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Hayo~! Vinyl newbie here.

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Hello everyone,

My name is Siara. My fascination with dolls as an adult started with my partner gifting me a Hello Kitty Pullip and a Cinnamoroll Dal back in the days. Since then I've started enjoying and researching dolls as a whole. Not much after that resin ball-jointed dolls started to be my main focus. Currently thinning out my collection of resin where possible to make more room financially. I've owned all sizes except 1/4. My newest resin dolls were all 1/3 girls and while browsing for clothing items I stumbled upon Dollfie Dreams and Smartdolls.

You know how these things go, before I knew it I made a stupid impulse buy from a local collector. She's a beautiful Smartdoll Melody in pristine condition and my first vinyl experience. I love her dearly but am leaning more towards the Tea color these dolls come in lately. We'll see how things go from here but I'm quite sure another vinyl girl will join her sooner or later. I don't know what it is about these vinyl dolls but they're pulling me in.

But for now it's all about making funds and learning more about vinyl dolls. I'd love to learn together with other newbies and enjoy the community as a whole. Let's be friends? ^__^

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Hello! @onion12@

I like vinyl dolls for how lightweight they are, though I don't have a complete vinyl doll yet just a head. I also like resin dolls since there are so many sculpts I like ^^;

I hope you have fun learning about vinyl dolls and enjoy the forum! 😄

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I find it interesting your intro was the cinnamonroll dal! Mine was the my melody pullip.

Congrats on your melody! One of my friends has her and she is a nice sculpt.

Welcome to the vinyl side of the hobby and hope you enjoy your time around the forum.

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Hello!😀 I'm new to vinyls as well. My preference is MSD size since they're easier to handle. I recently got my first vinyl (Angel Philia) and love her(she's soft skin so super squishy!) She's a bigger MSD so it's a nice inbetween. I've been looking at Dollfies and Smart dolls as well. Since they're vinyl they'd be easier to handle than my Feeple60 so I might take the plunge into those when I have funds..

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