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Hey-yo, Yaino here!

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Hi my name is Yaino, I'm a fellow Canadian. A few hobbies of mine include reading and crocheting, that I balance between my university classes.

Although I don't own any dolls of my own, I do admire them. They're beautiful works of art, and I do plan on getting one in the near future! If anything I'm in love with the Smart Doll line.

I hope I can learn a lot from the more experienced people to help ease my way into the hobby~

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Hello, Yaino! Welcome to the forums! Where in Canada are you from? I'm from Southern Ontario. :)

I don't own a Smart Doll myself, but I have seen them in person a few times and they are quite lovely! I hope you'll be able to get one in the near future.


I see you also like Pokemon! Whimsicott is one of my favourite Pokemon; especially the shiny version.

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Hello! I'm also new here! @onion12@

I recently got a cortex version of Smart Doll Serenity (because I still find Vinyl a little intimidating). I love her a lot, but I'm in college ATM so haven't had as much time with her as I'd like. Do you have any dolls or will you be getting your first? 

Everyone here has been very nice and super informative! I think you'll like it here a lot. 

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On 10/18/2019 at 7:45 PM, Minty said:

Hello, Yaino! Welcome to the forums! Where in Canada are you from? I'm from Southern Ontario. :)

I don't own a Smart Doll myself, but I have seen them in person a few times and they are quite lovely! I hope you'll be able to get one in the near future.


I see you also like Pokemon! Whimsicott is one of my favourite Pokemon; especially the shiny version.

I’m from Southern Ontario as well, GTA!

Took a break from the forms, recently returned since I made the leap and started the process of getting a Smart Doll, Resilient in cinnamon (So excited ❤️). Now I’m getting nervous and trying to get all the tips.

Also yes! Huge video game fan, and thought Whimsicott would be adorable for a pic, granted it is not my own art. Granted if I had a to pick a favourite I’d have to say it’d be Flareon (now that I think about it, probably should’ve picked that one for a profile pic 😭

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On 10/19/2019 at 2:17 AM, SiofraLu said:

I recently got a cortex version of Smart Doll Serenity (because I still find Vinyl a little intimidating). I love her a lot, but I'm in college ATM so haven't had as much time with her as I'd like. Do you have any dolls or will you be getting your first? 

Everyone here has been very nice and super informative! I think you'll like it here a lot. 

Hello! Hopefully you’ve become an expert in the community by now 😄 But that’s so exciting I remember seeing the cortex launch and thought it was a shame Danny took it away. Personally I like the looks of the Vinyl more, but the durability of the Cortex was definitely a plus. Have you gotten more over the years ? 

Also not at the moment, but I’m currently in the process of getting Resilent in Cinnamon and I’m so hyped. Due to my financial situation I’ve gone through layaway with Fabric Friends and Dolls, which has been beyond fantastic!

Definitely everyone is welcoming, and I appreciate the openness with this community 💝

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