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Yellowed WS Dollfie Dream and Peach Pai

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Hi all!

So I recently purchased a white skin Mariko-Sensei to be my first ever Dollfie Dream. A long time fan biting the bullet and jumping in! Yay! 

So I have a few questions though. She was sold to me with no yellowing and I get her new chest piece in, some hands, a new inner skeleton piece and... the chest and hands do not match. The body is visibly darker. Is there a way to lighten it? I've kept her in a dark room with my resin Volks girls because I heard the vinyl can yellow. ;A; 

Also she came with three peach pai sets. I didn't realize one didn't come with inserts or a stand but... the seller is trying to tell me the smallest pads go in the medium bust. I can tell 100% for sure which ones go in the largest set but not the medium set. The ones they say fit in the medium set don't fill up the entire cavity but they fit beautifully in the small set. So I'm wondering if there was a simple mix up and perhaps the medium ones came without inserts? I saw you can buy just the medium ones on his website without a stand or inserts. Does anyone know if those have the "L" and "R" on the inner cavity where the inserts go? (My medium pair is blank on the inside. Lol)


Sorry this so many questions. ;A; I just have so many! 

Thank you for your help ❤️

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