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Help Finding a Wig

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Hello! I have a character concept in mind that I’ve been wanting to turn into a doll for some time now— her head and body are in the mail right now, but boy am I having some difficulty finding the perfect wig. I’ve bought other wigs for her that are really cute, but none that are as close to my concept that I’m hoping.


The wig I’m looking for is light pink with long, straight, detachable(*) twintails. It would preferably have face-framing pieces that go below the chin.

* They don’t have to be detachable as long as they look somewhat like how Lullaby Poem does it— she does non-detachable twintails really nicely. (See: Akiko)


I did order Leekeworld’s LR-038 in peach pink, but while it hasn’t arrived yet, I’m afraid it’s going to be a bit too warm-toned for what I’m looking for, as well as not having the face framing pieces, as well as the twintails perhaps being a tad too long and thick (of course I could trim them though).


I stumbled upon Miruya some time ago, but wrote it off as I’ve heard they don’t operate their webstore anymore, and recently I haven’t been able to find them on Y!JA. However, they have the perfect wig.




It’s perfect. It has the framing pieces, the twintails aren’t too long or thick, it’s not too long in the back, and it’s the colour I’m looking for exactly! However, like I said before, it doesn’t seem like there’s a way to order it, let alone order any of their wigs. If I’m wrong though, please let me know!


Anyway, I’m hoping some of you wig experts can lead me in the direction of what I’m looking for. I would be eternally grateful.



Edited by Guest

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I've found some pink twintail wigs, but they're all longer than what you're looking for and I don't think they're the right shade of pink. I've linked them below.


Mandarake's Himekazura brand: X


Two wigs from Coolcat X X


This one from Coolcat is not as long as the others: X

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I've found some pink twintail wigs, but they're all longer than what you're looking for and I don't think they're the right shade of pink. I've linked them below.


Mandarake's Himekazura brand: X


Two wigs from Coolcat X X


This one from Coolcat is not as long as the others: X


Oh that himekazura one is gorgeous, but that price point is hmmm... We’ll see lol. Thanks!

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The Miruya wig says it's out of stock too unfortunately.


Yeah I know lol >__< I emailed them asking for the curly version of the wig— not expecting a reply but thought I would try anyway. If worst comes to worst I’ll proxy that one (looked on twitter and apparently the webstore is still running, they just don’t reply to emails anymore) and then straighten it myself.

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Little update: I used FromJapan to order the curly version of the pink twintail wig. That was on the 12th, and it arrived at the warehouse today. So wig crisis is averted now, because once I straighten it, it’ll be perfect. A bit of a roundabout way to get it since obviously the straight version would be ideal, but c’est la vie. Thank you for the suggestions those who replied.

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