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DD Faceup

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So i'm starting my very first faceup on a DD-H 06 head, i'm using MSC and i know you spray three coats on before but do you spray any on after the makeup is done. Also what kind of gloss varnish do you recommend for the shiny effect for the lips? I assume acrylic paint is okay to use?

Edited by Guest

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Most people will spray MSC whenever they need to save their progress or the pigments stop sticking to the surface. At the end, you'll definitely want to spray one last time before adding your gloss, just to make sure everything stays put. I find I go through 6 to 8 coats of MSC before my colors are as bright as I want them, but more skilled artists have quoted 5 to 6 layers.


As for glosses, anything that's completely acrylic should work, though I know a lot of people use Liquitex. It's easy to find in the states.

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I agree with UnderOrange, you definitely want to do a couple layers of MSC at the end of your faceup to minimize things like lip color fading/rubbing off. (I always use pastel on lips, so they're usually among the first parts to suffer when faceups get old in my experience.) 

Acrylic gloss, and interestingly enough, Sculpy Glaze, are safe on vinyl. Turns out, Sculpy/polymer clay is a vinyl derivative in and of itself, so needs the same sealants and glosses as our favorite vinyl midgets!

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