Monty Posted May 16, 2018 1) If he doesn't want to be confusing to newcomers he should be clearer about when the heck he actually releases dolls. Every single doll company, every single HOBBY company of any sort, lets you know when releases are happening well in advance. They have electronic flyers, they have stickied tweets, they send out mailing lists so you dont forget what time the preorder/clickwar/whatever starts. He doesn't need an actual publication like Volks News or whatever, he needs someone to help manage his social media and website to make this clearer to anyone who actually wants one of his dolls, because as much as he talks about catering to newbies, it frequently seems to me that the only people who even manage to get some of the limited ones are hardcore fans who stalk his twitter 24/7 and -not- newbies. The 'only 10 and released with zero warning' thing was the worst case, but the anime collab dolls arent much better. We know they -exist- months or even a year in advance, but are completely in the dark as to when they're coming out until suddenly there's a post a few days or a week in advance. It's simply too short notice, and he needs to realize that not everybody can just pull $700 or so out of their butt when need be. With Volks/Azone/Good Smile Company/etcetcetc, we get a date AT LEAST a month in advance (and even that I consider 'short notice') so we have time to actually prepare. I saw so many people miss out on Nami for example because they were taken by surprise. You could argue that they should have set that money aside as soon as they knew she was happening, but again, there are so many things with smartdoll that are teased and then never seem to actually happen (or are happening so far in the future that holding off on buying anything else while waiting for them would mean missing out on a lot of other things), so how can anyone be certain? So not only do I think the release schedule should be made clearer on his social media, but also on the site itself. There could even be a page for 'upcoming products' with dates, like how Azone have a page for their web flyers. Putting it on the site would be even better for newbies than on the social media because they are more likely to get their info only from the site and not know about the social media part at all. I have seen frequent posts on facebook/tumblr/etc from people asking in confusion where people were getting all their smartdoll news from because there's nothing on the actual site, because they didn't know that it all tends to happen on twitter/etc. The bottom line is that the people who actually seem to have the faintest idea what is going on are the hardcore doll fans that he says are only a small part of his target audience, while the newbies never seem to have a clue what is happening in regards to the limited dolls. 2)I would echo everyone elses concerns about his attitude, but I would also go on to say that although it's very easy of him to dismiss peoples complaints as nitpickers, 'haters' or whatever like he did in that email ....surely he realizes that if multiplepeople are all complaining about the same thing there might be something to it...? Even if he has no plan to actually make her resemble the character people waited all this time for, an explanation beyond 'you're all just nitpicky and mean and my products wouldnt exist at all if I listened to your whining' would go down a lot better. Its hard to accuse a huge group of people as being nitpickers when they all have the same two complaints (height and hair colour). Especially when they are coming from people who were looking forward to purchasing her and now wont. It's 100% true that you can't please everyone, but something should also be said for not doing the exact same thing over and over again, which is basically what Haruka is (another Mirai) and IMO i think thats what people are the most upset about, so many of these new smartdolls look too similar to eachother and Haruka was expected to be new and unique. 1 *twitter*instagram*art* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Eiko82 Posted May 16, 2018 marishade said: Yuemeiro, the idea of adding a positive end-note is a good idea! I will think about things I might consider using for that in-between working (at work right now lol). I would love if you could do the same and post what you come up with!. Maybe we could end the mail with something like " We are sending you this mail 'cause we are all fans of Smart Doll and we would love to see it continue to grow and do well. We hope that you will take our thoughts into consideration. Thank you for you time". What do you think? Living at my place: Rise (DD Rise Kujikawa), Chie (Smart Doll Mirai) and Aisha (Smart Doll Kurenai) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SakuraRose Posted May 16, 2018 Thanks to Yumeiro and Yukimina for sharing your faceup experiences. I'll probably report back on a different thread, since it doesn't seem fitting to include this subject in the email. Having marishade write the email sounds good, you covered all the main points. I think Eiko82's idea would be a fitting end to our message, since we do want to continue being fans and see his business continue to grow. Otherwise, we wouldn't even bothered by such issues. I think one page long might be an appropriate length? Too short and we wouldn't be able to get our points across. Any longer and well...he might not read it. Of course, there's no need to do one page exactly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yumeiro Posted May 16, 2018 I agree with what Torino said as well. Many good points. But as for length. It is not so much about keeping it long or short, but to keep it on point. A long mail can steer of point or lose the readers attention. Too much information at once can be hard to take in is all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bellatrix Posted May 16, 2018 Yumeiro said: I agree with what Torino said as well. Many good points. But as for length. It is not so much about keeping it long or short, but to keep it on point. A long mail can steer of point or lose the readers attention. Too much information at once can be hard to take in is all. ^ yes, my same thoughts. He gets hundreds of mails per day, so he probably spends just a few seconds on each one of them. We want him to read the email and take it in consideration, not to trash it after the second line just because he can't be bothered to read it At least this is my opinion, but you guys can do what you think is more appropriate. I also suggest to send the email from around 2 or 3 different email addresses (stating that is a planned thing), just to make sure he doesn't miss it. ✩ 𝓥𝓲𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓶 𝓸𝓯 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓑𝓮𝓵𝓵𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔁 ✩ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Panda_Dolliess Posted May 16, 2018 To keep the email concise, may i suggest that you draft an introduction with a definite problem statement, then list the critiques in bullet points ending with a conclusion. It will make it easier to read an appear as a professional business memo. Also, is it possible to sign everyone's name at the bottom? It would be a visual representation of all of the concerned fans. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marishade Posted May 16, 2018 So many good ideas posted! Makayla_Panda, your suggestion for the email is similar to what I was planning to do without the bullet points. I could write a draft with them and without them to see which looks better and is more readable. In terms of signatures, if people signed their names or "screen names" on a blank piece of paper, scan them, then PM them to me then I may be able to piece them all together and attach them at the bottom of the email. If not everyone is okay with that I could also simply write "This email was written by multiple members currently a part of or looking to join the SmartDoll community". . . . . . or something to that extent. Up for discussion. What I will do is type the draft(s) up in Word and we will see how long it gets. I can post what I write here once it is complete and all of you can get your lovely red pens out and we will go from there. I agree that "polite" and/or "professional" are better terms than "neutral" so I will use those when I write. Torino, I will also work to include some of your points in the draft, you make a number of very good ones. I will be trying not to compare his company with any others because I want to make this about Danny and his company. Okay, I will be starting shortly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SakuraRose Posted May 17, 2018 Marishade, how about uploading the email to Google docs or an equivalent? That would make comments more specific to the exact sentence or paragraph on the dobleepent. If you already thought about that...well, sweet. xD Makayla_Panda's idea for the signatures sounds great! It'd show that we're not a bunch of random 'haters,' but a community that cares. This kind of reminds me of a petition lol but much less political. Admittedly I thought about that, feels way too drastic though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marishade Posted May 17, 2018 Chronos Rose that is an excellent idea, here is the link: *Edit to note: the 'bullet-point version' of this dobleepent as suggested by MaKayla_Panda is not ready yet. I will post it in the same location as the current one, or create a different shared link when it is ready. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
koolgalblue Posted May 17, 2018 Honestly...This is beautifully written. It comes across concerned, but also to the point. It doesn't feel insulting in the slightest, and I love that you made sure to tell him about how we're not mad about the design choices, and just the responses!!! It feels very nice so far! Currently at home: Kagamine Len, Kirito, 06 head, Akira head. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marishade Posted May 17, 2018 koolgalblue said: Honestly...This is beautifully written. It comes across concerned, but also to the point. It doesn't feel insulting in the slightest, and I love that you made sure to tell him about how we're not mad about the design choices, and just the responses!!! It feels very nice so far! Thank you so much kookgalblue, very kind of you to say! I am starting to lose focus (about my bed time, lol) so I will not be posting the bullet-pointed version of this until tomorrow. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SakuraRose Posted May 17, 2018 I think it's great so far! Sorry I only made one suggestion for now because I have a bit of a migraine atm...will be back to re-read. It reminds me of a persuasive essay, which I also considered suggesting, but just because essays dictate my life, I shouldn't make others go through that. xD After seeing the ideas put down on paper (ok, not literally lol), point-form might be too restricting for each concern. Although bullet sound great for attention spans and are easier for the eyes, each point does need some explaining, which you did very well. Maybe we could trim down the paragraphs a little bit? We'll just need to see several more opinions and ideas for formatting. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Panda_Dolliess Posted May 17, 2018 I made small suggestions. The wording is great! It shows our concerns, offers solutions all without sounding condescending or rude. Very good job! I hope he takes us seriously. In terms of the signatures, you can create a different Google doc specifically for people to sign and just copy and paste it into the final memo. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Eiko82 Posted May 17, 2018 I'll be back from holidays tomorrow so I'll try to take a closer look this weekend. Not sure if anything needs to be changed. I really like how well and friendly it's written * thumbs up * Living at my place: Rise (DD Rise Kujikawa), Chie (Smart Doll Mirai) and Aisha (Smart Doll Kurenai) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shailara Posted May 17, 2018 I like it too Although I feel like maybe we shouldn't make a suggestion as to how he should do releases, the section where it says that only a week of advanced notificitation is too small... it is, and I'm not saying otherwise but maybe that's how he wants to do it. I feel we should only mention that we would be happy with getting better informed of his scheduling, such as he could have a section on his site where he has 3 sub sections: "In the work but no ETA", "Soon to be released" and "Conceptd" (where he can post things such as the Pocket SmD that isn't for sure will be released ever). It might sound kind of confusing, but basically what I'm suggesting is that he has a section with dolls that he plans to release relatively soon, say within 6 months, a section where he has dolls that don't have wigs and eyes and face up ready but they are getting worked on, and a section with concepts that maybe will get released maybe not. Anyway this is just a suggestion cause he might say that we have no right to tell him how he will handle his business... Basically just the phrasing of the first paragraph is what I think could be better put. Sorry I keep editing this cause I keep thinking about it. Sometimes I have trouble expressing my thoughts in English (\_/) ( ' .' ) ( uu) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cfx Posted May 17, 2018 Shailara said: Anyway this is just a suggestion cause he might say that we have no right to tell him how he will handle his business... Yeah that's a good point because I think the last part of his email shows he really doesn't like that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marishade Posted May 17, 2018 Alright, I have completed the edits suggested except for the passive-aggressive/dismissive word change. I have highlighted the whole sentence because I might completely re-word it, we shall see. Shailara, that was something I had been thinking about too, but was hoping I could get away with if I phrased it correctly, apparently I did not. I will re-work the entire paragraph based on your suggestion in another dobleepent (that way I have a clean page and other people can still read it before a full redo). I also will be starting another Google doc for the bullet point version 'shortly'. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Eiko82 Posted May 20, 2018 About release dates, I just noticed this at the "Coming Soooooon" section : Quote This page lists products that are in development or production. "Coming soon" in Smart Doll Land can mean 12 months - for us that's "soon" as so much is happening - we completely loose track of time because we are so focused on what we do and have multiple projects running at the same time. Please do not ask about release dates or Thanos will snap his fingers at you. The section is fairly new and none of "new cuties' are listed there but maybe in future, he'll list them there? Living at my place: Rise (DD Rise Kujikawa), Chie (Smart Doll Mirai) and Aisha (Smart Doll Kurenai) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Difren Posted May 20, 2018 The letter is very good. I am absolutely agree that the releases schedule needs improvement. And the teasers must be more confirmed by results. For me personally I am not offended by Danny's manner at all. I always thought it is sort of jokes. In any case I don't need to "rise child with him" but only purchase the doll. And what is about the email signing? Can we start the name list just here, as in waiting room manner? The person who want to sign will coping the name list and add his/her name in the next post? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Anna-neko Posted May 20, 2018 Eiko82 said: About release dates, I just noticed this at the "Coming Soooooon" section : Quote This page lists products that are in development or production. "Coming soon" in Smart Doll Land can mean 12 months - for us that's "soon" as so much is happening - we completely loose track of time because we are so focused on what we do and have multiple projects running at the same time. Please do not ask about release dates or Thanos will snap his fingers at you. ya know what, he's been grinding so many gears that I feel like being petty on this. it's LOSE!! not "loose" but L-O-S-E as in we all lose our frellin patience, not loose change in couch cushions I'm sorry, back to your beautiful letter efforts, just hadda vent that out real quick Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marishade Posted May 21, 2018 Hello everyone, Sorry for the delay, I have been trying to finish a cosplay costume this weekend and have not had time for much else. The bullet-point version is here: I. . . . personally do not like the bullet-point version. Maybe because I did not write it correctly or because it does not have the same 'feel' to it. Regardless, I will 'fix' and send which ever version the majority here prefers. I have not been able to make corrections to the paragraph in my 'main' letter yet. I try to do so early this week however. . . Megacon is this week and my cosplay is not quite finished yet. So we shall see. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shailara Posted May 21, 2018 It is alright if you take your time, Danny was (is?) in Germany these past few days, so that works out I think there's no need for the bullets, personally. Usually, using bullets means that an email or presentation or what have you will be smaller than the normally written email, and it doesn't look smaller (I have no idea if it could be smaller?), so I think the original email is good enough. (\_/) ( ' .' ) ( uu) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yukamina Posted May 21, 2018 I think we should send the first one, and not wait too much longer. It's probably better to have things written out fully with less room for misinterpretation (especially with tone). Thanks, marishade, for working on these! My Etsy Shop ~~~ My DeviantArt Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yumeiro Posted May 21, 2018 I have to agree with that too. The first version was better. But I do not think it should be sent till he is back. Even if he reads it while abroad, I do not think he would have enough time to spend (or perhaps focus) reflecting on it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marishade Posted May 21, 2018 Alrighty, I will edit the first paragraph tonight (and look at the comments I have not resolved yet) so you guys can read it tomorrow. After I check on further comments you guys make and get a 'check off' we can talk further about how we want this signatures done, unless one (or all) of you want to start working on that now. If I read his latest posts correctly, he just finished up in Germany and is on his way to another convention. That gives us at least a few more days before we should send it if we want to wait until he is back in Tokyo. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites