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Baldy's Babes Birthday Thread! NEW PICS 3-30

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It's another girls birthday today! This time it's Fate Harlowan!


9678689387_104be63f2d_z.jpgDSC_0601 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


Now Fate here has quite the background with me. I actually met her BEFORE I adopted her. Here's what happened.....


Years ago a friend of mine contacted me about a problem they had with their Fate. It seems her spine had broken where the upper and lower torsos met. It used to be a semi-common issue but with some work and epoxy, it's not too difficult of a repair to make. So Fate was sent to me for some "Spa Day" treatments and she got all cleaned up and repaired. I did a photo story about her visit here:




So anyways, she got fixed up and went home. About a year later her owner contacted me again asking if I was interested in adopting Fate. Oddly enough, I had already adopted Fate's little sister Hitomi from my friend earlier in the year! So I think it was meant to be that she stayed with her sister and came to live with me.


I do not have her default outfit or wig but I do have her awesome weapons!


28342445613_a7de9c899e_z.jpgDSC_7711 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


Fate is actually an imaginary friend to Umi and Hitomi. Fate remains unseen most times unless she actually *wants* to be seen. Most of the older girls cannot see Fate even when she is able to be seen. So she mainly hangs around with the MDD girls because all of them can see her. A few of the big girls can see her tho... like Elizabeth and Mamimi and Akira etc.


12242796595_b0fdc77645_z.jpgDSC_0458 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


Since Fate is invisible most of the time, Rei appointed her as a forward security scout in The Maid Brigade. She was issued a cell phone, DSLR camera and binoculars so she can watch for incoming attacks without being seen.


Rei finds Fate fascinating because Rei can see her when Fate allows it. Rei wants to run experiments on her but the MDD girls won't allow it.


12243352266_2df1d77194_z.jpgDSC_0460 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


Fate was my 23rd girl and she shares the same birthday as my Mom! Guess I need to call Mom and tell her Happy B-day while I have Fate with me for some cookies.





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Singer Yuna

Fate cookies cookies!!! Aaaw, I love all the stories of your girls Baldy


Fate the invisible giiiirl, steaaaals cookieees~~~


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  Singer Yuna said:
Fate cookies cookies!!! Aaaw, I love all the stories of your girls Baldy


Fate the invisible giiiirl, steaaaals cookieees~~~


Thank you very much! I'm glad you like their pics and stories. And Fate probably does swipe cookies here and there.... it's the only way she can get them away from Manami. LOL





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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It's birthday time! And this time it's sisters who arrived at the same time!


My good friend Salica lives in Canada. She and I have known each other for years and we've always sent little toys and presents back and forth to each others girls. Fast forward a few years and Salica had decided to downsize her doll collection and she made me an offer I could not refuse on two of my favorite girls of hers.


I adopted Sango ( a custom 02 head formerly named Clara ) and Elizabeth ( a default Mikuru Asahina ) from her. They came to me along with some clothing and a few other things and they immediately fit right in with the rest of my girls.


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We'll start out with Elizabeth first.


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She is NEVER without her little bunny friend Mr. Flops. He came with her from Salica. He is her best friend and goes everywhere with her.


She also loves magic and has done her best to learn it from reading books and watching movies. She even did her own magic show here once.... wearing her magicians outfit complete with magic wand. Here we see her trying to pull a rabbit out of a.... pumpkin? She gets a bear instead. XD


7432824936_49d365ca7f_z.jpgDSC_6342 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


Elizabeth came with her default twintail wig and another long one that was similar in color. But I wanted her original long one from Volks so I had to save up to get this outfit for her which included the wig. It is now her default wig.


7633283052_2a1c275629_z.jpgDSC_7218 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


She is very innocent and fun loving and at times can be pretty silly. She laughs a lot but is also quite the little scaredy cat. She relies on her big sister Sango a lot for protection and learning. Here she thinks an obi belt is actually a hat. LOL


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Speaking of Sango, let's check her out.


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When she arrived, she was an L-bust. But I quickly found out that her character didn't WANT to be an L-bust so she got downsized to the M-bust. Here she is in her L-bust cosplaying Beatrice.


Sango likes to dress up and has fun with it. Here she is as a cop.


6369908671_4ddfe2dcb0_z.jpgDSC_3158 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


She's very smart, loves her sister Elizabeth dearly and is quite protective of her. She is also VERY smitten with Rei. She works with her on experiments, helps her with running the house and also welcoming new girls. Here she is after getting the M-bust swap.


6502251645_f2fd43ff0a_z.jpgDSC_3394 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


Originally, Sango was painted to resemble the anime character Kuroneko. While it worked a little bit, I decided that she needed a redo and I wanted to show that likeness more. So I had her redone by Eblktty and this is how she turned out:


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So there's my two sisters from Canada! Elizabeth was my number 9 and Sango was number 10.



Look forward to another girl on 8-10!





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Happy birthday to Elizabeth and Sango ^^

At home : Hanae (DDS Chihaya)

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  merry-go-round said:
Happy birthday to Elizabeth and Sango ^^


Thank you very much!




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Due to being busy with lots of random crap in real life, I forgot to post another girls birthday on Friday! I suck as a DD parent....


But anyways, here is my next birthday girl, Umi!


9638004654_ebf662eb16_z.jpg_DSC0171 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


Umi is one of the hard to find prepainted Volks 01 heads. In order to get one, you had to purchase a Volks News magazine and then send in the voucher inside. While I didn't do this, an old friend of mine had done so and gotten TWO of them. Now here comes the fun part.


*I* didn't want the head for myself at the time. Another friend of mine's girlfriend was looking to make an MDD girl and really liked my Minako and Kino, both of which are 01 heads. She had seen the prepainted 01 in pics and really liked it. She asked if I knew how to get one and that made me think of my other friend that got two. So I got in touch with him, did a trade for something HE wanted and then let the girlfriend buy the 01 from me.


She got her girl all together and named her Umi. Umi means "sea" or "ocean" in Japanese and I thought it was a pretty name. Umi stayed with her owner for a little over a year before the original MDD body proved to be too floppy and annoying to deal with for her. Here's a pic of Umi as she looked before I got her. She is pictured on the right with my girl Minako being on the left.


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And another shot of her at a doll meet.


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So when I found out that she wanted to sell Umi due to the body problems, I immediately jumped at the chance to adopt her because I had already done MANY fixes on MDD bodies and knew I could make her better. The best thing was that other than those fixes, she was ready to go and the only change I needed to make was her wig. But I let my friends GF choose which wig she got so everyone was happy. She now uses a Volks twintail wig as her default.


9678743753_9a6a1ffa1e_z.jpgDSC_0595 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


After repairing her body, I found out about the Obitsu 40cm bodies and got one for my Minako. After fiddling with it and liking how sturdy it was, I decided to get one for Umi too. So her old MDD body went into the parts bin for spares.


Umi fits right in with the rest of my MDD girls. She's really good friends with Hitomi and shares the ability to see Fate no matter if she's invisible to others or not.


9678841909_905d7b0403_z.jpgDSC_0583 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


Minako likes Umi a lot too and is always wanting to play with her hair. XD


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Minako always winds up taking Umi on adventures and since Umi likes the outdoors, she usually goes along without hesitation. Here they are riding a four wheeler in the backyard and exploring "ancient ruins" they found. LOL


13831338503_aafa003626_z.jpgDSC_0970 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


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So that's my Umi! I hope you enjoyed her!





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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that s an adventure for a dollfie !

She lives a lot of thing since you see her.

Happy birthday to her too :')

At home : Hanae (DDS Chihaya)

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  merry-go-round said:
that s an adventure for a dollfie !

She lives a lot of thing since you see her.

Happy birthday to her too :')


Thank you very much! Most of my girls like adventures so I try to let them go out as often as I can.





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Love the ancient ruins!

Maybe they will uncover treasure there some day.


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Having read this yesterday, and then spending time with Illya last night, you need to post a thread on how to service the MDD body to deal with floppiness and ease at coming apart. Illya kept loosing her hand.


But happy bday. Glad they had some adventures. Looks like globs of fun. And twin tails, you can't go wrong with twin tails.

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  K-2 said:
Love the ancient ruins! Maybe they will uncover treasure there some day.


Thank you! I doubt there's any treasure there but you never know.


  sinclair said:
Having read this yesterday, and then spending time with Illya last night, you need to post a thread on how to service the MDD body to deal with floppiness and ease at coming apart. Illya kept loosing her hand. But happy bday. Glad they had some adventures. Looks like globs of fun. And twin tails, you can't go wrong with twin tails.


Yeah, you're right about that. I'll see what I can do about that in the near future. And thanks! Twin tails are so very nice but man do they take some serious brushing to tame and keep looking nice!


  TheWhiteRabbit said:
Happy Birthday Umi! I'm glad she made her way back to your family!


Thank you very much! It's nice to have her here for sure.





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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I'm a little late on these two girls due to work being really demanding this week. But now it's time for the next two B-day girls!


First up is Luna.


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Luna arrived home on 8-22-17. That's significant because that was the day we had the big full eclipse here in the US. I wanted to name her something to celebrate that event but Eclipse is no good and neither was Solar so we went with Luna. Her face was done by Eblktty of course.


36912577711_a7f551df2f_z.jpgDSC_0133 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


Luna likes the Decora style from Japan. She doesn't go full speed into it tho because I won't let her. Look up pics on Google if you wanna see full on Decora style in real life. It's a bit much for this little one. So she just loads up on bracelets, hairclips and dangly baubles for her backpack.


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Luna was my first DDH10 head girl and she makes a perfect MDD. She's outgoing, fun and likes fashion. She tries to help her sisters out whenever she can when it comes to dressing up. Luna is the direct little sister to my Lotus. Lotus is also a DDH10 but she is the older sister and is on a DDS single torso M-bust body. Here are the DDH10 sisters in matching yukata.


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The other girl that has a B-day is Nami! She's very important to the family.


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Nami came to me from one of my best friends in the hobby. The same girl who made Manami and sold her to me made Nami as well. Actually, she made Nami about 5 or 6 months BEFORE Manami so that kind of makes her Manami's older sister even tho she is on an MDD body. I got Nami as a B-day present back on 8-23-14. Yep, a present! Nicole wanted her first girl to be with her sister and the rest of my girls so she sent her to me. It was an awesome gift and I cherish her so much due to that.


The above pic is how she came to me. Cute enough and yes, she has closed eyes. But I knew she could be better so I had Eblktty redo her. And then when she came back from "The Spa", I got this:


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So now she was perfect! Nami is an 03 head on the original MDD body with an L-bust. I had to give her the bigger boobs because she *IS* Manami's older sister. Can't have her with an S-bust. LOL


39234734644_2b1fc1604c_z.jpgDSC_0791 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


Nami is basically the Matriarch of the family but she lets Rei run things. She keeps an eye on everything from behind and loves spending time with the MDD girls. She's everyone's older sister and welcomes helping them out any way she can. Rei enjoys her company and help with running the house and family but also relishes the fact that Manami is *terrified* of Nami sometimes. All Nami needs to do is shoot Manami a glance or say her name in "That Tone" and Manami goes running for the hills.


19046441010_ab7b8604d6_z.jpgDSC_5334 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


That's it for the B-day girls today! There's only one more for August and she will be up next week!


Thanks for looking!





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Alright, it's the last one for August! Yesterday was Kikirin's b-day! Who is Kikirin you ask? She's the sister of Kiririn!


Kikirin was a rescue doll I got here on the forums 3 years ago. She's an 01 head that had been modified. Here's what she looked like when she got to me.


43476494405_af543ef36d_z.jpg20108483212_1e046bc016_c by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


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Of course, I handed her over to Eblktty and she went to work on her for me. I actually gave Ebl complete control over what this girl would be. She could do whatever she wanted to for the face up and eyes and wig. So she went to town and I got this back:


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She became Kikirin! She's Kiririn's little sister. As you can see, she's a cat girl. She's super fun and super cat-like. She gets into all sorts of trouble too. Kikirin was on the original MDD body but I swapped it out for an Obitsu 40cm body with the large bust. She uses Volks eyes and the Miu Amaha default wig. The cat ears are the same as Kiririn, they came from Azone.


20850126998_2348ebd9a2_z.jpgDSC_5854 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


She loves her sister and Bud very much. These 3 are always hanging out and having fun together.


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So there we have it! All done for August. Now next month we'll have more girls so please check back to see who's next!





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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KIKKKEEEEHHHHH!!! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ SHES #1 KITTEH♡♡♡


ok. I'm done xD

At home: Too many....

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  EblKtty said:
KIKKKEEEEHHHHH!!! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ SHES #1 KITTEH♡♡♡ ok. I'm done xD


Hee hee, thanks! I know she is your favorite so I expected no less from her creator.


  TheWhiteRabbit said:
Aww Happy Birthday sweet kitten


Thank you very much!





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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September is upon us and with that we have more anniversaries!


September 1st is actually my next girls B-day, I was a day late. I adopted her on 9-1-2012. She was my number 14 girl.


Say hello to Reiko!


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She is an 02 head on a DD2 body with the regular L-bust. She uses Volks Madder Red eyes and a Cirno wig. Reiko is Rei's first attempt at a clone. She did an excellent job overall but good ol' Manami went and got her DNA mixed in with Rei's so Reiko got a bit of Manami in her. This is most easily seen with Reiko's eyes and breasts. Reiko has the same eyes as Manami and instead of the M-bust like Rei, she has the L-bust.


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Most of the time Reiko speaks and acts just like Rei does. But every so often, the Manami in her pokes its head up and Reiko will get a little sexy, get cravings for beer and cookies and talk with contractions.


8271416804_9d4a7f5b22_z.jpgDSC_9026 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


One time Rei tried to "fix" the issues with Reiko and the Manami mixup but all it did was change Reiko's eyes to be like Rei's. Unfortunately, Manami also got into that drink and this happened:


8258301564_5c1d518845_z.jpgDSC_9104 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


So there's Reiko. She is one of my favorite girls because of her connection to my number one and two girls. Plus, she's just fun to have around.


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Thank you for looking!





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Happy (late) Birthday, Reiko! Six years old and she's still as adorable as ever!

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Happy Late Birthday, Reiko-chan! Time really does just fly by! :o


I'm really enjoying this thread btw


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  Daisy-chan said:
Happy (late) Birthday, Reiko! Six years old and she's still as adorable as ever!


Thank you! I think she'll probably continue to be cute for much longer.


  DrifloonCazzie said:
Happy Late Birthday, Reiko-chan! Time really does just fly by! :o I'm really enjoying this thread btw


Thanks so much! I'm glad you're enjoying it. I hope others are too. And yes, time flys right on by! It doesn't feel like I've been collecting the girls for over 8 years now.





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Both Kiririn and Kikirin are so cute Bud is still number 1 though in my book lol



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  Meguchi said:
Both Kiririn and Kikirin are so cute Bud is still number 1 though in my book lol


Thank you very much! I've got a really big soft spot for the little ones and all three of those are outgoing enough to warrant more attention.


  TheWhiteRabbit said:
Happy Birthday Reiko! She really is the perfect blend of the two of them, she is Rei but just has those slight mischievous notes about her.


Thanks! I'm glad you think so too! I love how she turned out and she's quite fun to have around too.





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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