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Hi from Australia

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Hi all. I received my first BJD yesterday, Alice Kuonji (Dollfie Dream Sister), who I managed to buy new/unopened for a pretty reasonable price from a Japanese online retailer along with another outfit which you can see below (Mage Azerin). She is wonderfully cute, and I have had great fun dressing her up and posing her for photos. Unfortunately I only have a smartphone camera in my possession, and none of the setup to take amazing shots like those I have seen on this forum and other online blogs.  

I thought I would join this forum, as I am completely new to the world of doll ownership and this seemed a good place to start for a beginner. I'd love to get a few more outfits for Alice in the future, and maybe a new set of shiny/metallic eyes that capture the light, however it seems somewhat difficult to find where to get these things outside the Volks store. I have been reading around, and staining seems to be a major issue with Dollfies, thus I am a little apprehensive in buying clothes for her from non-Volks sellers and thought I may find some answers about which manufacturers or 3rd party designers are appropriate here!

Anyway, it is nice to meet you all. Wishing you all the best from Australia!


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What a pretty girl!


First off, you don't need a fancy camera to take great pictures. Use your phone and download some photo editing apps that can take your photo to the next level. There are some free ones out there that do a really good job! ^_^


Second, be careful with Volks clothes, too. I bought an outfit thinking that it'd be safe and it left a large amount of staining. If the clothes don't have a white liner on the inside then you might want to buy a DD Full Bodysuit. Dark clothes still have a chance of staining through, but a much smaller one.


Welcome to the forums!

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Thanks for the warning. Fortunately most of her clothes I have her in are lined with white fabric, so she should be relatively safe :)

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Hello! What part of Australia are you from? If by any chance you're close to Sydney, there is a small group that does monthly/every-few-monthsly mini meetups. (Its mostly for resin bjds but some members have DDs)

Edited by Monty

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