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MDD Body Alternatives?

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I’ve been looking for something that will fit my mini dollfie for a lower price. I wasn’t sure what obitsus fit, or wich skin colors match. Or if theres other doll bodies. thanks

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The Obitsu 40cm bodies are a wonderful alternative to the MDD bodies, especially if you're looking for a stronger body with really good poseability. I have quite a few DD heads on these bodies and they work really well. Check over in the Off Topic Doll section to see plenty of girls using that body or similar ones from Obitsu.


Forgot to say the good color match for the DD heads is the Obitsu "white" skin.


EDIT: Check this thread to see the differences in the MDD and Obitsu bodies.




And just so you know, the new MDD3 bodies are far superior to the old original MDD bodies for posing and strength. Yeah, they cost more than the Obitsu bodies do but it all depends on what you like for aesthetics and style for your girl.






I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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okay thank you!

a few questions about that. is there a website i can get them from, or can i get them form somewhere that doesn’t charge extra fees? Also, how do they look with a semi white head?

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This isn't vinyl - buuuut...

Volks MSDs are resin dolls that are very similar in size to MDDs, made by the same company, and can share clothes. They're super expensive new, but there are a lot of them floating around on Yahoo Japan Auctions, really inexpensively (in the 100 USD range). Some are a bit damaged or yellowed, but others are in really good condition. There are less bust options for them than there are for MDDs, and they tend to have single-piece torsos - but it's still worth considering. Not sure how the skin tones would match, as I haven't bought one yet (that was my plan for my 06, but plans change), but it would probably be really close if you find a newer MSD body.


Disclaimer: You have to be a bit more careful with resins than vinyls. They yellow when exposed to UV light, so most cautious doll owners keep them in dark boxes, rather than displaying them. They're held together by elastic string and S-hooks, rather than internal frames like MDDs, so their posing is a bit fiddly and not always as smooth as vinyls (cheap MSDs tend to be single-jointed, which limits their range of motion somewhat). They're heavier than vinyls, due to being less hollow and made of denser materials, and can chip if dropped - whereas vinyls dent and bounce back.

But they're less prone to staining than vinyls, and staining doesn't happen as fast - if you catch the stain fast, you can clean it up with a melamine sponge in a few minutes, instead of doing Oxy-10 treatments. And their weight can make for really sturdy standing, when you learn to balance them well.


This isn't done as often as Obitsu-DD hybrids are, but it's still doable, and could be a good idea if you're willing to put up with resins' quirks in exchange for a body that can still use MDD clothes



With regards to Obitsus, Parabox International sells Obitsu bodies/parts/wigs/clothes/shoes/eyes/everything - haven't bought from them, but they're reputable.

Google will probably turn up skin tone comparisons - if not, forum search here; someone's probably done that.

The post above this signature was probably TLDR, and I am very sorry.

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