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MDD boy chest mod

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I'm in the planning stages for my first MDD however I'm planning on making a boy.

I've seen threads where people have used the Obitsu body or switched the MDD chest part with the Obitsu male chest but I haven't seen any MDD chest mods.


Has anyone attempted to sand down the MDD chest part? Any pics or advice?


Thanks in advance!

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If you sand very much you will end up with holes as the vinyl isn't that thick.

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My MDD’s a boy, and I didn’t bother. Unless you plan to have him in lycra outfits or shirtless, you can’t tell it’s technically a ‘girls’ body if it’s the smallest bust size.



I guess his clothes are a little baggy, so here he is in a tighter shirt:


Almost everyone I know with boy MDDs didn’t bother with mods, half because it doesn’t make a difference with clothes on and half because as cfx said the vinyl is too thin to sand.

Whatever you end up doing I want to see!


Also linking noxxbunny's MDD boy cos he's real cute:

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Aw, thanks Torino for the link Your boy is adorable as always too! I love his style!


Maron's chest has a very small amount of sanding lol. I tried and realized it wouldn't work. Not really for the vinyl being thin but because it was too squishy and soft. It moves around too much I gave up after my sanding seemed to basically have no real effect. And it doesn't usually show through clothes. Sometimes just a plain t-shirt will show the chest shape again, but it has to be a pretty thin shirt for that to happen.

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Thanks everyone for your feedback. I'm really happy I should be able stick to the MDD body. I much prefer the look over the Obitsu body.


I love both of your boys Torino & Noxxbunny, so cute!

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Very cute lads. Bless small busts so we can make boys, shame it's so hard to get male chests

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My MDD’s a boy, and I didn’t bother. Unless you plan to have him in lycra outfits or shirtless, you can’t tell it’s technically a ‘girls’ body if it’s the smallest bust size.



Where did you get your eyes? They look real nice

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My MDD’s a boy, and I didn’t bother. Unless you plan to have him in lycra outfits or shirtless, you can’t tell it’s technically a ‘girls’ body if it’s the smallest bust size.



Where did you get your eyes? They look real nice

They are by Violetta10th, I dont think she sells online typically, just in the Fu kuoka Volks store dealer's space (she's a local). I have seen her eyes on yahoo auctions and I'm not sure if she put them there herself or someone else did (I assume her though).



also Noxxbunny I didn't realize you'd attempted some sanding, although it sounds like it didn't make a difference anyway?

I also much prefer the way the MDD body looks to the Obitsu 40cm boy - its more childish and cute, and I love the stubby little hands. I think that the MDD bust and the DDS SS bust are small enough to pass as boys under clothes. Had Volks not made the DDS boy body I would have made Mel with a SS-bust DDS - the hips would be a little annoying, but they're much less of an issue with MDDs. But I'm used to using flat-chested girls as boys - I had a pure neemo of Mel years back who was originally on an XS girls body because they didnt sell the boys bodies separately at the time.

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