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Hello from Maritime Canada!

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Hi to all the wonderful people on this forum!


I'm a longtime BJD collector who finally acquired a taste for vinyl dolls. So far I own only Volks Sailor Moon head and several off-topic vinyl dolls by Angel Philia and GRANADO. And plenty dolls in resin. I go by the name Tati on DenOfAngels.


Have a wonderful weekend!

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If you haven't already seen, there is a topic for Angel Philia in the Obitsu section here and there's a Granado topic in off-topic dolls too.

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Hi and thank you so much!


I didn't have a chance to check it out yet, but I will definitely do as soon as I can! On my first day I enjoyed customization and general information sections. So much to discover!

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Welcome ~ the word of vinyl is great having dabbled in both. However now I'm here to stay in DD land lmao. I look forward to seeing you around the forums


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Thank you for the warm welcome!


I totally plan to stay on-topic here!

I also plan to increase my DD family in the nearest future by DDIII body for my Sailor Moon and either DDS or DDDy to keep her company. Pictures will follow, of course.

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I can't wait DDdy has always been really tempting due to that tasty joint hidden beneath the bust (why I liked Smartdoll bodies) but clothing sounds hard.


Yes, can't wait my friend I'm always up for a chat if you ever want more dolly friends o/


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Thanks again, DrifloonCazzie!


Oh, so DDDy has a different joint structure? I thought it's only the size of the inner frame that differs. I can't wait to get my hands on both to take apart and compare. Maybe even by the end of this month. So many obstacles - typhoon consequences in Japan, Volks INT stopped taking PayPal, potential strike at CanadaPost. The world is falling apart and only DD shines in its glory... (being a drama queen)

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The seam on the vinyl on DDdy is higher up on the body, making bare-midriff clothing generally look better. See second pic in this thread:



On DD3 and DDS, you can also exchange the main body for the one-piece torso which has no joint/seam at the cost of some poseability.

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Dear cfx,


Thank you for the clarification! I see now what DrifloonCrazzie were talking about.


I've read the thread you mentioned from a to z. I guess the seam we're discussing is just a matter of preference/individual aesthetics. I don't mind it the way it looks in the pictures, but if it'll start bothering me - I've already seen another thread where people were doing subtractive modifications - cutting and sanding the upper torso to bring the split right under the breast line. I've done it myself before with resin parts. Vinyl should be a piece of cake.


Thank you so much for accepting me into the tribe!

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Hello!! I'm also new here, although I am also very new to 1/3 dolls in general. It's nice to see a fellow Canadian, although I'm from Ontario!

He/Him --- I like making stuff --- Please don't make sexual/lewd comments about my dolls, thank you!


At Home: Tyler (Akira 2nd), Adrienne (Smart Doll Mirai Cortex), Bryan (Smart Doll Eiji, cinnamon ver.)

Waiting For: Nothing atm

Wishlist: Smart Doll Crimson Kai in tea skin

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