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The Future of DollfieDreams

What do you think of upgrading DollfieDreams?  

125 members have voted

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Ooooh, it would be really exciting if Smart Doll and Azone and Angel Philia and so forth were officially "on topic" -- if it were just a big "we love all big vinyl girls (and boys)" forum!!


Especially if we could use the MP for other types of vinyl, that would be especially helpful, and might help bump up traffic?

Doll Photos & Doll Jewelry Sales: Follow me on Instagram

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Maybe change it to DollfieDreaming if you go with that. As for other dolls, I don't mind if they get a subforum, but the whole reason I picked this forum over others is because it's focus was DDs and I wouldn't have to sort through other doll types, but there were some threads I could easily find if I wanted to look at other dolls, like SmD and PN.


One other point I would make is as you make the move and change, bring a couple others on boards (Like Billy.) to run the site and have full admin right like you do. I know there have been a couple times Billy could get something done as you were busy with life (Which happens to all of us.). I think picking two trusted others to join you at the super admin level, and adding a couple more moderators would help with site upkeep.

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I feel like there needs to be a "I want the change AND I'll help pay for it" option. Cause you can have all sorts of people going "YEAH! SURE I LOVE THAT IDEA," but then zero commitment to it. Just good to know what potentially help you may get. I'm on the "I'm fine no matter what" place. I know I'm not going to fund this and thus I'm not gonna say I want it.




I know this is going to be shutdown but I'm just gonna say it.

I think a dispute section should be added (I.e. Similar to DoA's Paging Threads).

I think a lot happens in this side of the hobby (and within this forum) and there's no where where people can really openly talk about it. On DoA if you are leaving negative feedback they purposely make it out in the open because A) Can try to reach a resolution (which staying behind PMs mean they can act and avoid all they want) and B) Let people see the situation and judge for themselves.


It also is a way to air out some of the dirty laundry that I know exists within this hobby just cause of who I've known. Some really messed up stuff (Like theft of way too much money/dolls) has been never voiced and you know if it was DoA that sh*t would have been said in a heartbeat. I just don't want these occurrences to happen again. You know it is bad when people feel forced to only make their comments via BJD Confession posts. When I talk to people who have negative experiences and feel INTIMIDATED to post negative feedback it really hurts me to see that.


I would personally volunteer to run this side of the forum. The reality is dispute forums are very off-hands for mods. You just keep things on topic, you keep non-related posts (I.e. other people's opinions out when not relevant), And you note when they are resolved/how they resolved. The biggest rule though is if the transaction happened on this site NO MATTER WHO IT IS you have the right to post it and no mod has a right to interfere unless for what was stated above. But ain't no deleting or nothing.


I find it insane that there is no real place directly hooked to this forum where disputes can be aired out. Almost every forum I've joined hobby wise has had a place where you are allowed to post about your bad experience beyond the puny feedback system we have. I just think it is just something that we need in case things do happen. I think I can see some situations having been avoided if this had been around.


And I did think maybe we could do a not direct one, like on on FB, but then I think a lot could be potentially missed for those who don't know to look on the FB group.


Again I know this is not gonna be added, but as the forum grows a think this may be necessary. Just my opinion. Sorry for the wall of text. I'm bad at just saying my point. ^^;;

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  Gunter said:
I feel like there needs to be a "I want the change AND I'll help pay for it" option. Cause you can have all sorts of people going "YEAH! SURE I LOVE THAT IDEA," but then zero commitment to it. Just good to know what potentially help you may get. I'm on the "I'm fine no matter what" place. I know I'm not going to fund this and thus I'm not gonna say I want it.




I know this is going to be shutdown but I'm just gonna say it.

I think a dispute section should be added (I.e. Similar to DoA's Paging Threads).

I think a lot happens in this side of the hobby (and within this forum) and there's no where where people can really openly talk about it. On DoA if you are leaving negative feedback they purposely make it out in the open because A) Can try to reach a resolution (which staying behind PMs mean they can act and avoid all they want) and B) Let people see the situation and judge for themselves.


It also is a way to air out some of the dirty laundry that I know exists within this hobby just cause of who I've known. Some really messed up stuff (Like theft of way too much money/dolls) has been never voiced and you know if it was DoA that sh*t would have been said in a heartbeat. I just don't want these occurrences to happen again. You know it is bad when people feel forced to only make their comments via BJD Confession posts. When I talk to people who have negative experiences and feel INTIMIDATED to post negative feedback it really hurts me to see that.


I would personally volunteer to run this side of the forum. The reality is dispute forums are very off-hands for mods. You just keep things on topic, you keep non-related posts (I.e. other people's opinions out when not relevant), And you note when they are resolved/how they resolved. The biggest rule though is if the transaction happened on this site NO MATTER WHO IT IS you have the right to post it and no mod has a right to interfere unless for what was stated above. But ain't no deleting or nothing.


I find it insane that there is no real place directly hooked to this forum where disputes can be aired out. Almost every forum I've joined hobby wise has had a place where you are allowed to post about your bad experience beyond the puny feedback system we have. I just think it is just something that we need in case things do happen. I think I can see some situations having been avoided if this had been around.


And I did think maybe we could do a not direct one, like on on FB, but then I think a lot could be potentially missed for those who don't know to look on the FB group.


Again I know this is not gonna be added, but as the forum grows a think this may be necessary. Just my opinion. Sorry for the wall of text. I'm bad at just saying my point. ^^;;


I'd have to disagree with you on this. My other hobby forum doesn't have one, and they shut down any and all threads that people try to start like this, and I support their choice in that. It's always buyer beware on sites like this. Unless they site has some vested interest in a sale, they should stay out of it, and staying out of it include not allowing grievances to be aired, IMHO. Having a section like that is just opening the site up to legal actions if things really go south. If you think someone is doing fraudulent sales, let the admins know in a PM, along with anything to support your claim, and let the admins then decide if they close the account or not.

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I'm not sure I agree on this. On the one hand, I would hate for their to be a negative board with problem transactions on it, especially since I have done numerous transactions on this forum for thousands of dollars and never had a problem. On the other, if there is going to be a marketplace open, then having a sub-forum that allows people to hold others responsible on the forum seems like a good idea to me. It is of course buyer beware, but if the marketplace is something being supported (and I definitely want it to be!) I don't think having a place to post potential issues is a bad thing. Ultimately, I will support whichever option becomes a reality, and I hope we never have to shut down the marketplace


  sinclair said:
  Gunter said:
I feel like there needs to be a "I want the change AND I'll help pay for it" option. Cause you can have all sorts of people going "YEAH! SURE I LOVE THAT IDEA," but then zero commitment to it. Just good to know what potentially help you may get. I'm on the "I'm fine no matter what" place. I know I'm not going to fund this and thus I'm not gonna say I want it.




I know this is going to be shutdown but I'm just gonna say it.

I think a dispute section should be added (I.e. Similar to DoA's Paging Threads).

I think a lot happens in this side of the hobby (and within this forum) and there's no where where people can really openly talk about it. On DoA if you are leaving negative feedback they purposely make it out in the open because A) Can try to reach a resolution (which staying behind PMs mean they can act and avoid all they want) and B) Let people see the situation and judge for themselves.


It also is a way to air out some of the dirty laundry that I know exists within this hobby just cause of who I've known. Some really messed up stuff (Like theft of way too much money/dolls) has been never voiced and you know if it was DoA that sh*t would have been said in a heartbeat. I just don't want these occurrences to happen again. You know it is bad when people feel forced to only make their comments via BJD Confession posts. When I talk to people who have negative experiences and feel INTIMIDATED to post negative feedback it really hurts me to see that.


I would personally volunteer to run this side of the forum. The reality is dispute forums are very off-hands for mods. You just keep things on topic, you keep non-related posts (I.e. other people's opinions out when not relevant), And you note when they are resolved/how they resolved. The biggest rule though is if the transaction happened on this site NO MATTER WHO IT IS you have the right to post it and no mod has a right to interfere unless for what was stated above. But ain't no deleting or nothing.


I find it insane that there is no real place directly hooked to this forum where disputes can be aired out. Almost every forum I've joined hobby wise has had a place where you are allowed to post about your bad experience beyond the puny feedback system we have. I just think it is just something that we need in case things do happen. I think I can see some situations having been avoided if this had been around.


And I did think maybe we could do a not direct one, like on on FB, but then I think a lot could be potentially missed for those who don't know to look on the FB group.


Again I know this is not gonna be added, but as the forum grows a think this may be necessary. Just my opinion. Sorry for the wall of text. I'm bad at just saying my point. ^^;;


I'd have to disagree with you on this. My other hobby forum doesn't have one, and they shut down any and all threads that people try to start like this, and I support their choice in that. It's always buyer beware on sites like this. Unless they site has some vested interest in a sale, they should stay out of it, and staying out of it include not allowing grievances to be aired, IMHO. Having a section like that is just opening the site up to legal actions if things really go south. If you think someone is doing fraudulent sales, let the admins know in a PM, along with anything to support your claim, and let the admins then decide if they close the account or not.

*Yuzu* DDS Yaya

*Yuuko* DDIII Aozaki Aoko

*Sakura* DDII Uryuu Sakuno

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  sinclair said:
I'd have to disagree with you on this. My other hobby forum doesn't have one, and they shut down any and all threads that people try to start like this, and I support their choice in that. It's always buyer beware on sites like this. Unless they site has some vested interest in a sale, they should stay out of it, and staying out of it include not allowing grievances to be aired, IMHO. Having a section like that is just opening the site up to legal actions if things really go south. If you think someone is doing fraudulent sales, let the admins know in a PM, along with anything to support your claim, and let the admins then decide if they close the account or not.



I've not replied here mainly because Averis and I have been chatting behind the scenes about this for some time now. We thought it best to bring it to everyone and give you the choice of what you want.


Along those lines, I'm all for some changes here that will bring more traffic. Yes, the golden age of these forums seems to have now passed us by and traffic is down overall. But this is still an extremely significant source of information, photos and friends that is rare to find anywhere else online now. That's why I like Averis' idea of keeping this as an archive of sorts and then starting up anew with another forum that is more user friendly to the newer generation of doll collectors and hobbyists. Whether we hate it or love it, social media is in every part of our lives now. I personally am not invested heavily in it at all... I only post on Instagram and sometimes Twitter and have a "hidden" Facebook account that I only do doll stuff with.


But anyway, my main reason for replying here has to do with the above quote. I'm in total agreement with Sinclair. In order for things to stay civil and for it to be a more friendly environment for all ages, things like that need to stay far removed from this or the new forum. And I say that knowing full well how there is definitely a dirty underbelly to the hobby that no one likes to talk about. There's several things that people just don't want to know about or care to know about at all and that's fine with me. I know all about the PAGES of complaints against me on those disgusting confession sites because of how people perceive me and how I enjoy this hobby. People that don't know anything about me personally HATE me. Why? Because they are bitter, angry, lonely and can say whatever they like because they can hide who they are and lash out at me or anyone they feel they don't agree with and get away with it. WE DO NOT NEED THAT HERE. It is destructive, corrosive, cruel and downright evil.


I come here as an escape from my daily life. This is a hobby. It is supposed to be FUN. It is supposed to let me enjoy myself and not have to worry about being someone I'm not. Keeping that alive is difficult, real difficult. Bringing in new people to a hobby is its lifeblood. Without new people entering a hobby, it grows stale and weak and will die. I've seen it several times and I do not want it to happen here.


I am sorry for the rant but this has been bugging me for a while and I figured this was the best place to get it off my chest and not sound like a jerk. Thank you for letting me do it.


Back on the topic of the forum change, I'd like to see SOME changes here but overall I'm happy with how it is. But in order to grow, prosper and gain new people to the hobby, we need to move forward. So I voted for a new forum while keeping this as an archive. And I am definitely down to give money to the cause. I've been a member here for almost 9 years now and there's no way I'm leaving anytime soon. I have too much time invested here and I have too many friends here as well. I don't want that to change. And I want more friends too. And more help in modding would also be kind of nice too. Sure, this place isn't difficult to moderate but it does tend to get overwhelming if I don't check here and clean things up on a daily basis. I'd be happy with just one more mod to help me out. And the idea of making me a junior admin is also kind of cool but that's up to Averis.


Keep the comments coming everyone, it's helping us figure out what you want and how to get it to you!





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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I mean each their own. I see this as super resourceful. When someone does something wrong and starts to avoid it sends out the word. It can bring it to attention and lead to a resolution.


The reality on DOA most of it is people wanting to buy and they haven't heard anything or their inbox is full. It doesn't have to be all negative btw.


I see this as a community. I want to know what is happening. I wanna know how people are treating my fellow hobbyists. And guess what the best way to know that can be being out in the open with it. It also allows the community to support who was wronged.


And if anyone only sees it as "drama" then you are missing so much. I don't know if that's part of it, I'm just saying.


Also I don't see it as "a negative space" I see it as essential. If you can't handle the bad that happens in a hobby, sure, avoid the sub-forum, but at least you'll have it if you (hopefully not) need it.

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I think Gunter has a point here worth considering, in that having a feature that allows for more transparency and public accountability could be a useful resource for working through issues when they arise. I choose to say "issues" and not "problems", because a paging system doesn't have to be for just complaints. The goal would primarily be to facilitate resolving a question, whatever said question may be - even wondering if someone is okay if there's unexpected prolonged absence.


I don't know what BJD Confessions is (maybe I should look it up?), and I am pleased to be able to say I have had only one difficult interaction in my whole history on these DD Forums, so I'm not aware of what kinds of complaints exist out there that the folks who've spoken may be wary of. I wouldn't want a section that's just complaints, either.


I can see the benefits of a DoA-like paging system though, just to keep the honest people honest. A lot of times a member, at least on that site, may not even know there's a question until they get paged (because of PM inbox settings), and getting paged can alert them to the existence of said question. That's a useful service.


Is it one the DD Forums needs? I'm not the one to make the call on that, but, ultimately accept or ultimately reject, I thought I'd at least mention that the idea seems worth some consideration in any case.


Edit: Huh - reading Averis' recent post too.. that's an interesting idea to archive the existing site so that it's preserved wholesale regardless of the extent of how much could be migrated to a new site!

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  Gunter said:
I mean each their own. I see this as super resourceful. When someone does something wrong and starts to avoid it sends out the word. It can bring it to attention and lead to a resolution.


The reality on DOA most of it is people wanting to buy and they haven't heard anything or their inbox is full. It doesn't have to be all negative btw.


I see this as a community. I want to know what is happening. I wanna know how people are treating my fellow hobbyists. And guess what the best way to know that can be being out in the open with it. It also allows the community to support who was wronged.


And if anyone only sees it as "drama" then you are missing so much. I don't know if that's part of it, I'm just saying.


Also I don't see it as "a negative space" I see it as essential. If you can't handle the bad that happens in a hobby, sure, avoid the sub-forum, but at least you'll have it if you (hopefully not) need it.


I personally agree with this. While the current feedback system is nice, I would like something more robust. One of the other hobby forums I frequent has a space for in-depth transaction reviews, and it is a great resource for how various artists are to work with, who packs their things well, and who should be avoided for various reasons (such as scamming under multiple aliases, or that they are dangerous to be around.) I want to know if I should feel comfortable supporting an individual or a business, for more reasons than "I got my money/product".


And regardless of what happens with the current forum, I would love to see some more "housekeeping" going on. I am so, so tired of being unable to browse this forum on my phone bc threads containing doll nudity are rarely tagged as NSFW. That, and I am not always interested in seeing unclothed XL busts. Some consideration and courtesy would be nice.

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He/Him --- I like making stuff --- Please don't make sexual/lewd comments about my dolls, thank you!


At Home: Tyler (Akira 2nd), Adrienne (Smart Doll Mirai Cortex), Bryan (Smart Doll Eiji, cinnamon ver.)

Waiting For: Nothing atm

Wishlist: Smart Doll Crimson Kai in tea skin

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  SakuraSylph said:

I don't know what BJD Confessions is (maybe I should look it up?), and I am pleased to be able to say I have had only one difficult interaction in my whole history on these DD Forums, so I'm not aware of what kinds of complaints exist out there that the folks who've spoken may be wary of. I wouldn't want a section that's just complaints, either.


Sorry to go off-topic bit, just saying this real fast. BJD Confessions (There are multiple ones but I think True-BJD-Confessions on Tumblr is still the most popular?) is just an anonymous space where people can say whatever they want to say. Some people use it as a way to get stuff off their chest or leave feedback in a way they won't feel like they will be intimidated: I.e. https://true-bjd-confessions.tumblr.com/post/182585297517/not-naming-names-because-this-person-is-rather?fbclid=IwAR36kCOvlwDLAxq_s4pkF-1pE9ldlkuE9AOnge9SCiTSANEv_bumcKSBZak#notes


I'm not going to say this person is referring to someone here but the feeling that they can't come forward and leave this person flakey feedback really bothers me. Ain't no one allowed to be denied leaving appropriate feedback no matter how well known an individual is. In fact if a well known person is abusing status then I think they need to be spoken up about more.


For the rest...

The things that I am referring to happened years ago, and the victims have given up on getting their dolls or money for said dolls back. I just think about how maybe their situation could have been avoided if a system like that had been created and used during that time. They probably wouldn't have been pushed into that corner of just getting nothing...


Again sorry for off-topic I just figured I'd clear this stuff up really fast.


Pls note if anyone PMs me about this I will not disclose names. I probably won't even really tell you everything. Just know it was bad.

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I certainly like the idea of keeping this forum as an archive so nothing is lost. I have a suggestion which may not be feasible or may be too much work. In the Photos subforum in particular, there are many old threads where the pictures are long gone due to deleted flickr accounts and the like. Some of those are still useful because of some discussion in them, but many aren't because the comments are just on the pictures which are no longer there. When I went through that section of the forum, it got pretty frustrating after a while with so many threads with no content. This thread viewtopic.php?f=31&t=1422 is just a random example.


There's also some kind of database error(s), where on the last page of some of the subforums there are threads that don't actually exist when you click on them.


Due to issues I've had with Paypal I won't use them anymore and thus the marketplace isn't useful for me so I don't have a stake in the feedback discusssion, but I'll echo Billy's stance that I don't want this to turn into a negative place, and if that were to happen I would most likely leave. That said, I have no idea how the stuff works on DoA as I'm not a member there.


  sinclair said:
As for other dolls, I don't mind if they get a subforum, but the whole reason I picked this forum over others is because it's focus was DDs and I wouldn't have to sort through other doll types, but there were some threads I could easily find if I wanted to look at other dolls, like SmD and PN.

I'll also echo this. I think it's great if other dolls get elevated above their current off-topic status, but on the other hand I'd want to see them still have their own specific subforums. For instance, Angel Philia are generally too...extreme...for me and I like having things separated so I don't have to look at things I maybe would rather not see.

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Well, just need a new name! My first thought is VinylAngels.


We can look at cleaning up sections and reorganizing when the new site is setup. I'm not sure how I feel about having an area to discuss issues. I feel these things should be handled with those involved and not in the open.

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  Averis said:
I'm not sure how I feel about having an area to discuss issues. I feel these things should be handled with those involved and not in the open.


Anonymously at least its a bad idea.


The current feedback system should be enough if something has gone wrong for whatever reason.


Concerning the posted example, perhaps make changes to the split rules that by posting interest in a split item you put yourself up for a forum feedback rating - be it positive or negative. as the forum now works the parties involved do need to post in the thread involved to give feedback.


Maybe also simplify looking up what a certain feedback was for, so you don't have to search the other parties feedback listing for an explanation for the possible sour deal. (in basic - cross-linking feedback between parties of an item to a common transaction number of sorts where both sides of the story come up)



"Vinyls unhinged" came to mind in a morbid pun-ish way, just to poke fun at the age old argument...

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  Averis said:
Well, just need a new name! My first thought is VinylAngels.

I'd suggest avoiding "angel(s)" in the title just to help maintain identity separation from "Den of".




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Something else about feedback--the current requirement for a thread id has some issues I feel. I understand why it is there, so there isn't feedback posted that isn't related to sales here.


In my case, I had a FS thread sometime last year, and after three (I think) sales I closed it to further sales because Paypal made it such that I couldn't claim any money I had been paid so I stopped. Billy then deleted my thread, which was the correct thing to do to clean up the sales section, but it also meant that those I had transactions with weren't able to leave me feedback, not could I leave it for them after that.


Maybe there is a different better way to handle this?

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When you have things out in the open you have a much higher chance of reaching some sort of resolution. Reputation is SO important, and people generally (not always) act better in public than in private. DoA has proof upon proof that this can lead to a much faster resolutions whether negative or not.


Paging threads are there for when all private communication has failed. It is just another opportunity for reaching an individual.


Example of what is currently on the sub-forum on DoA: https://c2.staticflickr.com/8/7815/33261464918_d598febea7_o.png

Please excuse how bad this is I did it super fast, and the "actually resolved" bit is for the Maiya thread.

But look. The only ones that actually are negative (other then feedback posts) are the Tiffanys and Gockt threads. And these being up have alerted others in the same situation as the OP. All the others are basically in the final resolution stages/are just trying to get someone's attention.


As I said if the section isn't for you, then avoid it. Plenty of people avoid the paging threads on DoA. But, like SakuraSylph (clearly someone who knows how to word points better than me) put so nicely it there for resolving issues--no matter what the issue is (in relevance of a MP situation ofc).

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I"m all for leaving this forum entirely,and keeping it as an active archive.


I very much like the name VinylDreams!


I think that it would help everyone if,instead of strictly off topic/on topic, sections were created for major brands. Obitsu,Azone,DD and Smart Dolls seem like places that should/could get there own sections. You could then have a proper "Off Topic" section for anything playline, resin or unknown vinyl.

(I don't know if folks have heard of "Night Lolita" or "Kilig Dolls". They are vinyl and in 1/3 scale)


Scope of the forum would need to be decided, as there are yet OTHER brands then what I mentioned that are vinyl-adjacent that could be considered. It's beneficial to have more of a catch-all stance,as people could be more easily directed to this forum for doll needs. However, it would be unwise to cater to everyone. I'd prefer to see the forum be maintained and catered to the vinyl crowd. It is why I joined in the first place!


As for anything in regards to "negativity"- I go to word of mouth when it comes to making purchases. It is important to have a way to track a sellers history. If there is no thorough feedback, I am hesitant to make a purchase, as I don't know if something will be shipped haphazardly,or be not as expected. I as a consumer (and being new, looking to drop those 'start up dollars' ) it is important to me to feel like there is a stable,fair system in place. I don't have market access here, but I thought I'd at least say that much.


I personally would also like a "debate" or "hard topic" forum. This could be placed behind a post count wall, or be strictly "opt-in". In the same way some forums have 18+ sections.

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I've re-read all the posts here and the new ones too and I'm all for doing what the group wants when it comes to the forums. By NO MEANS is this MY forum ( even tho people always ask if it is since I'm here daily and post a lot ) so I want what makes everyone happy and will grow our community.


Also, as far as the whole negative/complaint/feedback/callout thing goes, I am adamantly against it. Why? Because I know for a fact that if that type thing were to be added here or to the new forum and past issues were dragged up, there are a few forum members whose names would be dragged though the mud that think they've gotten away with their past bad deeds. I won't mention any names here or in PM's because I am not directly involved with the problems that happened. I just know that forum members were screwed out of full dolls and outfits by other members of this forum and years have passed with no resolutions. This will only cause anger, outbursts, name calling and who knows what else and we do not need that here. As Averis stated, that kind of thing needs to stay with involved parties and off the public forums.


So do you ( the people involved in the thefts, that's what they were ) really want the people you crossed to be able to bring you back into the light by name to try and resolve the problems after all this time? Think about that before you ask for something you might regret wanting.





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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I have to admit I’m puzzled about your reasons, Baldylox. The fact that there are apparently sbleepmy people doing bad transactions sounds all the -more- reason to implement what Gunter has suggested. To be honest, while I haven’t been very active in the marketplace here (have sold but never bought) I find that incredibly alarming and offputting. If those people ‘think they got away with it’, that isn’t good. At the very least, having a system in place makes consequences clear and may dissuade something like that happening again.

If we want to leave the past in the past, we would only need to have rules against content older than x date.

I also imagine such a sub forum would be moderated, so I’m not really sure why it’s being treated as though it’s going to become a mud-slinging free-for-all.

Gunter is right that people behave better in public, but that includes the people raising the issues to begin with.


As for other things raised - Noxxbunny brought up how much easier it is to upload to social media than to here which is true. I just had to clean out my whole Flickr account to get it under the 1000 pic limit but it was still over 700 which means it’ll hit that limit again soon, after which I either need to find a new image host or remove more older pics which would mean they no longer show up in the posts here....or suck it up and pay for pro membership which I’m reluctant to do(this is one of the reasons I’m not so active also)

And as for other vinyl dolls, I do still hope DDs are the main focus. I like being able to talk about other dolls here (it was actually looking up info about smartdoll that brought me to the site back in the day) but as others have pointed out, I prefer being able to choose what I want to see instead of lumping it all together.

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Torino said everything I was going to say. I will say I find your answer mind boggling as someone who should care about the community.


The entire ”problem” can be fixed with a singular rule.


As stated in my first message I'd be cool overlooking this sub-forum.

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  Averis said:
A little update:


I modified the poll so you can change your vote.


I'm toying with the idea of possibly leaving DollfieDreams as is and instead make a new site with a new domain and the new forum software as listed in the original post. I'd still move everything over that is possible (accounts, posts, etc), and then basically leave DollfieDreams as an archive (preventing new posts) and pointing people to the new site.


I'm not sure why this didn't dawn on me before, but upgrading seems like a good time to do such a change since the vinyl doll market has grown so much in the last ten years (such as SmartDoll ).


Of course we would need a new name, but this way DollfieDreams can remain with all data intact and a new site can expand our community.


What do you think?


i like this idea, although i have no name thoughts at the moment


edit/addition: i saw the name vinyldreams and i like that idea! it ties this site in together with the newer site

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  Torino said:
I have to admit I’m puzzled about your reasons, Baldylox. The fact that there are apparently sbleepmy people doing bad transactions sounds all the -more- reason to implement what Gunter has suggested. To be honest, while I haven’t been very active in the marketplace here (have sold but never bought) I find that incredibly alarming and offputting. If those people ‘think they got away with it’, that isn’t good. At the very least, having a system in place makes consequences clear and may dissuade something like that happening again.

If we want to leave the past in the past, we would only need to have rules against content older than x date.

I also imagine such a sub forum would be moderated, so I’m not really sure why it’s being treated as though it’s going to become a mud-slinging free-for-all.

Gunter is right that people behave better in public, but that includes the people raising the issues to begin with.


There's nothing to be puzzled about. I have absolutely nothing to hide when it comes to my past dealings with people in the hobby so I'm not talking about anything I have been involved with. I agree with you that people generally do behave better in public but there are some people who are two faced and would like you to believe they're someone other than who they are. Sure, the past is the past and transgressions done years ago might be best left alone. All I was saying is that *if* a section was added here to talk openly about such things, it *could* cause lots of bad vibes and infighting and generally wreak havoc. THAT is what I don't want here.


Also, the issues I mentioned earlier didn't actually occur on the forums.... they were done by members of the forum off site. So where do you draw the line on things? If a forum member here is a great seller or buyer *here* but has done some really bad things off site, can you do or say anything about it here? Or would it be limited to only transactions done here on the forum marketplace? Just having this section opens us up to so many problems and issues. We haven't even added one yet and already I can see people getting their feathers ruffled. ( Not you Torino ) So my point is being proven already. Finger pointing and bad vibes would only be more prevalent and get worse if we add something like that here.


  Gunter said:
Torino said everything I was going to say. I will say I find your answer mind boggling as someone who should care about the community.


I *do* care about this community and have done so since Day One.


The entire ”problem” can be fixed with a singular rule.


And what would that rule be? To only be able to talk about things that happened with in one year? Six months? Whatever limit we were to impose would still shelter those people who have done wrong outside those time limits. What about people who may have done wrong in the past but have changed themselves for the better? If someone were to dredge up their old issues and smear their now good name all over, what then? How can we as a forum allow people to manipulate others lives like that? What if someone with a grudge was just waiting to take out some aggression on someone else? We would be giving them free license to do so with this.


Just look how DoA is as a whole. It is nasty, elitist, non welcoming and just plain scary for new people and old. I sure don't want that kind of thing to occur here in OUR COMMUNITY.





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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The reason I'm so against it is I've seen how badly things go down when people try to post threads like that. I'm also on a large model railroading forum, and I guarantee you that many more transactions with much higher dollar amounts go down daily thanks their their marketplace this this DD forum will ever see. And there have been many very bad deals go down. And the 'wronged' party always tries to post a thread about it, which has always lead to others posting about how awful one or both parties. It has never lead to any better behavior of the 'bad' person, nor resolutions for the 'victim'. And so the admins close and delete the threads every time. And even if the admins find it quickly and shut the thread down it does nothing but leave a very bad taste in everyone's mouth. There have been several prominent people in the model train world that have permanently left the forum because of it even though they were not involved in any way shape or forum. It's that nasty. And yes, I put quotes around the terms because there is always 3 sides to a story, party one, party 2 and the truth. I'm not implying that either is lying, only that perception has a lot to weight in the matter, and no one will ever have all the facts.

We have a feedback system, and like said, there should be an update to it so we can post feedback, perhaps only if we post in the thread, and the thread is never deleted. Is that the way it is now, IDK. I personally will either deal with the people in person (So those local to me which has worked nicely and helps build bonds.) or if they are unknown I use PayPal goods and services so if I don't get what I paid for I can submit a claim with PayPal and my credit card. Fortunately I have not had to do that with anything yet. I know not everyone agrees with or sees and understands my views, which to me is also a reason in my mind not for it. So I'll put my soap box away on this matter.


As for a name, I still like mine, DollfieDreaming or maybe DollfieDreamers.

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The rule is simple. Only transactions that have been held after the creation of the sub-forum are relevant and allowed. It isn't perfect. Putting in something new is not going to be perfect. I'm not looking for that, I'm looking for functional. I'm looking to give this space for the future of this community. Saying no, because there is past grievances doesn't make sense to me.


And the argument of "look at DoA" is weird and to generalize a forum of ~40,000 people is actually nuts. Sure, you can not agree with all their rules (but with that many people kinda necessary), but shame on you for calling ALL of that community non-welcoming, nasty, and elite. I've had a pretty great life on DoA since joining in 2007. Some of the mods are my friends and I would not call them nasty people. Not perfect, sure, but who is?


Even more-so if you think having an open area like the paging forum is "going to turn us into DoA" (this is how it is coming off to me) is not only ignorant, but also not looking at the bigger picture. Denying a new resource for those in need cause you personally don't like/had a bad experience with DoA is beyond my comprehension. Talking about it like it'll be a poison to this community means you've ignored every single thing stated about the various other uses.


Yes, my main push was cause of people telling me their negative experiences and not really having a way to seek help or leave accurate feedback. It just so happens to come with so much more. Those things are what are going to probably be what that sub-forum is mostly filled with, but it being there for those who may need it for the harder stuff is going to be better than having nothing.




This is going to be a moderated section with its own rules. If people try to post they will be removed unless they are relavant. What you are talking won't be as relevant. DoA has pretty good hold on things with a much bigger forum. I don't see why we couldn't?


And okay, but some people do more than PP (Western Union, bank transfer, etc). What if it is a layaway and some of their payments are non-disputible? That's when you take to the community. When you can't do everything privately anymore. Also it allows to give early warnings about problem people.


Again you don't want to see the negative then DON'T LOOK. Man, you'd think we'd be forcing you into the sub-forum with that kinda thinking.

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I'm all for modernizing the site, whether that's via an in-place upgrade or via maintaining the existing site as a read-only archive and spinning up a new domain for the new forum software with as much data migrated as is feasible.


Like with other users, I've noticed a drop in activity, and I know I'm part of that drop. I had to focus on other priorities for the past few years while still maintaining my little angels and conversing with comrades on other platforms. Additionally, it was too bleepbersome to create photo stories within my limited free time. I believe part of the reason for the drop in activity could be related to current site limitations, as Averis has pointed out.


As an example, if I wanted to create a photo story with my girls, my options for including images are:


1. Resize all of the images with software (GIMP, Photoshop, etc.) to fit within the current forum gallery constraints (which at the moment are very small by today's standards) and use appropriate BBCode to embed them in the post

2. Upload all of the images to an external hosting service (such as imgur or Flickr) and use BBCode to link to the service to show the images in the post


Combined with taking the time to caption the images and develop the story's text, creating a single photo story on the forum demands a lot of time, which for me today, is at a premium. Making adjustments to the photo size limits would be a huge help for those who choose not to use an external hosting service for images. I understand if this isn't possible due to server storage limitations.


As for the other potential options Averis has mentioned, here are my thoughts:


-A prettier and mobile-friendly site

Modernization is welcome and so is mobile-friendly stuff, so long as it isn't wasting screen real estate on desktop.


-Doll profiles

This is something I already do on my database thread; having its own thing would be a great way to expound on your girls' personalities and backstories (Yay imagination!).


-A fully featured Classifieds system

If it brings more functionality to the table, I say go for it!


-A Questions and Answers system

Consolidating all of the data into a one-stop shop would help avoid multiple threads about the same question.


-Events Calendar

This would make creating and finding meet-ups so much easier.


-A modern Gallery that also supports video

As I mentioned above, this would be a HUGE help for creating photo stories.


-User created Clubs

I'm not sure what this entails.


-A fun reaction system

I'm guessing this is similar to Discord's emote reactions to user posts?


-A reputation system with leaderboards

I have no idea what this would be like.


-Digest Emails for site updates

I approve of this; there were times I almost forgot the forum existed if not for the bookmark in my browser; having a digest in my inbox would be most helpful.


-Personalized activity streams

Something akin to a Twitter feed?


-Status updates and replies

Also like Twitter?


-An advanced search

Would be incredibly useful to zero in on specific information.


-Valuable reply flag

I'm not sure what this would be.


-Topic starter flag

So... the first post of a thread? Not sure what this means.



This would really help tie into advanced search.


-@ Mentions

This would help if you want to reply to a specific user's comment and get their attention.


-Rich text editing

Yay modernization!


-Drag and Drop image uploading

Highly convenient.


-Social network sharing

If a user wants it, they can opt in.


-Social network sign-in

If a user wants it, they can opt in.


-Social network buttons on member posts

If a user wants it, they can opt in.


Whatever Averis decides to do based on our feedback, I'm looking forward to the next step in this forum's evolution!

Edited by Guest

Proud papa of my 14 little angels: Hanako, Mariko, Miku Append, Mirai Suenaga, Ami, Hatsune Miku, Iowa, Snow Miku, Jeane, Celeste, Megurine Luka, Matoi, Sailor Mercury, and Katori!

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