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Hello from SoCal!

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First post here and new to the DD world. I am very familiar of course as I actually have 12 resin Bjds but I finally took the plunge and got my first DD. Got a Len, couldn't resist! I have loved the character Len for so long! Actually have a nice figure collection (Len army<3 ) so when I saw him I just had too find a way to make him mine. Took a while but I finally purchased him after longing for so long. Looking forward to being a part of this community

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Len is quite possibly my favourite DD sculpt! I hope you have fun with yours and he gets himself some friends .

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Hello fellow SoCal'er! Welcome to the wonderful world of light and nimble Dolfie Dreams

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Welcome to the bunch. My friend is having a doll meetup in Aliso Viejo on Saturday, June 30th. All dolls, including Dollfies, Smart Dolls, Azones and others are welcome. We’re all supportive of one another and encourage all to come visit. It might be last minute for you, but you’re more then welcome to come if you’d like. All kind of doll owners from all around SoCal come to hang out and have a good time. It’s a potluck event, but you don’t need to bring anything this time, we’re more interested in the company.


So think about coming to visit, we’d like to meet you


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Also, we’re planning on attending a doll gathering at Anime Expo on Saturday, July 7th at Noon. It’s a celebration of all anime themed dolls.

Afterwards, all DDs are going to a special event. VOLKS Inc., the company that created the DDs, is having a photo gathering at their sales booth in the dealers room. If your able to attend the convention, you’re more then welcome to join us.


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