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Obitsu/Angel Philia Compatibility?

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Alright, hear me out even if this might seem a little silly:

I adore Angel Philia dolls, but can't bring myself to take the plunge and shell out for a whole doll. If I got an Obitsu 50, would it be possible to slowly swap out the parts to Angel Philia parts over time? Or am I, in fact, just being daft?

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  On 4/30/2019 at 6:19 PM, AnjoRaivando said:

Alright, hear me out even if this might seem a little silly:

I adore Angel Philia dolls, but can't bring myself to take the plunge and shell out for a whole doll. If I got an Obitsu 50, would it be possible to slowly swap out the parts to Angel Philia parts over time? Or am I, in fact, just being daft?

You can but the bits may cost you about as much as they can be a bit hard to come by. The AP dolls use the obitsu skeleton so they will fit.

The bits seem to be about $45 usd plus shipping as I’ve seen around. 

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Absolutely compatible.

I'm in fact building a second Angel Philia using spare obitsu50 parts with Pink Drops outer shell bought one by one here and there. Now I'm only 2 arms away from completition.

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Thank you so much! 

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However, take in account that Angel Philia's heads are very difficult to find and that they're not sold as spare part in shop etc.

I've found a used Ami head and still searching for a Yuuna and a Lena head.


You can otherwise use Obitsu head, and other brand heads that share the same internal frame and neck joint.

I not fully aware of the entire list of head compatibility... I think Parabox...? Azone?


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Just got my Elle doll and I can't remove the neck piece to stuff the body. would using a hair dryer loosen it?

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The neck joint is under the skin so I don't know if the heat will reach it loosening it.

Sometimes this piece is really stubborn and don't want to concede, K-2 has posted somewhere how he remove the neck, it's all about axis alignement, firm grasp and gentle rotation left and right.


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Thanks. figured out the neck joint 😄 Here's what she looks like. the outfit is made for mdd but it doesn't quite fit her(her torso is thicker).

Where would I get clothes in her size?


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Clothes made by Azone would be a good start. However, take note of whether they're for just regular Obitsus or AZO2s. The good news is, AZO2s uses the Obitsu frame and clothes for them are made to fit the curvier nature of the body.

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  On 5/1/2019 at 7:58 PM, chanela said:

Just got my Elle doll and I can't remove the neck piece to stuff the body. would using a hair dryer loosen it?

You say "stuff the body", I would assume she's a Soft Skin.

You really want to leave the head attached to the neck piece at all times. Attaching the neck piece/head to the body is a breeze. Removing/attaching the head to the neck piece can be a nightmare. The neck piece comes out of the neck/chest pretty easily. I'm guessing you might be squeezing the neck, which would mean you're holding the neck piece in while trying to pull it out.

To remove the head/neck piece from the body, with one hand hold the bust back and front, about  between the shoulder blades in the back and between the breasts a little above the nipple height. Pressing in firmly so you can feel the skeleton chest piece under the vinyl. With your other hand reach over the top of the head (from front to back) avoiding the face area, placing your thumb and fore fingers on either side of the head just below the ears. Grasp the head firmly and while rotating side to side, pull up on the head. You should be able to remove the head with the neck piece still attached. From there you can remove the arms and continue disassembling the torso.


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  On 4/30/2019 at 6:19 PM, AnjoRaivando said:

Alright, hear me out even if this might seem a little silly:

I adore Angel Philia dolls, but can't bring myself to take the plunge and shell out for a whole doll. If I got an Obitsu 50, would it be possible to slowly swap out the parts to Angel Philia parts over time? Or am I, in fact, just being daft?

Not at all silly. You've been smitten by these dolls so you may still be daft (like the rest of us here).

Obitsu 48/50cms, Angel Philias, Pink Drops and Dollcores (from Real Art Projects), Visuadolls, Parabox 45cm to 50cms, Azone 50cms, and Yamato VMF50s are all manufactured by Obitsu Plastic Manufacturing Company. All of these 45cm to 50cm bodies from these companies use the basic Obitsu 50cm skeleton. There are some minor variations in the skeleton's legs and spine to accommodate the different heights. Most of the parts of all these dolls are physically compatible. Not all are aesthetically compatible. A few combinations just look weird together. There are about 4 different skin colors but the most prevalent is the white skin, followed closely by VMF50s/AP/RAP tan. Most of these dolls will come in one of these two colors. Most of the variations in the bodies are in the busts, abdomens and thighs. Busts and abdomens will fit just about any skeleton. The thighs will mostly be sized for the 48cm or 50cm length thigh bones. So when swapping thighs you will need to know the height of the original body type. Most arms, hands, and feet are the same across all these bodies.

If you have any specific questions about compatibility, just ask.


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A lot of good information already, something I love about this forum.

I can't add much but will explain my point of view in case it may be helpful as I've invested some time thinking about Angel Philia.

If buying a new doll straight away is too much you could indeed build upon an Obitsu base part by part, however, doing so may make you decide to stay with skin color "whitey" as opposed to "tan" from the very beginning, because otherwise you would add the cost of the "exposed" joints having to be replaced as well.

Note however, that especially in "whitey", the main components that make up an Angel Philia over an Obistu, namely the head, torso( upper & lower) and thigh skins are almost always unavailable from the factory and instead only rarely available from 3rd party sellers at significant markups - as an example I WANTED a type J head so I paid 10000yen at YJA instead of the 3200yen it would have cost at AP and I have not seen any of the upper torso( bust) parts I may want available anywhere at all yet, not even at inflated pricing.

If you go for "tan" instead, a few heads and body shells can usually be bought from the factory so its easier to do and less costly ... but ... as hinted above, you will have to consider the additional cost of replacing the elbow and knee joints( most likely) and eventually the shoulder wrist and ankle joints( less visible so not that important, well wrist is somewhat in-between).

If you are somewhat good at saving money by putting aside a little ever so often and a patient person I would suggest to not go that route at all but instead just wait for an opportunity for a used doll to come along as that may be significantly cheaper in the long run - even if you may have to replace some skeleton part due to wear.

Whatever way you'll go, my best wishes for getting the Angel( Philia) you desire.

Edited by nocturne

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  On 5/3/2019 at 4:04 AM, K-2 said:

Not at all silly. You've been smitten by these dolls so you may still be daft (like the rest of us here).

Obitsu 48/50cms, Angel Philias, Pink Drops and Dollcores (from Real Art Projects), Visuadolls, Parabox 45cm to 50cms, Azone 50cms, and Yamato VMF50s are all manufactured by Obitsu Plastic Manufacturing Company. All of these 45cm to 50cm bodies from these companies use the basic Obitsu 50cm skeleton. There are some minor variations in the skeleton's legs and spine to accommodate the different heights. Most of the parts of all these dolls are physically compatible. Not all are aesthetically compatible. A few combinations just look weird together. There are about 4 different skin colors but the most prevalent is the white skin, followed closely by VMF50s/AP/RAP tan. Most of these dolls will come in one of these two colors. Most of the variations in the bodies are in the busts, abdomens and thighs. Busts and abdomens will fit just about any skeleton. The thighs will mostly be sized for the 48cm or 50cm length thigh bones. So when swapping thighs you will need to know the height of the original body type. Most arms, hands, and feet are the same across all these bodies.

If you have any specific questions about compatibility, just ask.


  On 5/3/2019 at 8:29 AM, nocturne said:

A lot of good information already, something I love about this forum.

I can't add much but will explain my point of view in case it may be helpful as I've invested some time thinking about Angel Philia.

If buying a new doll straight away is too much you could indeed build upon an Obitsu base part by part, however, doing so may make you decide to stay with skin color "whitey" as opposed to "tan" from the very beginning, because otherwise you would add the cost of the "exposed" joints having to be replaced as well.

Note however, that especially in "whitey", the main components that make up an Angel Philia over an Obistu, namely the head, torso( upper & lower) and thigh skins are almost always unavailable from the factory and instead only rarely available from 3rd party sellers at significant markups - as an example I WANTED a type J head so I paid 10000yen at YJA instead of the 3200yen it would have cost at AP and I have not seen any of the upper torso( bust) parts I may want available anywhere at all yet, not even at inflated pricing.

If you go for "tan" instead, a few heads and body shells can usually be bought from the factory so its easier to do and less costly ... but ... as hinted above, you will have to consider the additional cost of replacing the elbow and knee joints( most likely) and eventually the shoulder wrist and ankle joints( less visible so not that important, well wrist is somewhat in-between).

If you are somewhat good at saving money by putting aside a little ever so often and a patient person I would suggest to not go that route at all but instead just wait for an opportunity for a used doll to come along as that may be significantly cheaper in the long run - even if you may have to replace some skeleton part due to wear.

Whatever way you'll go, my best wishes for getting the Angel( Philia) you desire.

Oh my gosh, thank you! This has been all the information I was looking for and more! <3 Looking it all over, I may well just start sacking some money away and hunt down a used doll for now.

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I believe I am "necro-ing" this thread (my apologies), but do you recommend the 50 cm or the 48 cm Obitsu body to build an AP? I'm considering picking up parts and swapping them out as I go, because I would like to preserve most of the Obitsu body look (basically, I want the thighs and lower torso of AP, and everything else Obitsu). 

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Most of the height difference is in the legs, so it depends what thighs you want.

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  On 9/17/2021 at 10:24 PM, MaleficentMrsofEvil said:

I believe I am "necro-ing" this thread (my apologies), but do you recommend the 50 cm or the 48 cm Obitsu body to build an AP? I'm considering picking up parts and swapping them out as I go, because I would like to preserve most of the Obitsu body look (basically, I want the thighs and lower torso of AP, and everything else Obitsu). 

If you want AP thighs, they're designed for Obitsu48 legs, otherwise you must cut the bones to adapt.

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