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Standard Model Towa on DDP body?

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Hi ya'll, 

After seeing some photos of Towa I think I might actually really want her, but I'm not a fan of the Dynamite body (rather, not a fan of having a second wardrobe just for one doll) and I'd actually like a DDP so that I have a smaller vinyl that'll fit my MSD stuff and won't take up so much space, and her face is just so cute and innocent that I thought she might look great on the DDP body. 

Is there anyone out there that might have both Towa and a DDP body, that would be willing to show me what she'd look like that way? 


Edited by Serena-Hime

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I have Towa. But not a DDP to show you. 

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To the about person  your  girl is cute. Where did you get the shoes from?

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From volks but they are out of stok, are dollpa after event.

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Kalisha ok and thanks. 

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On 5/26/2019 at 7:16 AM, kalisha said:

I dont have towa but luka, i think she is very similar to towa, big head, round cheeks, i hope this photos help you.


Thank you so much for this, it definitely helps! Sadly I think she might look too bobblehead-ey on the DDP based on how Luka looks on it, I was hoping with the round cheeks and sweet expression that she'd make for a nice mini but sadly, probably not. 

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Very quick DDP Towa shot here- sorry the backdrop is messy, also just a link for doll without clothes on - 



Personally I think it's a good combo, but I know I have a high tolerance for bobblehead-ness. Towa's head is a good bit larger than DDH-01 for reference.

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2 hours ago, jadepixel said:

Very quick DDP Towa shot here- sorry the backdrop is messy, also just a link for doll without clothes on - 



Personally I think it's a good combo, but I know I have a high tolerance for bobblehead-ness. Towa's head is a good bit larger than DDH-01 for reference.

Hi! We just spoke on IG about this exact thing haha, thank you so much for taking a photo for me!

That looks so much better than I hoped for, the biggest tell (for me) if a head is too big, is the neck and shoulders; if the neck is too short/thin or the shoulders aren't wider than the head, you get that bobble-head look in my experience. But it looks perfect with her, the proportions don't look off to me at all and the big hands really help balance it out. 

 Thank you again! I've wanted a mini vinyl for a while and I think this combo will be perfect. Your faceup is gorgeous btw!

Edited by Serena-Hime

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jadepixel thanks from the picture of what the ddp body looks like. Have you tried obitsu 1/3 hands on the body? (40cm/50cm) also can the dds feet fit this body?

I am going to be getting this body so that way l am asking all these questions 🤔

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