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1/3 Dolls on Amazon

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I was in Seoul this past spring and I saw the Bella dolls for sale quite often. The Amazon ones look very close to them and the price is around the correct amount as well. 

Im fairly certain they are one in the same. At least the Bells dolls and the ones on Amazon. I didn't pay too much attention at the time since I was in an area known for bootleg goods and I was worried they would be recasts. I realize that was not the case now but it couldn't be helped I guess.

That being said, Korea has a number of fashion dolls that are all very lovely and well made. There are rules that so much of the goods sold in Korea have to be Korean made so they create a lot of beautiful products. I would be surprised if these weren't fantastic quality for the price 

Edit: it seems as though these may be from a Hong Kong company? In which case I'm not entirely certain why they seem to pop up primarily from Korea but they do still look to be lovely quality for the price

Edited by Katiazza

*Yuzu* DDS Yaya

*Yuuko* DDIII Aozaki Aoko

*Sakura* DDII Uryuu Sakuno

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Hey, just a head's up that Dream Fairy / Fortune Days / Eva BJD have been banned from Den of Angels due to suspicions of them being recasts.

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I can't say I suspected something like that, but I also can't say it surprises me.


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Interesting. I found this video earlier and came here to post it before reading about the recast stuff.  The video isn't great quality but even so I think the doll looks pretty bad quality anyway... and seems to have rooted hair made of cheap fibres.  No idea about being able to change the eyes either but I'm guessing it isn't possible.  My assumption is that after owning something high quality like DD or SmD these will seem pretty poor quality.



Edited by Riesz
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This is interesting to me. I originally worried they might be recasts but everyone seemed to be fine with them. 

But I know some of them can definitely have the eyes changed and they specifically mention coming with a wig that can be changed even on the Amazon listing. 

The question is if all of these are the same dolls being sold under different brands or if there are different companies. The Night Lolita being the big name these are being referred to as.

Edit: I was wrong these dolls do have rooted hair. The ones that don't are the uCanaan brand ones. 

That still leaves me questioning whether the Bella Dolls from the other post are the same as these though 

Edited by Katiazza

*Yuzu* DDS Yaya

*Yuuko* DDIII Aozaki Aoko

*Sakura* DDII Uryuu Sakuno

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Singer Yuna
6 hours ago, Katiazza said:

The question is if all of these are the same dolls being sold under different brands or if there are different companies. 

There is the fortune days / dream fairy company uses the DBS in their boxes and their factory is Zhongshan Debisheng Toys Co.

The dream fairy has the cheap ver. head who has black eyes and rooted hair, and the head without rooting which can open to change eyes.

then I noticed there are sublines I don’t know if from the same night lolita styles, killig doll, ucaanan, demidoll etc but they not seem from the DBS plastic recast > The evidences of hands and head sculpt are obvious, and also some of their chinese clothing style. I don’t know a clue about bella dolls.

Edited by Singer Yuna


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Also found a blog post by someone who successfully used the body from this doll with a DD head, although the skin tone of this doll seems to only match white DD heads... even semi-white looked off imo.



However I noticed this person does mention they don't care about these potentially being recasts, so keep that in mind...

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Thanks for the earlier video Riesz.

Mainly, I was curious about the clothes.  For about the price of a standard Volks outfit, it would be possible to get one of these outfits complete with shoes, and a bonus doll included.  I recognize the shoes as a kind that's sold on ebay regularly for cheap in various colors as as standard SD shoes.  That makes me wonder about the fit of the outfits on other dolls.


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It is so immediately obvious in the instagram pics above that those are (fairly poor) copies of Volks hands. :(

12 minutes ago, Gabriel said:

Mainly, I was curious about the clothes.  For about the price of a standard Volks outfit, it would be possible to get one of these outfits complete with shoes, and a bonus doll included.

Maybe the clothes are original, heh. I wouldn't do this myself because it's still supporting a company that's doing or using recast parts.

I looked at some other post on that instagram. The Volks "flesh" head on that body makes it look like the head, and only the head, has severe sunburn.

From pics on the blog, I wonder how many other parts are copied? The neck pin for the head looks like Volks too.

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Yeah it definitely seems like a frankenstein recast to me.  I don't think the clothes look like they're worth $80 or even $50 imo, you can get quality outfits from BJD makers for around that price, plus it wouldn't be supporting a company that steals from others

Edited by Riesz

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