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Finding MDD Hands?

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Hey all~

I've been searching for some MDD hands and have been unable to find any for months now, besides ones on eBay for a pretty considerable mark up price.. Does the Volks Inc store ever update their MDD hands stock, or is eBay my last resort now? Right now all I have is the regular hands and peace hands. They make such a difference for poses, so I'm desperate to find them! T_T

Thank you for any help!

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Volks eventually does restock things like hands, how long you'll have to wait for them to do that is a mystery though. You could try using Yahoo Auctions although you'll need a proxy and that can end up making things pretty expensive. I took a look at eBay and it looks like it's the same seller selling all the hands. Maybe you could write to them and ask to pay the shipping fee only once? If you do that the price won't be so bad.

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You can subscribe to updates on items and you get an email when they’re in stock. There should be an option for that on the item page itself. I did that recently as I needed a pair of DD hands that never seemed to come back into stock. 

I really wish there was a reliable restock pattern for the online store. While I did get an email for the hands I wanted, I decided to check other out of stock hands out of curiosity and saw that they hadn’t been restocked, which I found odd. 

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Thank you everyone! I'll definitely keep all of this in mind. It's such a shame they're so difficult to get hold of! T_T 

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I also hunt for hands and head, but they are quickly being sold out. You need to subscribe to updates and then a letter will come in the mail. As said above.

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On 5/12/2019 at 6:35 PM, DidiMews said:

Hey all~

I've been searching for some MDD hands and have been unable to find any for months now, besides ones on eBay for a pretty considerable mark up price.. Does the Volks Inc store ever update their MDD hands stock, or is eBay my last resort now? Right now all I have is the regular hands and peace hands. They make such a difference for poses, so I'm desperate to find them! T_T

Thank you for any help!

DidiMews did you find the MDD hands your looking for? Pm me maybe I can help.👍

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