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3 hours ago, bbotss said:

He blocked one of my friends on FB after she suggested that Volks replacement parts might be used since milk is being discontinued. She can't find him on facebook nor see any of his posts, and she's in the Appreciation Society. (She also posted a pic of smartdolls bowing to a DDP Coron, so it could be that too.)

Welllll, if he doesn't want people using Volks parts on his dolls, he needs to provide those parts himself.

Maybe that's why he decided to make more milk bodies?

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To be fair BJD confessions is just a mess in general, after all it's not like anyone needs to actually leave a name to post. It's anonymous so people can vent their what they really want to say or cause issues within the community by poisoning the well.


That said, it's not about BJD confessions but speculation as to whether or not its easy to photoshop. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gpO2VNPJzw I mean there's who tutorials and courses that teach about this stuff so no, not really speculation in photography (it's just the quality of the image you're editing that is the issue if anything). 


Now as to whether I believe it was photoshopped, I have no cart in this race I'm just simply stating that it's possible and anyone that does photography, web design in general should be able to do it as long as they got the resources to do so. 

Edited by Q_T

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1 hour ago, Q_T said:

Now as to whether I believe it was photoshopped, I have no cart in this race I'm just simply stating that it's possible and anyone that does photography, web design in general should be able to do it as long as they got the resources to do so. 

It's very easy to do. I'm saying this assuming these were photos, and not a video. I never saw the original content in question.


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21 hours ago, kranberrijam said:

I have said nothing anywhere about SmD except on this forum. Then I found myself blocked on Instagram after talking about the Photoshopped blue (I could see where some areas that were missed in the selection process in a photo). 

The same thing happened to me in June after saying I felt uncomfortable about his BLM posts @onion31@

I understand that it's rough to constantly deal with criticism and complaints. I've worked in retail so I know what customers are like. Must be even harder when it's a project that you pour your heart and soul in. But it still saddens me that even the slightest criticism of SmD can get you banned or blocked these days. Because I do think SmD still makes a lot of interesting stuff. 

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Living at my place: Rise (DD Rise Kujikawa), Chie (Smart Doll Mirai) and Aisha (Smart Doll Kurenai)

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On 10/28/2020 at 4:07 PM, hellFlower said:

If you look in the "Apparel and Compatability" section it pretty clearly details how to hybrid "any other doll head that has a larger neck socket" and also links to someone else's article where they do put a DD head on a SmD body. This could be what I'm thinking of, but it's not ringing any bells.

What Im remembering is a totally unique neck attachment piece. sort of like what coolcats sells as an aftermarket thing for DD's. But since Volks did come in and say "no more compatability with our stuff", id imagine any mention of that thing would be erased from existance on the main CJ page ... but since this is fuzzy-logic memory thing going on, take it with a grain of speculative salt

... sort of like Aromat.


On 10/29/2020 at 1:44 PM, Yumeiro said:

He must have a lot of free time to bother blocking people on instagram, for posting on other platforms... 
If only someone could police his actions too

mm.. well I do recall people getting the banhammer even back at figure.fm if you did mention something negative about senpai there (I think Chise mentioned in some related thread they got the hammer for something not that severe even) ... then again that was his house, so his rules -- but at least things are being consistent.

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The original releases of Mirai came with a little plastic tube that was supposed to allow for hybridization with Dollfie Dream. I never found that it actually worked for myself, but I did find another way to make a hybrid work (I also figured out putting DD hands on the SmD body as well). He claimed he discontinued that tube because Volks asked him to (which is just... baffling, because you'd think Volks would go after Obitsu hybrids way before they went after SmD hybrids -- but then again, nothing Danny says that's not verified by an independent 3rd-party source can be taken as guaranteed truth.

As far as I can remember, there was never a unique neck attachment piece for SmartDoll. IIRC: The weird "head thing" shown on the naked skeletons was just there so the skeletons didn't abruptly end at the neck.

Edited by baldylox
I deleted the name calling in this post as it is against forum rules that were clearly stated on the previous page by another moderator.
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To be fair, Obitsu doesn't specifically advertise as being compatible with Volks, and you have to take the Obitsu neckpiece apart to make it work.  It's not quite a comparable situation, and I can understand Volks being more bothered by the fact that a competitor is advertising compatibility themselves.

Edited by Tira

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For hybrid DD heads in mirai bodies you only need a plastic tube like the ones you use in acuaris.

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14 hours ago, Cauldroness said:

The original releases of Mirai came with a little plastic tube that was supposed to allow for hybridization with Dollfie Dream.

I stand corrected.


14 hours ago, Cauldroness said:

He claimed he discontinued that tube because Volks asked him to (which is just... baffling, because you'd think Volks would go after Obitsu hybrids way before they went after SmD hybrids

Like Tira already mentioned, there is that nuance difference between adding something included in the box than having to source something from a third party or having to make something yourself from scratch.

there is also the initial glance thing between volks and obitsu bodies, you could tell the two apart quite easily, and yes any SmD afficianado will be able to tell the difference between a DD and a SmD, but an unintiated person might have a bit of a moment telling the difference between the manufacturers between a DD-Dy and a SmD (If you exclude the charge port...)

Out of all of the occasional codswallop, this seems the most plausible to be true.

Edited by finnleo

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Working off memory here, I think (old) Danny was wise enough not to specifically say "Dollfie Dream." I think he heavily implied it, but I think he always said something like "with other popular, anime-style vinyl heads" so you knew exactly what he was talking about, but without him specifically naming Volks or its products. (Although maybe he did mention Volks by name... this was years and years ago and I didn't bother to memorize it.)

If you shift over to the resin side of things, lots of companies will actually promote their ability to hybridize with Volks. I've seen companies post resin color comparisons with Volks resins to show that they're a color match (and Volks bodies, especially the SD & SD13 standards are ~not~ popular, so hybridizing is really common), I've seen companies include neck donuts and other bits needed for hybridization as standard parts with bodies, I've seen companies specifically sell parts that only serve to allow for hybridization, etc. And I've never heard of Volks going after any of them. Heck, as of this very moment, Angell Studio has photos of a Volks/Angell Studio hybrid on their official company website (and those photos have been up for YEARS), which is far more blatant than anything Danny ever did.

My personal theory, for which I have no factual proof and only my gut feeling, is that Danny discontinued the plastic tube bit because it didn't work (at least in my experience, I was never able to make it work -- I could get the head on but it was FLOP FLOP FLOPPYTOWN), because of his own change in feelings re: Volks & re: hybridization, and because it was an extra piece and extra cost included in every doll that wasn't actually getting used (even now, hybrids seem quite rare).


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I'm guessing this is due to the screencap of Danny and "bollocking". Just be careful when sharing, remove all names and anything else that might get you banned.

I laughed so hard at this post though xD


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2 hours ago, bbotss said:

I'm guessing this is due to the screencap of Danny and "bollocking". Just be careful when sharing, remove all names and anything else that might get you banned.

I laughed so hard at this post though xD

Lol yes talk to a mod about how danny is a bully XD sure sure 

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On 11/6/2020 at 12:17 AM, bbotss said:

I'm guessing this is due to the screencap of Danny and "bollocking".

Guess they didn’t get the memo that says “The internet is forever.”


And safe space for who exactly? I’m guessing Danny. 

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The difference between Dollfie Dreams and Heroin? Heroin is illegal, Dollfie Dreams probably should be.

“Empty wallets, full hearts.” That’s probably an apt description for the effects of DD addiction

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This is to ensure we keep the drama away


Man, if only there weren't frequent screenshot-worthy posts worded in such a way that they incite drama in the wider vinyl community. 🤔 Nah, that can't be it. 

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There's no such thing as a safe space when it comes to Smart Dolls. The whole thing is a minefield! Will you make it through, or will the whole thing blow up in your face!?

(The cap was being shared on tumblr too, so it's not just us)

I dunno. Urgh I just want dolls. 😕

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Some interesting stuff here, they're going to slow down on new releases for now and cap how many dolls they sell each month. While I could see that leading to some clickwar shenanigans, at least you'd know what day stuff would be going back in stock.

I think caps are a better way to reduce stress on the team then releasing stuff randomly - lots of indie BJD makers only produce limited batches of products to sell each round - but I'm sure there's some downside to it. I'm just so emotionally drained from the last week that I can't even think about it right now lol.

Or maybe he made a good decision for once idk.

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I agree with you, monkeypizzasonic - I think this is a good decision that will hopefully reduce stress for Danny and his team. 

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Living at my place: Rise (DD Rise Kujikawa), Chie (Smart Doll Mirai) and Aisha (Smart Doll Kurenai)

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Kinda glad they're slowing down on new releases. It was getting a bit much there! And hopefully that means the newer dolls will be around for longer and be able to find more people to love them.

The only thing to be worried about is maybe people scalping new dolls if they go out of stock? It's not likely, but there's always someone cheeky enough to try their luck.

Tbh it's not surprising they need to put a cap on things. Hopefully it'll be temporary..? Danny's said many times that one of their casting facilities went kaput because of covid, and that's gotta be slowing stuff down. Plus a lot of businesses are struggling right now. If anything, the fact they've managed to keep things going is pretty damn good!

(I hope the dolls which have been "cancelled" might become un-cancelled one day, as I'm sure there were people looking forward to them. But it's okay if it takes time)

Surprisingly unsalty today lol

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7 hours ago, sumdude said:

A sort of intresting link that on a desktop firefox it only gives the first paragraph, without letting you get to the rest of the story that could be read on a mobile Chrome browser (at least at first glance)... could be a instagram thing though.


But to give the opportunity of him posting a haters always gonna hate despite any effort thing, those measures while giving the opportunity for a fabulous photo-op of how to take quality control seriously (Sarcastic me is imagining someone giving a smd body a proctology exam with the endoscope behind a sempai with his usual used car salesman smile) ... it seems a bit overkill? Like he's trying to get ISO certification three grades above what he actually needs to just to flex or justify something.

A digital microscope when a tabletop light/magnefying glass combo thing should be good enough for visual inspection. a Shore test for vinyl hardness when in theory you should be able to tell by feel (Also what kind of durometer, and depending on the meter will there be puncture marks in discrete spots where they tested), and the forementioned endoscope to check inner frame fitment, which becomes questionable the first time you move the doll in any direction and the frame gets to move about inside the vinyl pieces.

But.. if you want to go after a mosquito with a howizer ... by all means, I'll get the popcorn in the meantime.

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3 hours ago, finnleo said:

A sort of intresting link that on a desktop firefox it only gives the first paragraph, without letting you get to the rest of the story that could be read on a mobile Chrome browser (at least at first glance)... could be a instagram thing though.

I was able to hover my mouse in the area and just scroll to read the rest of it. Insta on desktop looks terrible no matter what though.

I love how he started out talking about how they had to change things because of the pandemic, then goes on to talk about changes made...that have literally nothing to do with the pandemic, outside of closing the store to in person traffic.

And honestly, I'm absolutely sick of 'wabi sabi'. Flaws happen and that's fine, but it's almost like he's hyper sensitive about it. Definitely don't put out heavily flawed things, but also don't get mad when things slip under the radar or displease your customers. It's like extreme overkill to cover any potential criticism he or his products could get. And it's like it depends on his mood whether it's wabi sabi or mother nature. There's a certain point where your product has issues and it's all on you, not your ridiculous, overprotective wabi sabi mantra nor mother nature.

This is just me being nit picky, but I kind of feel like Danny doesn't know what he wants his market to be. On one hand he acts like wants Smart Dolls in the hands of kids, on the other their clothes cost 3x the cost of people clothes and 2x the cost of other doll clothes. If virtually all other doll companies, large and small, can make entire outfits (even limited ones) for the cost of one piece - two pieces of clothing that Danny produces, I think the issue lies with Danny and his pricing of things. $37 for a basic white tee? $32 for lace short stain protectors? It's why I kind of cringe when he says he's not in this for the money. Like hell you aren't. And I think this is why he's hypersensitive, too. That and a total inability to accept criticism when it's due.

Also me being nit picky, I loved the way Smart Doll started. I loved the anime aesthetic, the school girl uniforms, bright colors, etc. Now everything looks thick and weathered and hyper realistic. Kind of apocalyptic, too. It's turned me off of the dolls ultimately 😕

I remember back when I was desperate to get Journey, but Danny's inability to focus on an appropriate amount of projects at a time pushed her back forever, and then she came out looking not at all like the original. It's just turn off after turn off.

I dunno. I've wanted to say this stuff for a while now and thought this might be a good place.

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1 hour ago, DreamDollDesign said:

loved the way Smart Doll started. I loved the anime aesthetic, the school girl uniforms, bright colors, etc. Now everything looks thick and weathered and hyper realistic. Kind of apocalyptic

Yeah what the hell happened there. They started out being cute anime dolls with colourful outfits that varied in design. Now it’s all drab boring military post apocalyptic rough as guts looking skirts and jackets that only his simps want. Oh and I’ve heard a rumour that if you were after boots, danny might have you covered.

Instead of releasing boot after the same boot or ugly slit skirts, why not bring some of the older discontinued products back from the dead in new colours and materials. Also stop cheaping out on those vinyl heels. I guess real ones are just another product to add to the list of danny’s dead.

Speaking of those awful vinyl shoes, they cost the same as a real pair from volks.

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2 hours ago, DreamDollDesign said:

I was able to hover my mouse in the area and just scroll to read the rest of it. Insta on desktop looks terrible no matter what though.

Yea.. I got it in the end, no obvious scroll bar, is no obvious scroll bar to use with the scroll wheel ...


2 hours ago, DreamDollDesign said:

 $37 for a basic white tee? $32 for lace short stain protectors? It's why I kind of cringe when he says he's not in this for the money. Like hell you aren't. And I think this is why he's hypersensitive, too.

I think he may not be ... ? at least not as much as youd initially think.

Im not sure If I've gone through it in this thread before, but at my ex daytime job some co-workers were having a discussion about how the local gamestop was lowsy that they gave so little for something they took in exchange, and yet almost wanted so much for a full game.

I then pointed out, first of all, it was a brick and mortar store, so you need to pay Rent, Electricity, and other utilities like water, so before you are making the first euro of profit you probably need to claw back at least ~700€ per month in sales profit to cover the store itself. and after that we get to the sales people's wages at the store.

Culture japan is a bit of a weird cookie in the sense that it also employs western people in a japanese locale, and I am assuming the people working there know how much they should be paid per hour, unless they are willing to take a wage cut just for the sensation of working in japan.

So that is one thing to keep in mind that the clothes and items dont magically appear, nor do the places they appear at.


So how do other manufacturers do it cheaper? There are options to this.. Production optimization is one (Just focus on one perticular item at a time), sales volume is another (You get the same end profit with more product sold at a lower cost), not having a instagram worthy production facility in a posh-ish locale (You dont have to claw back as much because of rent) is probably a thing too.

But just playing devils advocate a little for a change.

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Well, personally, I loved that post from Danny. It was something that someone from the community made a post about, asking/complaining about it. And I think he handled it really well. He aknowledged it, with no sarcasm or blaming the customer or whatever, and he said they would try to do better. So yeah. Good for him, that was the correct way to handle it. 

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28 minutes ago, LuluChan said:

Well, personally, I loved that post from Danny. It was something that someone from the community made a post about, asking/complaining about it. And I think he handled it really well. He aknowledged it, with no sarcasm or blaming the customer or whatever, and he said they would try to do better. So yeah. Good for him, that was the correct way to handle it. 

I agree. There must have been some customers that feedback to him and he took it seriously.

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