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HI~ from Missouri!!

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Hello everyone.


I'm located in Missouri, but I'm sort of out in the boonies (sort of close to St. Louis). I was originally from California and have been around on DoA for several years now under the same name. I fairly recently bought a Dollfie Dream 1 for my sweetie off ebay (in 2010). She came with a ton of extras and has the HDD-02 head. She's a bit floppy. I restrung her arms once but am afraid to do the legs. If anyone has a DDI I'd appreciate some ideas how to get it a bit more fine tuned.


I own currently 5 resin bjds.


I'm sort of interested in either a cute AQ Lab vampire head or a mature head like Kanu or Sirius for myself. I'm having a hard time deciding between the 2 ideas...



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Welcome to the forum! ^^ I happen to be a big fan of the SQ lab heads, but Kanu and Sirius are gorgeous too.

A crazy fool with a house full of dolls, and ponies, and pony dolls


Now an Official Dealer for SQ Lab!

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Congratulations on your first Dollfie Dream (or your sweetie's first Dollfie Dream)~! I hope you're able to find the information that you're looking for in terms of restringing. I think both of the types of dolls that you're interested in sound equally fun! I hope you can make up your mind~

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First of all, hello! ^_^


I think there's maybe only 2 or 3 people in the entire forum that own or have owned DDI bodies.. I've never even seen one in person, but I have seen photos.


As for the heads you've listed as molds you would consider - Kanu's head is a different skintone than the DDI's or any of the regular released DD bodies, if you were seriously hunting for her you'd want to pick her up with her body. (She's a tan DDdy!)


Sirius is a great mold, though she is difficult to come by because of her age. Other mature looking DD's include Alna and her white skin clone Alna (white Christmas version).


I wish you a lot of luck in your hunting for your own DD!


Please visit my YouTube channel for helpful DD tips, tutorials, and reviews!

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Welcome, biff! I hope you like it here. I have a really old DDI body (Mirai 2003), but she is strung very tightly. I have never tried restringing her. She seems to pose pretty well because of the tight stringing. Baldylox also has one and I think had a friend restring the body to tighten it up.


Sirius is rare but she is not as high priced as Kanu. I do see them here and there on Yahoo! Japan Auction usually as a naked body without her wig or outfit. I saw a few end anywhere from $400 to $650 depending on how many accessories were included and the condition of the body. Kanu auctions even if she is naked with no accessories can still end quite high, but she is so gorgeous.

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I like the SQ Lab heads (I keep typing AQ, I blame WoW) as well but I'm not sure what I'd go with on that.. Mature or cutesy. Maybe it's just I like pretty much all of them... XDD


DDI bodies are a pain to find I've noticed, makes it tough to find info. The one I have is rather loosely strung.


I've actually been seeing Sirius around lately so I've been kind of tempted to go after her. I don't know if I'll be able to afford Kanu, though i do like her.


Too many pretty sculpts!

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Welcome to the board, biff!

DD 娘 - Dollfie Dream® Daughters

{1} : DDS [ユ-ピィ] - Euphie

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