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Sailor Moon Dollfie Dream — Questions

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I have two questions about Sailor Moon’s assembly. I heard that her tiara can leave indents in her head. How do I make sure that doesn’t happen? Lastly, I bought a hand drill to pierce her ears. What’s the best way to go about using it so that I don’t have to re-pierce them?


Thanks so much in advance. This is my first Dollfie Dream, so these two things have been making me pretty anxious.

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I have only ever drilled resin and not vinyl, but I assume it's the same process.


First take the earrings up to the ear, so that they're placed, where you want them. Then mark it with a pencil. Do the same on the other ear and make sure they are even, sometimes it helps putting the head upside down. Then drill. When done with one ear check it out with the earring to make sure it fits and sits how you want it to.

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That sounds easy enough. Do you wear gloves or anything special?

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For resin I wear a mask, because it's suuuuper toxic and gloves. I don't think mask is necessary for vinyl though, since it's not toxic as resin is. It is really easy, like piercing real ears

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I have two questions about Sailor Moon’s assembly. I heard that her tiara can leave indents in her head. How do I make sure that doesn’t happen? Lastly, I bought a hand drill to pierce her ears. What’s the best way to go about using it so that I don’t have to re-pierce them?


Thanks so much in advance. This is my first Dollfie Dream, so these two things have been making me pretty anxious.


Yes indeed, after leaving her tiara on about 2 weeks, Usagi got a nice flat ding on her forehead. In a bit of irony, the transferred paint from said tiara almost formed a crescent shape. Almost... So the fail was double...


The other spots, and less critical, were the sides. The pointy edges sitting along the sides of the head put a little "pinch" looking mark right smack where the head/headcap meet. this was not an issue as it really isn't visible since it's under her wig. However the forehead ding was a bit "ugh"


Basically took a magic eraser to the mark on the forehead with warm water from the faucet running over it whist holding hear head upside down, taking care not to hit/wet the faceup.


Finally, I ran warm water over the two little divits and the flat spot on her forehead and was able to bring them out a fair amount.


As far as how to avoid these niggling annoyances, I thought maybe line the inside of the tiara with some sort of thin white/paper/cloth. Short of that or replacing / remaking the tiara I don't think we can do much more.


With regards to drilling the ears for the earrings, I'd recommend watching a vid on Youtube from user "Archangeli" titled "I did it! I pierced my Sailor Moon Dollfie Dream’s ears!" as she runs through it rather thoroughly.


I haven't pierced mine's ears, but did my Snow Miku and it really wasn't hard. Just take your time, and invest in a good pinvice with quality drill bits. I ended up using a 0.6mm drill myself but always compare bit size to the earring pin. I don't know if Volks uses the same size anthough I hope they would.


Good luck!

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