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After Bon Odori Pics

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After we were done at the Bon Odori Festival in Charlotte, a friend and I went to his place. He lives in a nice little town near Charlotte and there were some neat places downtown that he said we could take our girls for pics. So we grabbed them and headed over there. Here's main street.


43641679375_74d0322d98_z.jpgDSC_1786 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


I've always liked architecture and there were a few things here that caught my eye. One was this building.


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It had nice stone detailing.


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Across from there was the park area.


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This sculpture was cool and it actually moved when the wind hit it.


29612993097_a4dc275e63_z.jpgDSC_1788 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


Since my little Cirno was pooped from the festival, I brought along Rose. She's one of my newest girls and is the second I have covered in freckles. She's also very outdoorsy and was having a great time climbing things.


30680832228_0012c2a307_z.jpgDSC_1789 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


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Rose is also my very first 08 head girl! As usual, she was painted by Eblktty.


30680822968_ca799da5ff_z.jpgDSC_1791 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


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There were lots of interesting areas to take pics near. Bricks are always a nice backdrop.


43833152524_16833cc053_z.jpgDSC_1795 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


43833143014_fc5f354b74_z.jpgDSC_1797 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


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As mentioned earlier, she's a climber. She's not afraid of heights at all either.


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"Papa! Let's head over there next!"


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My little wall crawler in action.


44550986511_68a3e46277_z.jpgDSC_1811 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


42742242690_4092325b42_z.jpgDSC_1812 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


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She ran off to the flowers next.


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After the flowers we headed across the street to see another park. Rose found some cool animal carvings in brick.


44501661762_ff5350b1ae_z.jpgDSC_1821 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


This was the bottom of a water fountain but it wasn't running.


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My friends Smartdoll girl Hana came with us and she also found some carvings.


44501652872_2585b84a97_z.jpgDSC_1823 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


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I'm not sure if Hana is a climber or not, she doesn't seem too happy up there.


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Another neat looking building.


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Rose of course heads back up the nearest thing she can climb.


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The sun was getting low but we had one more spot to hit on the way back. There was a cool train museum near his place that had a full sized train caboose outside! Of course the girls were all over it.


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Rose wanted to ride on it but it wasn't budging. LOL


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Hana was out back.


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The girls had the idea to play train robbers because Hana was packing heat.


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Rose - "Open up or we'll blow the door out!"


Hana - "And give us all your cupcakes!"


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Gene told Hana that wasn't very nice but Hana quickly turned the tables on her Papa by demanding his wallet "or else".


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Ahh the last light of the setting sun! Rose got all dramatic because of it.... or something.


29612855257_f6612d7c6f_z.jpgDSC_1843 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


42742134460_30a4c9f370_z.jpgDSC_1845 by Billy Bennett, on Flickr


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And that's all! I hope you enjoyed the pics!





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Looks like it was a fun time for all. I'm impressed at how well Roe climbs, I know it's not easy for the girls to stay up like that.


As for the train robbery, you can tell they are total noobs at it. The one with the gun should be in front, not in the back, else you end up shooting your partner. Unless that was Hana's plan all along, to keep the cupcakes for herself...

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Those last two shoots are excellent. That golden hour light really looks good on Rose.


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Looks like it was a fun time for all. I'm impressed at how well Rose climbs, I know it's not easy for the girls to stay up like that.


Oh definitely! I love exploring new places, especially when I can take one of my girls with me. And thanks about her climbing ability! She's on a DDS body so she's plenty posable. It took some time for a few of those photos but she helped me out quite a lot.


As for the train robbery, you can tell they are total noobs at it. The one with the gun should be in front, not in the back, else you end up shooting your partner. Unless that was Hana's plan all along, to keep the cupcakes for herself...



Oh yeah, I don't think either of them even knew what train robbers actually do. I think Hana was a bit scared to open the door so she was doing backup. Rose is very outgoing so she had no problem being up front and in charge.



So pretty :3


Indeed she is and it's all your fault! I really do like Rose a lot, she was a lot of fun to have out there for photos.


Those last two shoots are excellent. That golden hour light really looks good on Rose.


Thank you sir! I love golden hour lighting! It's been a while since I was out during those times so I made sure to get a few closeups to really show off how pretty she is.





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Hana quickly turned the tables on her Papa by demanding his wallet "or else".


That's not fair -- I think it's quite clear that you haven't been in possession of your wallet for a very long time

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