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Dollfie Dream Body's

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How well does the Dollfie Dream Sister Base Body fit into SD sized clothing? Like clothes that aren't made by Volks. My Miku Dollfie fits into Code Noir clothing really well but they're Dollfie Dream designed clothes, She hasn't worn any regular SD sized Stuff.

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Yes! If it fits a DD, it will fit a DDS.

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Clothes that fit a DD may look a bit baggy on DDS. Clothing for SD can vary in fit on a DD.


In general SDGr/SD13 works, and some SD13 items look great on DDS. Some look big on DD, and SD have a wider waist, so depending on the item it may not work well.


The fit for SDGr clothing will be M Bust.


In my experience the stuff Dollheart labels DD M bust fits DD quite nicely.

Edited by Guest

The difference between Dollfie Dreams and Heroin? Heroin is illegal, Dollfie Dreams probably should be.

“Empty wallets, full hearts.” That’s probably an apt description for the effects of DD addiction

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To add a bit of information, Volks SD clothing that lists DD compatibility often has some adjustability, extra sets of loops for the hooks on corsets and such. I don't know if any other makers do this.


That said, Volks' definition of "fits" can be pretty loose (pun lol), as the SD16 stuff that's claimed to fit DD will typically have sleeves that are way too long if it's long sleeved, waists that are too lose, chokers that are too loose, etc.

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