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DD foot measurements?

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Backstory: I got half a DD2 body for really cheap on Y!J, but the reason it was so cheap is that it has Obitsu feet. I have some sewing to do and I want to make sure the stuff I sew now will still fit my girl once I get her DD foot parts.


So, would anyone be able to measure the cirbleepference of the widest part of a DD's foot - the top of the ankle down to the back of the heel at a 45 degree angle and around? (I hope that description makes sense, I can't find a picture at the right angle to doodle a line on.) I can't find that measurement elsewhere.

The post above this signature was probably TLDR, and I am very sorry.

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It took me a bit to understand what measurement you wanted. (That's me not you. )


Let me rephrase it to make sure we are talking about the same measurement. Looking at the foot from the side, if you draw a line from the point of the heel at ~45 degrees which would end at the top of the vinyl at the ankle, and wrap the tape measure around the foot to match this line?


Doing that I get 10 cm.


In general, the DD foot is a good bit larger than the Obitsu one. And prettier.


Exception to that sizing is the ankle diameter, which with only DD parts will be the size of the bottom of the vinyl on the shin; the ball-shaped part of the joint on the Obitsu ankle is much larger and makes your doll look like she has swollen ankles.

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I forgot to reply earlier, oops. But yes, that's exactly the area I wanted measured! Thank you so much!


Exception to that sizing is the ankle diameter, which with only DD parts will be the size of the bottom of the vinyl on the shin; the ball-shaped part of the joint on the Obitsu ankle is much larger and makes your doll look like she has swollen ankles.

Swollen ankles is right! Obitsu feet are so ugly

The post above this signature was probably TLDR, and I am very sorry.

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