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Question about smartdoll ‘soul’ necklace

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I bought the ‘soul’ necklace with the kanji and CJ logo. It comes adjustable so that people and dolls can wear it. I adjusted it as best as I could to fit Rin, but it was still way too long and double laced, so I had to tie it up and shove it down the back of her dress.


My question is: how did Danny in all their pictures of all the dolls wearing it, make it look natural and to scale to the doll?

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I was curious so looked at the page. On it Danny just says:


The cord is long enough for humans too so you can go around with your Smart Doll in a pair look. To have your Smart Doll wear it - just decide how long you want the pendant to hang and tie a knot at the back.

I guess that means to just tie another knot and then have the extra back there as you did. Just from the pictures I can't tell what kind of cord it is...can you cut it or will it fray and look ugly?

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Ah. Thank you for posting that, I somehow missed the second half.


They make it look so easy, mines so sloppy looking. Lol


I don’t think it would fray, but I’m too afraid to cut it. XP

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I use a small plastic hairband on my pendant.

But site did say to tie another knot.

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