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Heyo from Tokyo

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Yo! Nice to meet you all. I'm a US-born guy living in Japan with too much love for dolls.


Uninteresting Backstory Time: Lived in states, came to Tokyo for school & work. Collected Pullips for a bit (final total rn is 14), and got into resin dolls again-ish this past summer. Bought a few Volks MSD sized ones because Tokyo's apartments are small as heck???


And recently, decided that before I leave Japan, I need to get myself some DD girls bc I've wanted to for years now?? Currently own a Mariko (Schoolgirl Ver.) and Yukiho Hagiwara (IdolM@ster). I've also unintentionally dragged my boyfriend into this hobby, so that's chill. \o/ In my spare time I like video games, procrastinating, and ordering takeout to avoid cleaning the kitchen.

At Home: Yaya (DDS DDH-06), Love (DDS DDH-11), Hanako (DDS Mariko), Himeko (DDS Mariko), Remy (DDS Yukiho Hagihawa), ? (DD Saber Lily), ? (DD Yuki Morikawa), Jisoo (DDdy Takane Shijou)

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What's it like living in Japan?

It's cool that your boyfriend is into the same things as you. I think you'll like it here. :>

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Thanks! Well, first year it was a lot of fun. After that it's been a progressive, slow chart of being uninterested in a lot of things. ;; Even fandom-related ventures became more like a chore. Idk how to describe it haha. But it's been fun all around. Like any place, it has some really good points and really bad points.


And yea! It is nice. I mean, he doesn't collect dolls right now, but he thinks they're cool, and through me he's found BJDs and is into the idea of getting his own bjd/dd one day which I'm 100% here for. ^^

At Home: Yaya (DDS DDH-06), Love (DDS DDH-11), Hanako (DDS Mariko), Himeko (DDS Mariko), Remy (DDS Yukiho Hagihawa), ? (DD Saber Lily), ? (DD Yuki Morikawa), Jisoo (DDdy Takane Shijou)

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You’re so lucky to be in Japan in regards to this hobby. I’m sure you’re excited to jump right in.


I collected Pullips years ago. It seems like those who like anime make that jump from Pullip to DDs (or BJDs). I’m new as well, but welcome! Sailor Moon’s release brought me here, and there are too many cute releases to add to the list.

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Sailor Moon's release was so tempting. I'm surprised how easy she is to still get! (I see her up on secondhand outlets all the time). Honestly, Yahoo Japan Auctions has been a lifesaver for me, and since I don't have to use a proxy, it's easy to get ahold of what I'd like!


I can see how the jump from Pullips to BJD/DD is made for people. I never did customize my Pullip dolls really. They're more decorative for me (I actually own the Princess Serenity doll!) I love them, but I love how easy it is to customize BJDs/DDs with the wigs/eyes/etc. I don't think Pullip customize is a big thing here, but I have seen a community for it in the West. Hope you're enjoying yourself in this hobby, too! It's been fun so far!

At Home: Yaya (DDS DDH-06), Love (DDS DDH-11), Hanako (DDS Mariko), Himeko (DDS Mariko), Remy (DDS Yukiho Hagihawa), ? (DD Saber Lily), ? (DD Yuki Morikawa), Jisoo (DDdy Takane Shijou)

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Pullip customization: Maybe with wigs a bit? I don't really have an idea, but I do notice Mandarake shows them with wigs fairly often.

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Yeah! People do wigs & eyes and even faceups. It just always seemed bothersome to take their wigs off, especially since the defaults (for me) is part of why I enjoyed them. Definitely an entry-level doll hobby for me lol. I never participated that much in the "fandom" for them, so I can't really say :

At Home: Yaya (DDS DDH-06), Love (DDS DDH-11), Hanako (DDS Mariko), Himeko (DDS Mariko), Remy (DDS Yukiho Hagihawa), ? (DD Saber Lily), ? (DD Yuki Morikawa), Jisoo (DDdy Takane Shijou)

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Hello! Welcome to the forums!


It's good to see another Tokyo face here. I'm living in the US, but did a year in Tokyo. The ability to just go see the secondhand shops is amazing. I miss that the most.


Do you have any plans for 2018 regarding your Mariko and Yukiho? Being in Tokyo makes it easier, I'd bet.

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Hello! I know I've seen you around in the Dollfie Dream Plans for 2018 thread! That's really awesome- I love going to the secondhand and specialty shops, even just to browse (usually I end up leaving with something small at the very least, though, LOL).


Sadly I'll be leaving here to move to the US to be with my bf at the end of next month :< My plan for Mariko is to get her some more clothes and the Peach Pai bust piece (which is incoming!) I ended up with two since I got impatient and got one off Y!J- was worried production wouldn't be finished before I left... then next day I got notice it was ready. WOOPS. Well, I have 3 heads now (4 if you count the DDH09 now incoming), so the other Peach Pai will go to another girl- probably one of the DDHs! I just want to get my Yukiho a custom face-up, but I'm going to work towards that when I get settled back into the states. Might send her off or try to learn on a practice head myself before doing one on her. We'll see! ... Probably will just try to decide on an artist and get a face-up slot, though. ^_^


But the clothes, man... so many options for beautiful artist-made clothes here.


How'd you enjoy Tokyo during your time abroad?

At Home: Yaya (DDS DDH-06), Love (DDS DDH-11), Hanako (DDS Mariko), Himeko (DDS Mariko), Remy (DDS Yukiho Hagihawa), ? (DD Saber Lily), ? (DD Yuki Morikawa), Jisoo (DDdy Takane Shijou)

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