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Customs - Canada

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My apologies if this is the wrong subforum.

I'm working on purchasing a dollfie. From my past (and more new-ish) experience with BJDs, shipping was a hassle, and I got whacked with customs. While I understand that this is an expensive purchase and I kind of have to expect it, I'm looking to save as much as possible.


The doll is used. While the package weighs slightly lighter than last time, due to the size, it's probably going to have to be shipped EMS from Japan.

It's a huge package, so of course, likely to get hit. This will actually be a Christmas present, so the best I can do is hope that with all the packages, it will slide by. (and yay for Canada Post asking for $10 just to collect money from you!)


Can anyone please share any recent experience with customs in Canada? Thanks!


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I don't actually live in Canada but a faceup artist I like using lives there. I've found that when I send things via usps priority (from the us) and marking it down as "doll repairs" my packages don't get hit even if they're insured for 400usd. I'm not sure if it's because they're usually just a head and the package is smaller. Anyway, if you ever buy anything outside of Canada try getting the seller to mark it as "repairs" and keep your fingers crossed.

You know you can turn off signatures if they make you uncomfortable.


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I live in Alberta.  I have always found it hit or miss with customs, depending on where the package is coming from and whether or not the item is used or new.

Anything from the States is usually tagged with customs for me.  From Japan, new 'toys' (dolls) are usually fine, while used 'toys' are usually dinged.  But that is just my experience.

I would recommend to always expect customs and save accordingly.

Niki P.

Vinyl brood at home: Len, Noah, Kenji, Rinto, Kiri, Eiji, Anais, Rin, ‘Red’, Lenka, Kai, Midoriya, Marc, ‘Sue’, Terra, Night, Frankie, Anna and Chitose.

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I've found customs to be completely and utterly random. It's best to always expect them, and if you don't get hit it's a nice surprise.

He/Him --- I like making stuff --- Please don't make sexual/lewd comments about my dolls, thank you!


At Home: Tyler (Akira 2nd), Adrienne (Smart Doll Mirai Cortex), Bryan (Smart Doll Eiji, cinnamon ver.)

Waiting For: Nothing atm

Wishlist: Smart Doll Crimson Kai in tea skin

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Buying figures and dolls over the last few years, Canadian customs has been very hit or miss. A large package of figures valued at ~$400 has slipped right through without any fees, whereas a previous Minifee purchase under $300 came with a $150 customs charge. I've been considering asking a seller to undervalue a DDdy I'm buying, but at this point I'm just going to let Canadian customs do away with charges as they please.

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I live in BC... I wish I could offer some advice, but like others have said it seems to be totally random. Occasionally I get slapped with a huge customs fee for buying stuff from Japan, but mostly I've been safe, and there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to it.

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