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Sesshoumaru gets uppity

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So I love my Sesshy. He's the only male character I've ever wanted in doll form so now that I have him, I'm super happy with him. He's awesome.




Could he be more than he is now?


Meaning, if I take him out of his anime outfit and put him into some different kind of clothes, will he still be cool and awesome? I put out this question on Facebook and was overwhelmingly told I needed to let him wear something other than his default anime setup.


So I decided to try this and I screwed up. BAD. I let him pick out something from the clothing bins and what he put on was just..... DAMN. Just look at him.


44970048742_1a49c20c0a_z.jpgDSC_1216 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


44107005765_9651d0d75a_z.jpgDSC_1217 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


44970040452_a6d85908ea_z.jpgDSC_1218 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


Now here's what I mean by this was a bad thing. You can see how frikkin cool looking he is in this setup right? RIGHT? You know what this means for me now...…….


44970033092_fbb7bdbbe1_z.jpgDSC_1219 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


44970027562_ab3d9dcb49_z.jpgDSC_1220 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


44970021602_d20239cb19_z.jpgDSC_1221 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


I now have to go and buy MORE outfits like this so he can look like this more often. Do you have any idea what this is going to cost me????


44970015052_cd66fa7c3b_z.jpgDSC_1222 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


44970009662_10cabb5a9e_z.jpgDSC_1223 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


Anyway, this dapper looking guy just oozes aristocrat now. I both hate it and love it.


44970000882_7c8e45249f_z.jpgDSC_1225 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


I do kind of like his choice of reading material tho.


44969995642_e37f30e6fb_z.jpgDSC_1226 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


45018177721_24f414848f_z.jpgDSC_1227 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


In case anyone is wondering, his outfit is actually parts from two separate Volks sets. The vest and shirt are from a DDdy butler set and the pants are form a SD male outfit set.


45018173601_fd3e32d8ff_z.jpgDSC_1228 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


"I suggest backing away and procuring me more of this type garb before you incur my wrath you puny human."


44106966195_3d3c4a9d67_z.jpgDSC_1229 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


Sheesh. I try and be nice and now my wallet is worse off than before. I should have left him alone and bought more lingerie for the girls.





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I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Your wallet will suffer even more now Sesshoumaru makes everything look good

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Very nice.


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I KNEW he would rock a suit! The lone butler in the Maid Brigade.


Enabling powers, ACTIVATE!




So I've been oggling these, because this particular brand (Odd Numbers) actually offers custom sizing. Mimiyo told me that some of the SD13 boy stuff can be hit or miss on Smart Doll dudes, and of course DD Boys wind up fitting girl stuff more than guy stuff, so that's why I'm drooling over good stuff in custom sizes.


And you can't tell me Sesshy wouldn't look amazing in a top hat.

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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The real question is, what do all the girls think of it?

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He looks very hot in that outfit

Living at my place: Rise (DD Rise Kujikawa), Chie (Smart Doll Mirai) and Aisha (Smart Doll Kurenai)

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Your wallet will suffer even more now Sesshoumaru makes everything look good


Haha, I know! I was surprised at how dapper he is in this setup. Now I have to figure out if the girls will allow me to spend money on outfits that they won't be wearing. LOL


Very nice.


Thank you sir!


I KNEW he would rock a suit! The lone butler in the Maid Brigade.


Enabling powers, ACTIVATE!




So I've been oggling these, because this particular brand (Odd Numbers) actually offers custom sizing. Mimiyo told me that some of the SD13 boy stuff can be hit or miss on Smart Doll dudes, and of course DD Boys wind up fitting girl stuff more than guy stuff, so that's why I'm drooling over good stuff in custom sizes.


And you can't tell me Sesshy wouldn't look amazing in a top hat.


Ha ha ha! I knew you'd get a kick out of his clothing change. I do like some of the clothing there, I'll have to save that link for future reference or purchases. Thanks! And yeah, I do think he would rock a top hot pretty easily. But if gets one of those, I'll want him to have a monocle too. For reasons.


The real question is, what do all the girls think of it?


Heh, as soon as I put away the camera setup and lighting, Sesshy got swamped by three girls..... Manami of course was first to step up and say hello.


He looks very hot in that outfit


Thank you very much!


My! what a distinguished fellow! He looks really great in that suit.


Thanks so much! I was definitely going for the more high society look for him.





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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