things for April Fools' one of these is real and one I have no idea on.


Presumably real:

  • As he already mentioned some time ago, Danny is reproducing Gourai and Lelouch specifically to combat scalpers and this states he's making progress on this

Presumably fake:

I have no idea:

  • Collaboration doll(?) with artwork by Huke

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Well, I for one hope the Lady Liberty set is real. I think its great.

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Haha, I actually thought the 80s wigs were real! I see now they link to the other items and there is no actual button to order them.


I agree, Lady Liberty is really cool.

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I'd be all over the Liberty set if he decided to actually make them.


My main thing is the outrageous price he posted for the Smartdoll Extra/Manequinn. 450,000 yen? That's $4500 USD! I could buy a decent used car with that! I know it's a false price but still, I sure hope he isn't planning to have one for some other crazy price.....





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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It may be a 4/1 joke, but be honest, how many of you would get that bank for your change (*cough* Billy *cough*)?

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not sure I would get the bank, but I think it's kind of a novel idea to be able to use that area for uh, extra storage. Even if it was a small production. I like the retro wigs too. Only thing I hope is a prank so far is the big-doll price. Everything else I kind of hope is completely real and going to be produced. It's different and creative.

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It may be a 4/1 joke, but be honest, how many of you would get that bank for your change (*cough* Billy *cough*)?

I'd buy it as a silly thing, but not at the 12,000 yen price.


Of course it's a joke, but the way it's made with the bottom so you can use it as a bank also means the picture with it as part of Mirai is actually impossible since the internal frame won't fit in it. Of course there could be an alternate version.


I missed seeing the large doll price. I don't know what the real price on that is going to be, but it is going to be exponentially more expensive than the 1/3 version, because making it that large isn't as simple as just making everything larger; the skeleton is going to have to be a lot stronger for example. I'm reminded of those very limited 1/1 scale Japanese figures that get occasionally made and as I recall typically cost somewhere around $20,000. So I really wouldn't be surprised if that is the real price.

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Looks like the huke thing is real!

A BRS smart doll does sound interesting...

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Another tweet:


...showing the Huke art, the boob bank, Lady Liberty, and the Dash button and says only one is fake.


I would presume the Dash button is the fake one then, since we can't actually get a Smart Doll delivered in 5 minutes aside from all the other reasons this isn't really feasible or wanted.


Since the wigs aren't mentioned there they should be real too and I don't know why they wouldn't be really. There's another post about meeting with Huke as well.

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I was playing around with the Smart Doll site and I was able to add those wigs to my Cart.

Niki P.

Vinyl brood at home: Len, Noah, Kenji, Rinto, Kiri, Eiji, Anais, Rin, ‘Red’, Lenka, Kai, Midoriya, Marc, ‘Sue’, Terra, Night, Frankie, Anna and Chitose.

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Not that the wigs aren't cute, but why is that 80's style?! It looks like Farrah Fawcett hair to me, which was from the 70's.


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Not that the wigs aren't cute, but why is that 80's style?! It looks like Farrah Fawcett hair to me, which was from the 70's.

Perhaps Japan in the 80's, because the description says this:


The blonde is reminiscent of Charlie's Angels while the cocoa is reminiscent of the Japanese idols back in the eighties.

And of course Farrah Fawcett is right; it was the first thing I thought of before even reading the description.

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Can I say that the lady liberty outfit is absolutely gorgeous?

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Danny just retweetet this

so I think, the "Black ★ Rockshooter 1/3 SmartDoll" will be a real thing


PS. But maybe it's still only a joke running circles in the net...

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That could explain why he is staintesting black fabric.


Thanks for enlighting me on who she is. I had no idea and googling "trikt" got me nothing XD

Living at my place: Rise (DD Rise Kujikawa), Chie (Smart Doll Mirai) and Aisha (Smart Doll Kurenai)

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so I think, the "Black ★ Rockshooter 1/3 SmartDoll" will be a real thing

This will be so tempting to me, because I love the BRS universe. I do own the two RAH BRS's, so this doll will really have to impress me because the RAHs are perfection. Also, gimme Strength, she's the best.


I had no idea and googling "trikt" got me nothing XD

I did a little digging and apparently it's the name of a new company. Here's their twitter. There's a photo of what looks like a figurine.



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Thanks for all the links clarifying who Trikt was. Actually, I want a doll of that 'lavender quartz' character. That would be amazing to see.

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The 80's wigs and boob piggy bank are now on the "no plans to restock page" https://shop.smartdoll.jp/collections/no-plans-to-restock


So the claim they were real was also bogus, apart from perhaps the ones made for the pictures were sold in-store or something. Lady Liberty isn't there though so who knows maybe that really is coming.

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I'm pretty sure the 80's wig was sold. I remember some people buying it. The boob piggy bank definitely wasn't sold.


I hope the price on Lady Liberity is a joke O___o

Living at my place: Rise (DD Rise Kujikawa), Chie (Smart Doll Mirai) and Aisha (Smart Doll Kurenai)

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The 80's wig was real, lol. Not bogus at all, it even went up for sale on the 1st of April and I've seen it in the SmD FB group a couple of times. The boobs piggy bank wasn't and I'm pretty sure the Lady Liberty price is a joke, because so many people actually wanted it

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The piggy bank was my favorite, very cynical

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