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OMG OMG I Ordered Mirai!!

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After a long time saving (and rolling change and doing bottle returns) and with a birthday bonus from my husband for smoobies and an extra hand pack, I've FINALLY ordered Mirai!!! Super excited!! I got the one with the clothing pack because the clothing comes out to half price, and I ordered the stain guard leggings, because I figure it's going to be super hard to find fabric thin enough, and they look very well made (like all the goodies!)


Time to start sewing more things for my lovely girl!!!

Edited by DollsnBooks
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13 minutes ago, DollsnBooks said:

After a long time saving (and rolling change and doing bottle returns) and with a birthday bonus from my husband for smoobies and an extra hand pack, I've FINALLY ordered Mirai!!! Super excited!! I got the one with the clothing pack because the clothing comes out to half price, and I ordered the stain guard leggings, because I figure it's going to be super hard to find fabric thin enough, and they look very well made (like all the goodies!)


Time to start sewing more things for my lovely girl!!!

The clothing that comes with that pack is pretty nice, the shoes in particular are well done imo.

Congrats on your Mirai.

Edited by BeyondTime

The difference between Dollfie Dreams and Heroin? Heroin is illegal, Dollfie Dreams probably should be.

“Empty wallets, full hearts.” That’s probably an apt description for the effects of DD addiction

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Congratulations on getting a Mirai!

The apparel set is definitely the most cost effective, when it comes to smart doll clothing.

I don't think you' have to worry too much about the included pants (Weathered Olive Green Pants, right?) staining. My Kizuna is wearing them regularly, with no issues after several months.


Looking forward to seeing some pictures!

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I don’t have the pants so I can’t comment on those. The shoes are lined with white, so they should be fine. 

The difference between Dollfie Dreams and Heroin? Heroin is illegal, Dollfie Dreams probably should be.

“Empty wallets, full hearts.” That’s probably an apt description for the effects of DD addiction

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Congrats!  Mirai is a super pretty girl so you will love her.  :)  As for staining, I have never had any article of clothing from SmD stain my girls.  I know some people have had the older blue jeans leave some small stains but none of mine ever have, even after being on a girl for 2 months.  So I think you'll be fine with the setup you're getting.


Share pics when she arrives please!  <3




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Congrads on getting Mirai!! She is such a cutie @onion8@

Living at my place: Rise (DD Rise Kujikawa), Chie (Smart Doll Mirai) and Aisha (Smart Doll Kurenai)

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Thank you so much, everyone! Wow, I had no idea that the SmartDoll clothing doesn't really stain them. That's AWESOME!


I made her an apron a few weeks ago, and today I made her some gym shorts using the stain prevention leggings (short) pattern, but I want to make another pair, because I learned some things making the first one, lol.


I'll DEFINITELY be posting pics of her. Still not sure if she will get a unique name or stay Mirai. For now, I think she will be Mirai, because I have known her for so long as that while I've been saving and planning for her. We shall see what happens later. :)


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Smart Doll is pretty good about picking fabrics for their clothing that don't bleed. And yes, the shoes are amazing. Worth getting at least one pair.


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That's great! Wow, they really seem to have their act together. :) I got the Ship notice today. Woooooo!!!! Yesterday I made her some pencils and a pencil case, lol! I'll try to figure out how to upload a pic later on. I'm on my desktop, and the pic is in my phone. 🙎‍♀️

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2 hours ago, DollsnBooks said:

That's great! Wow, they really seem to have their act together. :) I got the Ship notice today. Woooooo!!!! Yesterday I made her some pencils and a pencil case, lol! I'll try to figure out how to upload a pic later on. I'm on my desktop, and the pic is in my phone. 🙎‍♀️

Think you have to have 30 posts, and be here for 14 days before you can post images.

The difference between Dollfie Dreams and Heroin? Heroin is illegal, Dollfie Dreams probably should be.

“Empty wallets, full hearts.” That’s probably an apt description for the effects of DD addiction

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Ah, well, soon then, lol!

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It was a tough morning, because we had to have our oldest kitty (nearly 18) put to sleep, but that went as well as could be hoped and I was feeling some peace, though sad of course. A couple of hours later, the Postman came to my door and said "Looks like someone got a SmartDoll!"

She is PERFECT! Just LOVELY, and her sweet little smile is so wonderful. The timing was pretty amazing. I'll do my best to get pics up when I'm allowed to do so. The apron I sewed for her fits very nicely (DGRequiem pattern) and the pencil case I made for her (as well as the pencils) are a great fit.

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Awww.  I'm so sorry to hear you lost your kitty.  I know how it feels to lose a furry child so my heart goes out to you and your family.


Congrats on getting Mirai tho!  I look forward to seeing pics of her!




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Congrats! I'm sorry about your kitty :( At least you have Mirai to cheer you up, but I know it isn't much consolation for losing such a beloved family member. I would love to see pictures of your Mirai when you can upload/are up to it! I bet she's lovely, and would love to see more of that cute sculpt.

Currently watching BNHA, 1-2 episodes behind on the anime rn and absolutely obsessed! (being in a fandom late has made dodging spoilers an issue tho :()

More into Nendoroids and my resin BJDs rn- including some BNHA character shells hehehe :)- my Smartdolls are boxed up at the moment but I'm still happy to talk dolls and doll plans!

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@baldylox and @Starwaia thank you both so much for your condolences. ❤️


Mirai continues to bring me joy. I had forgotten that I'd made her some yoga shorts from the SmartDoll stain protector shorts pattern, so yesterday she tried those on and they are amazing! I'm so grateful to Danny Choo for putting out those lovely patterns for FREE!


Speaking of patterns, I'm a bit intimidated by the binding on the T-shirt neck. I made a trial run at the pattern a couple of weeks ago and all was fine except that dratted binding. I thought when Mirai got here I'd take a look at her shirt and maybe have an "aha!" moment, but no, her binding is impeccably sewn in the tricky fashion I had supposed it must be. How do they do it? At least it's put on before that last shoulder seam is closed, because I think they would need magic otherwise, but TBH I'm still not sure they don't have a wizard on the premises. 😉 Has anyone done the T-shirt, and if so, any tips?





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So sorry about your kitty- I very recently went through this as well.

But how wonderful on the timing that your girl came later that day! She arrived to help you feel better! Mirai is just adorable, you chose well! I look forward to seeing your pictures.

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@cirquemom Thank you so much. I'm so sorry about your loss as well.

The timing really was amazing.  She's bringing me lots of joy. :)

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Congrats on getting Mirai. 

I just ordered my first doll, Journey. Excited to receive her. 

Looking forward to the pics 


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Congratz!! She is a gorgeous girl.

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Since getting Mirai back then, I have also acquired (ok I bought, lol!) a Kanata Alternate. I used the girls to update my avatar but here's the full thing. They were very proud of their first garden harvest some weeks ago - some perfectly doll-sized tomatoes!! 😄



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Oh geez. I usually avoid FB because drama. Now I'm feeling kinda yucky. I don't think I want to spend any more money at SD. Someone ought to let him know that a little bit of graciousness goes a long way. And maybe "The customer is not always a tw*t." (Sorry, had to try for a little humour because ugh. Pls delete if this is too offensive! I will not be miffed!)

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I love the little cardigans your girls are wearing though! Did you knit them yourself, or buy them? 😍 There are so many pretty rainbow yarns around these days, gets me feeling all creative.

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Thank you! Yes, I knit them by tweaking a pattern by Brenda Rankin called "Knitted Shrug for Little Fee and Similar Sized Dolls." I was going to link it, but I can't find it anywhere. I LOVE that yarn so much!

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Also don’t feel yucky it’s ok! You just love the girls you have because they’re super duper cute! (I loooove Kanata alternative) I hope to see more pics of them soon and congrats!

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4 hours ago, DollsnBooks said:

I usually avoid FB because drama. Now I'm feeling kinda yucky.

Stop.... Don't beat yourself up. The dolls are beautiful, just because the maker is a complete, utter D-Bag, is no reason to feel that way..

Remember.... It's not the dolls fault for his behavior. Like what you like! 

Edited by battrastard
re worded sentence
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"Madness takes it's toll, Please have exact change!"

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