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Politely Nefarious









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A Bad Begining

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Salutations, Wanderer, welcome to my thread.


Not much to see here- just an artisan smol nerd with too many action figures, disguised as an apathetic thrift store clerk. I half-graduated to Pullips/Blythes because I didn't have enough cute anime girls in my life, and then to BJDs. I'd always meant to get a vinyl doll, but with the limited production of artisan BJDs, and the high costs, it's been a far-off dream. Until now.


I have an Obitsu Haruka head, a DDS Mayu head, and an unidentified customized MDD head. My first full lady- a dyed Angel Philia Shizuku- is on the way. With some actual Volks and Obitsu bigger than 1/6th in the house, now seemed the best time to get my feet wet. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance.


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I have to correct myself. Two full ladies. A seller accepted my offer on an Angel Philia Nemu this morning. 😃


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Welcome to the forums! Hopefully you can share with us some photos of your collection in the future! 🙂

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@Pickle Thank you! My heads are all unpainted, but my full girls should arrive presentably. I can't wait to take photos when they arrive!


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Singer Yuna
19 hours ago, PolitelyNefarious said:

I have to correct myself. Two full ladies. A seller accepted my offer on an Angel Philia Nemu this morning. 😃

Oh my, such a great news!! Now you’ll have two APs!

Welcome PoliteNefarious to the land of doll dreaming ^^

PD. My little one finally whispered her name, she is Marina ^^


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13 hours ago, PolitelyNefarious said:

@Pickle Thank you! My heads are all unpainted, but my full girls should arrive presentably. I can't wait to take photos when they arrive!

You're welcome! 😊👍 Hope you can enjoy all the photo taking and share with us what you captured! I bet it'll be interesting to see! 🙂

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@Singer Yuna Why thank you! I'm excited to make a formal entrance. I've been an on/off stalker for years, but didn't want to join without a doll. I can't wait to comment on all the wonderful photos.


A fitting name for her! Congratulations. I hope she continues to tell you who she is from here. She has a magical face.

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