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Still a Newbie, Volks USA Store: What do you need?

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Okay! So I think I have a slight clue on how DD works? Or maybe I don't and this entire idea is a trainwreck haha. I'm still trying to create a Naoto Shirogane, clothes will be the next mission I guess


I'm on the Volks USA Store, and I have the following items

Type-I Rurikon Metallic

DDH-08 Open eyes, semi-white, soft cap (? what does that mean)

Gluesticks for gun

Glue gun

DD III Base body Semi-white


Should I get a sister base or just the regular base? Is there any difference besides height?


Oh yeah, face customization..... how on earth does that work??? I see that acrylics are used, can you use like acrylics bought at art stores? A special kind maybe? And brushes! I paint and draw, but my hands are super unsteady, so I usually stray away from thin brushes, but thats like the only option here Can you like Commission someone to do the face? Or how about just commission an entire DD for me


Send help, I think I'm going to need it

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maaaaybe don't use hot glue to place the eyes, get some putty instead. Softer, easier to position the eyes and remove in case of messing up placement/just wanting to replace eyes

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Seconding the glue gun thing. White poster tack or the volks putty will work just fine.


And yes, you can commission an artist to do the faceup for you. you totally don't need to tackle it yourself. There are a couple faceup threads down in the Painting and Customization section of the forum. And you can post a "Looking for" thread in the Looking For section if you want to try to find someone(or someone who knows of someone) to make her outfit.

Current Crew: Kaito(DDH07), Kagamine Rin, Kaito V3, 9S, Ruby(Arle), Devola(2B), Anya Forger

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Hi! Welcome to the hobby! (apologies for what is sure to be a longish post)


So, starting off with the head cap situation. All Dollfie Dreams now come with the soft head caps. This was a change that came about due to their previous head caps being extremely difficult to remove, and often needing a hair dryer to remove. This just means that the vinyl is soft and squishy.


For your question about the sister body. Get whatever body you feel will do better for your character. The sister body is both shorter, and a tad skinnier than the normal body. They both have the same range of motion, and they use the same heads, hands, and feet.


As for face customization. It can seem very daunting at first, but after you learn the basics, it's actually pretty easy. You just need a sealant, proper respirator, and your medium of choice. Personally I use pastels and watercolor pencils for the most part, but I know that a ton of faceup artists use acrylics for their dollfie dreams. You can visit the painting and customization part of the form to look at the different artists' work (including mine). And, yes, you can commission someone to paint your head for you. It just takes a little bit of digging to find the artist who works in a style that you like, and has available commission slots. I believe this can also be found in the painting and customization threads.


Anyway, good luck on your doll, and welcome to the hobby!

Currently at home: Kagamine Len, Kirito, 06 head, Akira head.

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Thank you all for the help! And o-kay, no hot glue gun

I'm going with the regular body, I just remembered that the uniform fits the regular body, not the sister version!

Man, finding a dark blue wig is hard! Doesn't help that I'm a mess with scissors, I do not want to cut the wig myself

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You could call salons and see if they'd cut a doll wig? Doll wigs are a pain to give a haircut T.T

Currently at home: Kagamine Len, Kirito, 06 head, Akira head.

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