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Other DD Frames?

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Hey everyone, so I just won an auction for an MDD that comes with some different frame parts. It's called Asa-chan? (あさちゃんち) ? Does anyone else here have this frame? Is it a better poser than the default? Opinions in general? I don't really know much about it, so I'm really curious in case anyone here has one.

Current Crew: Kaito(DDH07), Kagamine Rin, Kaito V3, 9S, Ruby(Arle), Devola(2B), Anya Forger

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All I know is that its super popular and seems to improve poseability a lot, especially for looking up. (The ability to look up like that is possibly the only thing I actually prefer with the smartdoll frame myself.) 
I have been interested in it for a while, so I hope you can do some kind of comparison with it and a regular MDD when it arrives.
EDIT: I hope its a little sturdier than it looks at least...the main complaint I see about smartdoll frames is how easily they snap after all.

Edited by Monty

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12 hours ago, Monty said:

All I know is that its super popular and seems to improve poseability a lot, especially for looking up. (The ability to look up like that is possibly the only thing I actually prefer with the smartdoll frame myself.) 
I have been interested in it for a while, so I hope you can do some kind of comparison with it and a regular MDD when it arrives.
EDIT: I hope its a little sturdier than it looks at least...the main complaint I see about smartdoll frames is how easily they snap after all.

I hope if it's popular that means it's a good frame...I kind of can't help but wonder what happened to the original frame from this doll though since they're only including the wrist parts. It's a tan MDD, so I unfortunately can't just buy replacement frame parts if I don't like this one(the elbows are the only part I'd care about.) My concern was also with sturdiness...but I see people posing their dolls pretty far backwards with it, so maybe looks are deceiving here? But also since the price is apparently like 8000 yen, I'm also a little skeptical...

I'll definitely compare the best I can and I'll definitely take pose requests since I'm not the most creative in that department! Since I have a MDD3, f3, and this one, I should be able to compare pretty decently. I'm also really curious how it'll hold up to the Parabox 40cm Male body because Lyca can bend every sort of way, really.

Edited by Noxxbunny

Current Crew: Kaito(DDH07), Kagamine Rin, Kaito V3, 9S, Ruby(Arle), Devola(2B), Anya Forger

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Now I'm curious what the visible joints look like. I only found pictures of the torso skeleton like I posted, and that is made from 3D-printed white nylon.

Their store isn't up right now but I remember looking at it before in the past and they have replacement knee frames for DD3 that bend further, but I can't remember seeing anything where the joints are exposed like ankles or elbows.

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So actually the elbows are normal, it's the wrists and ankles that are different. The ankle gap isn't my favorite, but nothing some socks won't fix. And I guess it comes with extra wrists? The description says(via good ol' Google Translate)


Base body (Asa-chan frame MDD3 is used. The wrist, shin and ankle have also been changed to a As-a-chan frame.)

Spare Asa-chan hand axis

that's all. The original frame you replaced can only be attached to the wrist of the photo. "





Current Crew: Kaito(DDH07), Kagamine Rin, Kaito V3, 9S, Ruby(Arle), Devola(2B), Anya Forger

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So this little guy came in today! 😄



First impressions of the frame:

I definitely like this neck piece WAY more. The way my other DDH-01 sit on their bodies is...wobbly. The neck movement is firm and precise. It's also really easy to take the head on and off. It lifts right off and I don't feel like I have pull on it. I haven't noticed much difference in the spine yet, but I haven't gotten to real testing yet.

I also really like the knees. They seem to move farther back and it's a very smooth movement. Doesn't feel forced at all.


Now the parts I don't like:


The wrists. The swivel movement is nice and all, but the joint keeps coming apart and the hands keep falling off. It's not a really tight fit. So I will just switch back to the Volks wrists here.


The ankles. I'm already struggling to get this one to stand. I'll have to look over tutorials to make sure these are even installed correctly because I feel like it shouldn't make it harder to stand. So I currently have two MDDs who want to just "roll" backwards because of their ankles. MDD f3 wins that round already. But I'll be messing with posing him a lot more and hopefully doing some comparisons here and there when my lighting is better!


Edited by Noxxbunny

Current Crew: Kaito(DDH07), Kagamine Rin, Kaito V3, 9S, Ruby(Arle), Devola(2B), Anya Forger

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The maker of that frame's store is back up:


Probably requries a proxy to buy from; I'm unsure. They have f3-compatible parts now. I was curious about the replacement neck joints myself because they way they look I figured the heads wouldn't be so hard to get on and off, which is the one thing I really dislike about the standard DD frame since I like to remove the head before changing clothes. But actually getting these parts to the US is probably expensive.

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