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Smart Doll elf ears

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I think this is an awesome option. Wonder how it attaches to the ears.


I'm also curious about the price tho.

Living at my place: Rise (DD Rise Kujikawa), Chie (Smart Doll Mirai) and Aisha (Smart Doll Kurenai)

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I'm definitely going to have to buy these for my smart dolls. I LOVE elf ears, and haven't been in love with the elf ear head sculpts that DD offers, so it'd be nice for my smart doll!! I'm also curious about the price and how they attach.

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I am so excited about the elf ears! One of the only reasons I had considered buying the Asuna v2 DD was for her ears (I passed her up). To be able to make my Smart Dolls into elves?!!!!?! I really hope this becomes a thing and not just a prototype-project that disappears after awhile.

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I really hope these become a real thing too! Elf ears would just be too adorable for me to pass up! I really do like the smaller ears as compared to the really big ears that Asuna v2 and Kirika have. I would love to see how they attach. This would be something that I would get before even getting a Smart Doll! That way, I can just have them for a future plan.

Home: Hatsune Miku ♡

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In terms of how they attach, I'm going to guess magnets.


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I was wondering when he would do something with magnets again. The old Mirai had a magnet in her head for her hair clip, right? And there is a space inside the hand to put magnets, which I don’t see utilized often but it’s a cool idea.

IIRC the hair clip magnet wasn’t very strong (or it was just weakened too much through vinyl) so if these are magnets too I hope they are stronger.

The good thing about these is that they presumably stick out more than when the ears are part of the sculpt, and they look cute poking out of the hair.

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I wouldn't be surprised if these were user attached either permanently with glue or temporarily with eye putty.


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These are really exciting and so far the short ones look good. I saw he mentioned long ones as well.

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I definitely want to get some of these. They look really cute!

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Danny has posted a pic of Melody with the long elf ears!

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They look cute, but I think I would get the shorter ones, hopefully he releases both

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I think the shorter ones look better as well, but if he straightens out these long ones, that would look really good. The downward droop make them look a little peculiar.

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There are so many elf ear variants in anime, manga, and the cinema it's going to be impossible to please everybody. No matter what shape(s) Smart Doll does go with a lot of people are going to be disappointed.


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I want a Harmony with the long ears, grey eyes, and a silver/white wig... A Drow Elf.. Yao Ro Ducie, anyone?

(Gate: And so the Defense Force Fought.)

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I like both variations with a small preference towards the shorter ones- they make me think of mischief whereas the longer ones are more refined-high-elf looking to me, which is fine but not my favorite particular style.


I guess what I'm hoping is that more than one variation is released, and that they truly are attachable/interchangeable rather than just appearing on specialized heads (and that the method of attachment would be reverse-compatible with previously made/owned heads). I know it can be a bit of a pain to try to make everyone happy when we all have different tastes(not to mention whatever production/design costs and efforts that come with making a new of anything) , but variety would be nice if possible. If not, I guess I'd vote for the shorter ones.

Currently watching BNHA, 1-2 episodes behind on the anime rn and absolutely obsessed! (being in a fandom late has made dodging spoilers an issue tho :()

More into Nendoroids and my resin BJDs rn- including some BNHA character shells hehehe :)- my Smartdolls are boxed up at the moment but I'm still happy to talk dolls and doll plans!

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Pulled the trigger on Ruby, some Cocco elf ears, large bust and a Angel wig..


Gonna make me a Dark Elf to go with my Lizziandra.. ( High Elf)


I'll need to get the eyes replaced with grey ones, and order up a outfit from Stacie's Pink Ocean..

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Do we know if the elf ears will fit Eiji and other boys? Because I'm getting an Eiji 2.0 for Christmas to become Viktor Nikiforov, and the idea of Viktor dressing as an elf for Xmas or Halloween is pretty appealing.

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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  Poofiemus said:
Do we know if the elf ears will fit Eiji and other boys? Because I'm getting an Eiji 2.0 for Christmas to become Viktor Nikiforov, and the idea of Viktor dressing as an elf for Xmas or Halloween is pretty appealing.

Danny has posted pics of Eiji and Crimson wearing the elf ears, they look cute with them.

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I bought a pair in tea color for my Rumika. I'm thinking to gluing it permanently.

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Can someone try these ears out on a Dollfie Dream? I know Danny advised against it, but I feel like they could probably work....

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I just got my elf ears.




On Kizuna. Maybe my Kizuna's wig is old or stretched? The ears don't stay stuck between the wig and head very well. Maybe adding a wig cap would help.




Elf Natsuki! I probably just voided my warranty...




The SmD elf ears are designed to slot over the ears, but, unsurprisingly, DD ears are a different shape. I think if you leave them on too long, the elf ears would deform a bit.

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The admin of the SmartDoll Facebook group made a post regarding the elf ears:




Danny has noticed there was a post about being unhappy with the elf ears fit. He felt the Chi photo on the page gave a good idea of fit, but maybe it wasn’t enough.

So he messaged me and asked I post this for you all.

He has added more info to the product page, in the light of the comments ..........along with advice on reducing any gapping......he doesn’t want anyone to feel disappointed, so anyone who previously purchased who is really unhappy can contact support to return for a refund.


Added to product page...........his words and advice below.


All these ears are hand crafted and there are 8 different molds meaning that we had to hand craft 4 left and 4 right meaning that if you buy more than two pairs you should expect a high likelihood that they will be slightly different in shape - but you already have a Smart Doll so you already know all the nitty gritty that is involved with hand made products.


In the product photos you will see that the ear is not a perfect fit against Chitose's face and for you the gap may be bigger. You can try to heat up the ear with a hairdryer or hot water, hold the hook or side of ear into the position you want and cool it down with cold water - the shape should keep its new form although that may be forever or only a few days. If you feel you are not ninja enough to do this type of post processing then please avoid this product.


I don't know how to embed the photos, but i can try if anyone really wants to see how the heat-up method works.


A lot of comments on the post have said that the heat-up methods works very well!

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Last night received my new girl.

She's a SmartDoll Ruby that I've transformed into a Dark Elf.


Wig is the "Angel" wig from Marai Inc.

She has a Large Bust.

The Elf ears are glued on as they wouldn't hold otherwise. ( Not a problem, as I tend to create a character and stick with it)

The kimono is only so she's not topless in her knickers. I have a full set from Stacie's Pink Ocean on order..






And here is my other Elf. Liziandra ( Liza) is a Obitsu 60, DD07 head and custom ears..



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