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Smart Doll Crimson Sizes

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What size SD clothing does Crimson fit into? I've heard and read mixed things, I've heard people say SD17 but i've also heard SD13.

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In my experience from when I still had an Eiji, sd13 is the best bet. SD16/17 clothes he just swam in - it didn't even look baggy in a 'cute' way because of how much smaller Smartdoll's heads are.

The only thing was that I think smartdoll has longer arms than a typical sd13, as I noticed some of the sleeves were a bit on the short side.

I had a SD13 cardigan, hoodie and suit set - the former were from TTYA i think and the suit from Volks.

I also got him a SD16 sweater and volks SD16 school uniform set which looked really bad on him (I ended up selling the uniform set, but the sweater, funnily enough, looks fine as a 'baggy cute' sweater on the DDs - again, the head size makes a big difference)

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To give an exact. I would get 60cm SD13 size. I've tried 65 cm and 70cm(SD17) And they don't really look good at all. I bought a SD16 shirt and jeans set from Volks and I was very mixed. The shirt was way too massive, but the jeans fit him kinda well. Honestly stuff from Volks is a hit or miss(Usually a miss) even with the SD13 stuff. I bought a suit which was Volks branded and it looked very ugly on my smart doll too chunky. As Torino said, the small heads from the boy dolls is what makes or breaks a look.

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