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Project "Liberty" (not for the faint of heart)

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Well this time its a project I teased about quite a long time ago, and now its time for some more proper teasing.

working my way from the bottom upwards, I got the first pieces of the puzzle attached together, so I thought it was worth a few photos.



Yes, that is a hastily put together 1/60 scale gundam model kit shin and foot grafted to a MDD leg.

and why? because of these :



These are cute as can be, but also at their sub 1/12 scale very... VERY annoying to handle and photograph with. so naturally I had to have a bigger one...

This isnt the first time someone's done this kind of kit bashing, I do recall one Miku wearing some of the Perfect grade Unicorn pieces, and I think Wata-whatstheirnumber had a PG gundam arm on their Mayu DDS. and one other MDD with a 1/60 kit pieces on it.

But this time Im trying to keep the relative joints within the dimensions of the MDD... hence this is a bit more involved than just sticking one piece after the other:




So if you dont like Gundam model kits being misused, or seeing vinyl body pieces getting chopped, this will not be the post for you...



So why these bits?

So the selection of participating items was quite simple in terms of the MDD body, as that was my Luise's default one, that was heavily stained in terms of its legs, to the point where the plastic bits were also blue in places. also the ankle's were beyond meaningful repair, and while I've fiddled with the idea of making a wheelchair of sorts, I had this project still in a holding pattern.

The Model kit side probably needs a bit more explanation, since the easiest route in terms of adapting gundam bits would have been a Perfect Grade kit in 1/60 form. There are a few caveats with that, firstly you cant get a Mk1 Freedom as a perfect grade, only the silly updated Strike Freedom. Also the PG kits cost a lot of money of hacking one of those up isn't really economical, especially if you go down the rabbit hole of un-reversable modifications -- In the tune of 20k yen versus 5k yen depending on where you shop for these.

Also one final note... while being called Perfect Grades, apart from Unicorn where in the latest version of the series, they had a full CG model the Perfect grades arent screen perfect, but super-detailed versions with usually more edges and angles compared to what was seen in the actual series.


But non the less the HG requires quite a bit of cutting away of unneeded plastic in order to make use the bits, so here is what had to be done to the leg pieces to turn them into MDD booties...



First the hinge-pin for the knee joint had to go since I would be using the MDD's knea, and the surrounding plastic that sealed the structure was removed, in order for what would be left of the calf to go into it.



A hole was made where the MDD internal frame socket would locate into, which was interesting to make because of the step in the structure.



because of my design concept, of having the ankle joints line up, the shin piece needed to be chopped up. this is where the heavily stained body was a bit more easy to work with in terms of having to deal with remorse. While technically it might have been possible without any cutting, it would have been a very wobbly solution - since there wouldnt be any real way to anchor the leg frame into place.

I also tried using electric shrink tubing to crimp the end of the leg socket together, but shall see how that works in the long run, so far the results have been promising.



The Notch in the shin locks into place in the step thats left in the remaining cross structure of the plastic kit.



One nice thing about DD's is that they are pretty much metric all around, so using 6mm bolts for leg shafts came as a easy solution. Though dremeling the notches, and reliefs so they would fit inside the model kits structure wasn't as easy as cutting the plastic away...



And it lines up snugly inside the remaining structure. to the point where it technically wouldn't need to be glued into place, but it still will be epoxied once I finish both legs, and move onto surface finishing.



How it fits onto the shaft. the MDD's socket just butts up to the cross pin inside the leg...



And with whats left of the shin piece.

And all this work just so these two get aligned...




So as I mentioned in the minor update, I did manage to get a cheap 3D printer at this point of the build, and while I didnt exactly get it for this project per se, I does make quite a difference at how to approach things.

Namely the arms, as nothing really lined up, and making support structures would have been quite a bit of a pain in the butt.



At first I tried eyeballing something in the close vicinity of what I wanted, but after two attempts its was quite obvious I need to do some actual math to make this work.




so it was out with the digital calipers, and taking the general shape of the front of the gundam kit pieces, and then extending it with a ~14mm diameter round section, which is about the size of the ball on the MDD elbow.

Since the kit has polycaps, I included the provision to use those into the new pieces...



After a few print attempts, as mine magic box is of the slightly moody sort, I managed some half decent pieces... although looks weren't that big of a deal, since these would be covered by the sleeve to be.



The main elbow joint follows that of the typical DD2/3 motif, with a captive slot for a M3 nut, which on the opposite side acts as a recess for the screw head.



The insides have also holes for alignment pins, but the polycap actually keeps the halves quite well in check, along with the screw at the rear.

Another thing that I got the chance to address at this same time, was one of the more peculiar mods done to this MDD body, namely cutting and sanding the ends of the elbow joint pegs by about 5mm.



The keen-eyed probably already spotted the solution, and that was the other piece of the hinge assembly that corrects this annoyance, and makes a secure fit for it.



And the full arm assembly:




And where we are as a whole at the moment:




Next will probably be the tactical belt section, and the biggest question will be do I go through the abdomen which would be easier, or the bust of which I do have an example that can be cut without too much remorse due to extensive staining, but would be a bit more ambitious in terms of rigging.


Bust armor

So while I had my initial sights set at the waistline, a moment of inspiration had me gauging out the top pieces of the model kit.


there was quite a bit of plastic to be removed, because doll body -- so a pair of snips and a few borken exacto blades later:


Its quite rough and tumble at the moment, but should be smoothed out with sandpaper in the distant event of project completion...

And as a display how much had dissapeared from the kit:


And the piece on the doll body:


Its a bit more proud so to speak than I would like it... but looking at the small AGP figures this seems to be a thing with them also, but you dont take notice as much because of their scale. One difference between the AGP figureines is I left some of the lighter blue section, just for a little more coverege, and I think this looks a bit better too.

I was wondering about how to attach it, and I guess a magnet would be the most simple solution when that time comes.

Im still contemplating where the to attach the tactical belt section and wings, do I go in from the bust, or lower torso piece or just go through both, since the AGP figureines utilize the 3mm plugs for the addons. so maybe try and 3D print a discrete-ish custom inner frame piece for the attachments for both the bust and lower torso.

and to be honest, now that I've gotten some more modeling and printing experience thats probably the route I'll go with, but as always... shall see...


Look Ma! I made a figma!

So where we left off last time was contemplating on how to mount the shoulder wings/cannons, sidepods, rump-plate and front armors.

I had come to the decision of making modifications to the inner frame that would go through the MDD outer shell pieces. I've been tinkering with this on and off since the last update, but somehow I seemed to overly complicate things in my head as to what was needed... it didnt really help that the old DD2 frames are actually a bit over engineered in some ways. like the lower hip piece on a MDD being made of five different plastic pieces.

In end end I came up with a attachment cradle that wraps around the original hip parts snugly:



And uses the upper cross bolt holes to attach itself:



Just so you know, there was some thought put into the dimensions of this, although some were happy accidents.

The accidental bit was the overalll width which now was just inside of what you can stuff through the leg holes of a MDD bottom torso.

the more calculated, although not so obviously so bit is the angle and length of the mounting that will go through the bodyshell. I was aiming between the dimples at the hips, and oddly enough managed to get there in the end. Reason being that despite the rump-plate coming down a lot lower, I would prefer to put pants on this thing when its all put together.

The upper torso one ended up being a much more simple affair, after again getting lost in over complicated solutions to problems that just werent there:



Now remained the question of how to get through the vinyl shell pieces ... some pinhole markings first with a needle to find the centers of the adaptor piece bolt holes, and then with a sharp(ish) wood drill bit going at it by hand, as to not tear the vinyl accidentally, or any more than absolutely needed.

the hole's were then sanded to size so they were snug-ish around the adaptor extentions.



So as a result, we now have a MDD body with two hardpoints:



The upper one could probably be made to be a bit more discrete, but Id prefer to have a certain length of material to thread the accessory mounts to.

anways.. thats for now ...

Pad it like its 1985...

So while I am stuck waiting for car parts to arrive, I decided to continue work here, since it seemed to have some positive momentum going for it at the moment... and I honestly needed the distraction.

So after a brief stint working on how to attach the rump-plate, and also the outriggers for the side pods, and thigh-shields I started to wonder how I was going to do the shoulder pads/winglets.

I was actually initially going to go for a no-prisoners approach and just drill through the vinyl again, and make bushings from the shoulder pivot screw that would attach to the model kids winglets. But because of the scrawny width of the MDD they would foul the chest piece if mounted like this ... so I needed to come up with a Solution (tm).

after dismantling the shoulder, turning it around for a good hour or so, I finally found a path to victory:



a 1,7 mm thick gap between the shoulder pin, and the faux ball end of the arm side.

I figured if I could be clever and over-engineering enough I could hook something underneath this gap and after a few hours I came up with this:



Not quite a dodecahedron hinge, but complex enough for what Im typically used to.

The first print come out ok-ish considering its a awkward print with quite a lot that starts printing off supports:



Flaws that I found with this was that the ball socket was too small, and cracked the side, and also the outrigger was a bit too far away so I made a revision:



change log consisted of: Tucking in the outrigger, adding a relief to the innter top side to allow for movement, beefing up where I  could and naturally making the party trick a little bigger.

It works about as I planned:





Once its underneath the shoulder peg its quite sturdy, although because of the way its printed, its still a bit fragile, so as a result I will need to retain the seam on the winglets, if I need to replace it some day.

here you can see the offset created between the shoulder pivot point and outrigger:



Again on the original model kit, the winglet should pivot on the same axis as the shoulder, but as I already mentioned the chest armor clashes at that width, and also the width of the winglet mounting steps down to inside what the vinyl would have been, so that needed to be taken into account in the end also.

However... on the original 1/12 scale AGP figures the pads dont even move with the shoulders, and for advanced posing you need to lift them out of the way actually, so this is still more functional now than the originals.

The outrigger could still be tucked in a few millimeters still, but I dont think it would make that big of a difference in the end. But it still retains the use of the stock polycaps:



The winglet pieces had be shaved a bit to allow for space for the attachment:



temporary assembly:



You can just make out the place for the polycaps which protrudes into the structure that provisions for it would have had to be carved into the vinyl too.

And also mounted to the doll:



The wider "track width" of the shoulder gave the mdd a bit of a more butch stance.

as I mentioned I did some work the rump-place, and managed to make a attachment plate and a stand-off from where I will try and figure out the sidepods and front plates:



It doesent quite fit up at the moment, since its designed to work when the 8mm wedge has been cut into the model kit piece:



So currently we are two out of five solutions made:



Now im debating do I continue with the pod outrigger, or the wing-pack mount, but will have to see...

Mechanical solutions...

So, when I last left off with the project I was pondering would I work with the top mounts, or the waist mounts. And after some moderate success with another 3D printed thing-a-ma-bob I decided why not both.

Actually loading up the work files revealed a relatively nice surprise that I had already gotten further with both than I had remembered. Although naturally I had to redo most of it, but it was the thought that counted towards the eventual motivation.

The result was doing a minor redesign of the upper mount so the snout would be hexagonal to keep the box for the jetpack polycal from spinning around.

the waist outrigger was more or less lifted from the AGP designs, and featured some bits that might have been a bit too delicate for my printer, but non-the-less they were usable.


The main feature again being that the mounts would use the kit polycaps to mount the bits, although at the front, the hinge gets tacked on the thigh-plates as those mountings wouldnt work, due to the polycap design.


Test fitting the bits was a success, and we could continue from here...


The end results was as needed, the thigh plate rotates up and down, and swivels out of the way towards the side if needed, and the sidepod has some rotation, although not much.


The base of the jetpack slots nicely into the upper mounting box, although this would get a minor revision to make it just to make it less square box-like, and also swapping the polycap position from the lid to the base to make it more sturdy


The wings stick out a bit more than I would like, but unless I want to move the polycap inside the body itself, this is about as good as its going to get.


As an added bonus the railguns just about clear the head  too...


Although it was during the articulation tests that I started to realize that this thing might end up a bit bigger than I thought...


Since everything was going to work, There was then nothing to it but to start actually painting and finishing the bits that had been in a bit of a awkward state for so long, oddly enough I hadnt lost any bits while doing this, although the build manual did make a dissapearing act...


The light blue and white bits were just sanded with 2000 grit paper to make them flat, which was more or less successfull. the tops of the wings were painted not according to the design which called for black, but this neat, and annoying to apply semi-flat navy blue (Revell SM 350), the panel lines were brought up with some standard black Tamiya Panel accent liquid.

The navy blue ended up being quite a nice happy accident, since the original called for black which I find to be very un photogenic.

And so, eventually we had the wings complete, and some discount Saekano action...


"does this tightness make this technically Bondage...?"

But we were now also approaching the point where I would have to start thinking of the clothing bits for this thing, and again this prooved a bit problematic.

First of all the AGP designs have a sort of bodysuit thats open at the front, which is all good and well on a figma, but less so with actual fabric being involved... So I had to make some changes to the plan accordingly.

Going from the bottom up, the pants prooved a bit problematic since all the MDD pants patterns I saw were for stretch material, and I wasnt after such a thing. So naturally I had to make my own design which took a few attempts before I got it more or less right:


You need a spoon handle to pry them on, and putting the legs on the body is a bit of a WWF-match, but it do work in the end.... the "Socks" are pretty much just tubes that fold into the ends of the chopped calf piece.

Naturally the building of the kit pieces continued alongside this:


At this point I also did a minor redesign of the shoulder winglet mount, by adding the small slotted hemishpere shape into it that peeks from under the winglet, and also moved the winglet mounts a few millimeters inboard, which made a bigger difference than I had thought originally.


The headpiece ended up being a bit of a quick hack-n-slash job, by just chopping the top of the Gundam head off, and placing a magnet inside of it.




In terms of scale, the small hat look works... sort of, but the antennaes are just a smidge too small, but I might get back to this later if and when I make the actual circlet bits to go with it.
For now that was not on the table because of time constraints.

The chest piece was also finalized during this time in terms of shape, and mounting which was just a simple affair of a 20x2mm sticky disc magnet inside the bust, and a 8x3mm disc in the chest armor. what was remaining of the head mounting was glued at a slight upward angle with the remains of the upper braces would go past the collar bone indents of the doll bust.


And at this point the wings and everything waist down was complete:



This then left the upper bits, which just meant finishing off the chest armor, and figuring out the top bit of clothing, which ended up as a simple tube-top thing ... again as tight fitting as I could:


Luckily it didnt take as many efforts as the pants did, and now all the clothing bits were done:


I do like the end result for a change, even though compared to the miniature figure bits this is much more simplified.

So all that was left was the remaining bits of the kit assembly, mainly the rifle and shield:


And after finishing the main chest armor assembly, resulting in this lovely not-so-little thing:





And some poses:





And as a bit of a added bonus, an exploded view of the parts involved before getting packed away:



Well, this one took its sweet time to be finished, but in the end I am quite happy with the end result.
Wings outstretched, liberty is quite an impressive sight, but as impressive as it is, also takes up a fair bit of space, and getting completed in a point of time where I am rethinking heavily what I want on display, it ended up back in the kit box for the time being.

But once the space is sorted, it'll most likely make a comeback of sorts.


Edited by finnleo
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Ack!  j/k.  This is pretty interesting.  I look forward to more progress images.

I'm not a big enough Gundam fan to recognize the shin used.  Which Gudam model will she end up representing?

And, if you'll forgive the slight derail, I've also thought about a DD mecha musune girl.  In my case it would be a DD version of the refit starship Enterprise.  I've mostly toyed with it as a costuming issue, but maybe some integrated model parts could be interesting (possibly as a backpack, like the various Kancolle girls).  But the Polar Lights 1/350 would probably be too big, and the old AMT parts would probably be a bit small.

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Well the box of the gundam in question has been shown ... though that picture was one and a half years ago, which goes to show how long this has incubated.

But Freedom would be the one in question, hence the slight wordplay with Liberty.


As for a Mecha musume Enterprise ... considering that japanese illustrators seem to have a penchant of making anything and everything into anthropomorph form (even a toilet seat hauling Skyraider of all things...) -- Star trek isn't apparently a really popular theme ... And from what few concepts I found it is a bit of a difficult theme, having the nacelles as a backpack is one idea, but... it seems a bit bulky as do the Kankolle designs ... but I've always favored the body-armor style of the original Gundam girl designs (of whom I forget the name that I traced the earliest sketches to...), that Komatsu Eeji, and Fumikane Shimada also have made famous.

Although I did find this one I liked, that seems to be based on Suffix-A (Edit, although now that I recall, Suffix-A was the rebuilt one, but its easier to distinguish them for me this way between the TOS, and movie versions.) which you were thinking of, by a illustrator named Omix:


Even though having the nacelles as a headband acts as pseudo antlers, I do prefer this over the backpack idea, the saucer as a skirt seemed to be a thing among the sketches, that or a hat ... which just looks odd. It does not feature the meteor deflector (at least from this angle), though that could be made as a medallion detail in my opinion.

Edited by finnleo
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The Freedom is one of my favorites, up there with GP01 FB, Gundam X, and Nu Gundam.

With the Freedom you have those segmented wings.  I'm wondering what those parts look like in terms of scale with her, assuming you're intending to cannibalize the kit to construct her.

Are you going to kitbash a full helmet?  Or will you give her a sort of Gundam circlet.  I have to admit I'd be partial to the circlet idea.


Regarding the Enterprise, we're on the same wavelength.  That's about the only fanart of that particular shipgirl which works for me.  I'm not a fan of the big hoop skirt or warp antlers, but I do probably get a decent basis from that pic in particular.  I have some pie in the sky ideas beyond that.

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I haven't seen it pop up in a while, but someone on instagram used to post a Gundam girl Miku DD. I remember it got broken at one time but I think it got repaired. I don't know Gundams enough to know what kit(s) were used but something similar was done with the legs to the above.

It might be the same person who had some kaiju-girl DDs, including a Mecha Godzilla one.

If I find it again I'll post a link.


Edit: Here's one I had a saved link to (not my pictures), but it's not the same one I was thinking of:


Untitled by Miku Hatsune, on Flickr


A few more at: https://www.flickr.com/photos/129603560@N04/

Edited by cfx
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13 hours ago, Gabriel said:

The Freedom is one of my favorites, up there with GP01 FB, Gundam X, and Nu Gundam.

With the Freedom you have those segmented wings.  I'm wondering what those parts look like in terms of scale with her, assuming you're intending to cannibalize the kit to construct her.

Are you going to kitbash a full helmet?  Or will you give her a sort of Gundam circlet.  I have to admit I'd be partial to the circlet idea.


Technically I am all googely-ga for Barbatos from Iron blood orphans. but somehow Bandai hasn't made that outside of the 1/144 1/100 HG range... though wouldn't be too surprised if the next 1/60 Perfect grade would be that. I recall having a thing for Deathscythe out of W, but that was short lived. But the original Freedom is one of my favorites with the wings included ... Strike Freedom got a bit too bling-bling for my taste, as went the whole SEED thing in general in the destiny portion.

The scaling thing is the one that's caused me to stick to MDD rather than DD. Since the 1/60 Gundam kits aren't really that tall .. maybe a foot (30cm) or so completed, so the MDD at 40cm is closest. But yea... the kit is being fully cannibalized and wont ever be put into true gundam form, having to carve out quite a bit from inside of the legs, arms and most of the chest piece to get everything to look mostly right.

The Gundam girl aesthetic has always been a circlet with maybe the side pieces framing the face, so thats what i'll be going with. The signature V-antenna is pretty easy, but the rest might need some figuring out... as a lot of other things still... the biggest if being an outrigger setup for the sidepods with the beam cannons, and front armor flaps... a Perfect grade kit would be a bit easier to work with (why there are a few DD's wearing PG gundam pieces) since they are designed as a complete inner skeleton that you attach the armor peices to, whereas the High grade stuff is a bit more bulky in details - however quite a bit cheaper to butcher... ahem.


11 hours ago, cfx said:

I haven't seen it pop up in a while, but someone on instagram used to post a Gundam girl Miku DD. I remember it got broken at one time but I think it got repaired. I don't know Gundams enough to know what kit(s) were used but something similar was done with the legs to the above.

It might be the same person who had some kaiju-girl DDs, including a Mecha Godzilla one.

If I find it again I'll post a link.


Edit: Here's one I had a saved link to (not my pictures), but it's not the same one I was thinking of:

Mm, as I mentioned its not a new idea. Although when I got the kit with the intention of doing this, there weren't many attempts at it as far as I knew. But once the photo's started to appear of other efforts at one point, I partially lost interest in doing it myself.

The one that you linked is the other Unicorn Miku I've seen (with the cute use of Saber Alters swimsuit for a bodysuit). The other one I remember from flickr was the same combo but much brighter photo's, but what I remember they didn't do much to correct the silly shin to thigh ratio if you just slapped the lower part of the leg on the DD knee. wouldn't know about instagram stuff since ... reasons.



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I'm still trying to find that instagram again. I thought I had saved a link but maybe not. They also had Dollfie Dream kaiju girls I remember, including a Mecha Godzilla one.

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Kit Bashing with DD's? Now that's a really cool idea! Good luck with the project. :-bd

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On 8/24/2019 at 3:09 AM, cfx said:

I'm still trying to find that instagram again. I thought I had saved a link but maybe not. They also had Dollfie Dream kaiju girls I remember, including a Mecha Godzilla one.

Oh man, I'd LOVE to see that Mecha Godzilla one!  <3


I love the idea of the Gundam/mecha parts on girls.  One of my DD girls has automail like Ed from Fullmetal Alchemist on one leg and it looks really cool in my opinion.  But full on armor like the stuff above is also a really neat idea and it's super cool to see someone doing it!




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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What a neat project/Idea! Looking good 😊

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I found what I was looking for. I posted a new thread as to not clog up yours with pictures of someone else's work:


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could be a nice effect if you could get lights in this somehow

Edited by amarilian

These are the dolls you're looking for, no you cannot haz them they r mine:)

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On 9/13/2019 at 11:18 AM, amarilian said:

could be a nice effect if you could get lights in this somehow

Well, Freedom does not really have any lighting effects worth speaking of .. apart from the beam cannons. however the PG kits would have have had options for the heads eyes to light up at the very least, and I think Wing had the chest cannon orb light up, and Unicorn has a ~10k yen full enrage lighting for the red details.


Also, first post updated with Workflow pictures of the legs...

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So this project finally got some reinforcements in terms of workshop equipment:



Slightly awkward black on black in a not so well lit room, but I finally scratched off one piece of toys from my want to buy list, namely a 3D printer of chinesium DIY quality.

so far has been reasonable to work with, though needs more cross bracing so that the gantry doesn't shake the thing apart.

As for the project at hand (pun partially intended), i already doodled a quick piece in 123Design...



but I think I need to go to something a bit more flexible, like blender, or bite the bullet and go fusion 360, for a slightly less awkward modeling experience.

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But of a double post, but main post updated with the arm solution...

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While it’s a little graphic seeing a poor girl cut up I’m really enjoying seeing the progress of this mod. It’s already looking really impressive, can’t wait to see it finished. 

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mm, well it is quite invasive in terms of mods, but there is method in the madness I think.. since the donor MDD body was pretty much broken beyond repair in some places (the arm-pegs, and the ankles) that are now getting new bits. the missing pieces from the addons also adds to the awkwardness of the work in progress shots, but since I need to take it all apart for paint and finishing, id rather not risk snapping any pegs as i've already done with the foot I put together for the first pictures.

but its coming along, hopefully with not as long an update interval for the next step.

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On 8/21/2019 at 1:56 PM, finnleo said:

As for a Mecha musume Enterprise ... considering that japanese illustrators seem to have a penchant of making anything and everything into anthropomorph form (even a toilet seat hauling Skyraider of all things...) -- Star trek isn't apparently a really popular theme ... And from what few concepts I found it is a bit of a difficult theme, having the nacelles as a backpack is one idea, but... it seems a bit bulky as do the Kankolle designs ... but I've always favored the body-armor style of the original Gundam girl designs (of whom I forget the name that I traced the earliest sketches to...), that Komatsu Eeji, and Fumikane Shimada also have made famous.

Pffff, Constitution-class starships... Not nearly as sexy as Galaxy-class. Can you say detachable saucer section?

Guess I'm gonna have to draw an anime girl Enterprise-D, huh?

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2 hours ago, AshbelEro said:

Can you say detachable saucer section?

If I recall (I may well be wrong), it was canon that they could always actually do this, but of course it's true we never saw it until TNG.

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1 hour ago, cfx said:

If I recall (I may well be wrong), it was canon that they could always actually do this, but of course it's true we never saw it until TNG.

mm, its been 25 or so years since I last peeked into one, but I recall in the Trek Encyclopedia it was a design feature of all saucer-habitat based starfleet ships, that the saucer could be used as a emergency life-raft of sorts if the main engine compartment was compromised. hence why the impulse engines are commonly found at the base of the saucer and not the main engine nacelles. also I recall notes that the detach-ability it was supposed to be a mainstay of the original series, but budget restraints for the model photography wouldn't allow it. ... but its been 25 or so years.

4 hours ago, AshbelEro said:

Guess I'm gonna have to draw an anime girl Enterprise-D, huh?

While looking it up, Galaxy and Soverneign were more popular than any other Enterprise variants in the imageboard I peeked into...

... But the Constitution-Modified (or Suffix-A) remains a bit more close to heart personally.

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Oh yeah, I had that original encyclopedia from so many years ago, and that might well be where I read this.

5 hours ago, finnleo said:

[...] also I recall notes that the detach-ability it was supposed to be a mainstay of the original series, but budget restraints for the model photography wouldn't allow it.

Now that you mention it, I've read that too but don't remember where. Might have been an old Starlog magazine...I haven't thought about those in years.

... But the Constitution-Modified (or Suffix-A) remains a bit more close to heart personally.

Me too, along with the Reliant type ships and the Excelsior. The later ship designs mostly seemed like they deviated in odd ways from the "science" of these. I also think that stuff they added onto to the Excelsior model to make the Enterprise-B just made it ugly. I was saddened to read that the idea was to make that stuff removable but it actually couldn't be without damaging the model, too.

Edited by cfx

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5 hours ago, finnleo said:

mm, its been 25 or so years since I last peeked into one, but I recall in the Trek Encyclopedia it was a design feature of all saucer-habitat based starfleet ships, that the saucer could be used as a emergency life-raft of sorts if the main engine compartment was compromised. hence why the impulse engines are commonly found at the base of the saucer and not the main engine nacelles. also I recall notes that the detach-ability it was supposed to be a mainstay of the original series, but budget restraints for the model photography wouldn't allow it. ... but its been 25 or so years.

While looking it up, Galaxy and Soverneign were more popular than any other Enterprise variants in the imageboard I peeked into...

... But the Constitution-Modified (or Suffix-A) remains a bit more close to heart personally.

Oh gee, you're right. You've out-geeked me this time.

That being said, no, I've looked and I can't find any anime girls of the TNG-era vessels.

That's a weird sentence.

Anyway I hope it's clear I was joking in the original reply, just in case you think I wasn't, sorry

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8 hours ago, cfx said:

Now that you mention it, I've read that too but don't remember where. Might have been an old Starlog magazine...I haven't thought about those in years.

I've read that in multiple interviews about Star Trek.

The difference between Dollfie Dreams and Heroin? Heroin is illegal, Dollfie Dreams probably should be.

“Empty wallets, full hearts.” That’s probably an apt description for the effects of DD addiction

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6 hours ago, AshbelEro said:

Oh gee, you're right. You've out-geeked me this time.

That being said, no, I've looked and I can't find any anime girls of the TNG-era vessels.

That's a weird sentence.

Anyway I hope it's clear I was joking in the original reply, just in case you think I wasn't, sorry

Mm, well to be fair if i recall correct, that party trick was revealed in "Best of both worlds" which is quite the epic episode duo, so there is that ... though might have been used before that my TNG episode watching as it came out was spotty at best.

EDIT: and after some researching, it was pretty much in the series premier... derp. Not sure about the borg espisodes anymore, I but I do recall it was used again later in TNG somewhere.


I havent found many star trek inspired mecha-musumes, and of those few I prefer not to link since the board in question isn't the most savory of sites.

but, Star trek and anthropomorphization are the keywords to look for I guess.

and its all in good fun I believe. might come off as a bit dry on occasion but eh... you poke a techno-nerd subject like this you are bound for responses one way or another.

Edited by finnleo
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First post updated with some small progress made back in august, that I only now managed to fish out of my phone...

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