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What do you think of the new freckled faceups?

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It looks like Danny Choo is planning to add freckles to some girls' faceups. Apparently Sana will be updated with a new look, and he teased Felicity-with-freckles as well just recently. What do ppl think of the new looks, and are you sorry the old ones will be gone? I know I worry about the secondhand pricing of not-freckled-Felicity if I miss my chance to get her before the change... but I like freckled-Felicity as well, so I'm hesitant to go for an impulse buy. I know someone on Instagram got the original version of Sana right before the freckled version was teased, and was thinking of selling her but ended up keeping her even though they liked  the freckled version as well.

What do you think? Do you prefer the freckled versions or the non freckled versions? Or a mix of various ones? Would you get both versions of the same girl or stick to one or the other? Do you think the freckles are a good "update" to the original looks? I know someone suggested making it seasonal but I doubt that's sustainable. Still, I would love to have both Felicity heads to change things up, if only he would sell heads separately. I do love how the freckles add more detail to the face but I also love the sweetness of the original face. Decisions, decisions!

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Currently watching BNHA, 1-2 episodes behind on the anime rn and absolutely obsessed! (being in a fandom late has made dodging spoilers an issue tho :()

More into Nendoroids and my resin BJDs rn- including some BNHA character shells hehehe :)- my Smartdolls are boxed up at the moment but I'm still happy to talk dolls and doll plans!

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I wish he would sell the heads separately!  Especially with cortex coming out I am hoping that maaaaaybe he will sell cortex face plates as stand alones, but I doubt that will happen.  I can dream right?! 

I love the freckles, but it depends on the doll.

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I adore my original Sana girl, but since I already have her I'm not too worried if he changes her. I think Felicity looks adorable both ways too, so I can see why you're undecided.

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I think Sana looks better without freckles but Felicity looks adorable with and without them. 

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Living at my place: Rise (DD Rise Kujikawa), Chie (Smart Doll Mirai) and Aisha (Smart Doll Kurenai)

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I love the freckle look, although I agree with Jenlovesdolls, I really wish he would start selling blanks.  I thought I remembered him saying he would in one of his posts?  

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I want to get a Sana with freckles I prefer the freckles on her and as I am planning on getting mostly tea girls she would be the only one with freckles.

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I prefer Felicity with freckles because imo it seemed like her face was missing something. I do think that Danny should sell both heads though. 

Edited by LynaLune

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I really love Sana with freckles, but unfortunately I don't see myself being able to get her 😓 Unless separate faces end up being sold for Cortex

He/Him --- I like making stuff --- Please don't make sexual/lewd comments about my dolls, thank you!


At Home: Tyler (Akira 2nd), Adrienne (Smart Doll Mirai Cortex), Bryan (Smart Doll Eiji, cinnamon ver.)

Waiting For: Nothing atm

Wishlist: Smart Doll Crimson Kai in tea skin

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Personally, I prefer Sana with no freckles. Unfortunately, I did not manage to buy her when she was available on the site, which is why I was very happy when I was able to buy her second-hand 😊 As for Felicity, she is very nice with freckles and without. I'm not sure which version I prefer 🤔

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I liked Sana with the white dots better, but I think that was because of how I first saw her and fell in love XD But it'll be interesting to see if he starts changing other faceups now too. Sana is cute either way :)

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I think I really like the ones with freckles, but I haven't seen one yet that instantly screams "buy" -- keyword being "yet", of course! I really appreciate that SmD does so many unique things with their doll designs, like freckles and other interesting accents. I read on... one of his instagram posts that he's going to work on a cocoa girl with vitiligo as well since Valiant is doing so well-- if he can pull that off in vinyl it might well be a literal miracle. (I hope he can!)

ISO: SmD Crimson Kai, Interstellar Blue Prowess, Resolute (Tea), all the boys | DD Icon Tawny | Obitsu 55cm, 60cm Bodies | instagram: lunaraffe

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I think the freckles are a good look. Personally slot of the face ups look to similar. If the smart doll is going to be a seasonal release than I think they should have a notable different faceup. 

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I love freckles on dolls, and I think Sana looks better with them. I have not been a fan of Sana (just kind of "ok" to me) but the freckles make me like her more; not enough to buy though. As much as I love smart dolls, I think Danny has specific tastes and it shows in the face ups he creates - meaning many of his dolls look very similar to one another. The freckles helps add something to make them stand out more. Not only that, but most vinyl dolls are not freckled because most anime women have 'perfect, clean faces'. Making more diversified faces using natural things like freckles appeals to me a lot.


I also would love for Danny to sell heads separately! I would love a Chitose head but do not have room for another milk SmD. . . . 

Edited by marishade
Spell check

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I really want to see the new Kizuna with freckles, because she's my definite up next to buy when and if she gets released in cortex. I have freckles myself, so I always kinda hated the freckles as fashion stuff. But, they do look nice on some of the dolls.... If I do get them I kind of want to add freckles to shoulders and hands so it's more realistic too. Maybe a bust with boobie freckles as well? lol

Also, I've been begging for a head separately for years ever since anniversary Mirai was announced because classic her was my first, but I wanted to be able to switch them out if she wanted a more fresh look. He said he is planning on maybe selling blank heads this year for faceups, because he already sells the bodies separate. 

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I like freckles on dolls when done by a talented faceup artist (I own such a head), because they can have the appropriate random look, soft edges, and varying color and intensity. Mask painting as done on production dolls, at least based on what has been accomplished on these Smart Dolls, I think just looks like little dots painted on the face and I don't care for that.

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I loved Infinity when she came out because she had freckles. i really want her for that reason but i think her face is identical to my Starlight. So, a Kanata with freckles would be great for me.

Edited by Lyrajean

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I prefer Sana without freckles. As I already have mine, if DC decided to put freckles in it, that is indifferent to me.

Looks like he has a mask and needs to use it anyway! I found this news very random, to tell you the truth ...

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I'm honestly not the biggest fan of them - I love freckles but I just don't like how he has them done. They feel too... perfect? I've seen some really stunning custom faceups with freckles and they're just a little more natural than the Smart Doll ones, so if I ever did want a faceup with freckles I would probably get someone else to add them 🤔

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Having seen Infinity I like her a lot. I agree they are more artistic freckles than real ones, but in this case I think a light touch works. They're trying 6o be doll face-up freckles as opposed to person freckles. I think they add just enough personality to her face to make her very interesting.

The difference between Dollfie Dreams and Heroin? Heroin is illegal, Dollfie Dreams probably should be.

“Empty wallets, full hearts.” That’s probably an apt description for the effects of DD addiction

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