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How to make a hybrid and which colors to pick?

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Hello, I wanted to know which colors fit the closest between obitsu and DD.  I wanted to use an obitsu body and a DDH07 but I'm not sure which colors would fit the best together.. I don't mind minor differences, I'm sure blushing/faceup would make it blend more. Also--do the existing neck pegs fit well together or do they need to be carved?

Edited by suigintou

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You need Obitsu Whitey + Dollfie Dream Normal for a match. They're really close. I regularly put DD feet on my Obitsu girl (because it can be difficult to find shoes for her teensy feet) and the difference is only very minimally noticeable. 

There's a tutorial here, although I think K-2 has also made one too:


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seconding obitsu whitey and dd normal! the dd normal is slightly darker and pinker than obitsu, but it's not really noticeable unless you're looking for a difference. i've also seen people recommend sws, but with what i have the difference in colour is very noticeable with the sws being much, much pinker than the obitsu vinyl. i'd be happy to give you a comparison between all 3 if you want to see for yourself.

as for the neck, you can see in the tutorial above how to use the obitsu neck mechanism with a dd head, but there are also adapters you can buy off someone called grayforce on yahoo auctions if you want something that more resembles the dd neck mechanism.

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19 hours ago, Cauldroness said:

You need Obitsu Whitey + Dollfie Dream Normal for a match. They're really close. I regularly put DD feet on my Obitsu girl (because it can be difficult to find shoes for her teensy feet) and the difference is only very minimally noticeable. 

There's a tutorial here, although I think K-2 has also made one too:



1 hour ago, hellFlower said:

seconding obitsu whitey and dd normal! the dd normal is slightly darker and pinker than obitsu, but it's not really noticeable unless you're looking for a difference. i've also seen people recommend sws, but with what i have the difference in colour is very noticeable with the sws being much, much pinker than the obitsu vinyl. i'd be happy to give you a comparison between all 3 if you want to see for yourself.

as for the neck, you can see in the tutorial above how to use the obitsu neck mechanism with a dd head, but there are also adapters you can buy off someone called grayforce on yahoo auctions if you want something that more resembles the dd neck mechanism.

Thanks guys! That seems a lot simpler than I imagined. I really appreciate the help. I looked up hybrids of the two and they really are a match. Thanks again!

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