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Multiple dolls through dream choice?

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So I'm going to Japan next Saturday (yay!), and I'm wanting to pick up a couple of boy DDs from the dream choice set up. I read before that it can be a good idea to make an appoinment, which I can do, but will they let me do more than one doll? Should I book two appointments in a row? Do I just need to come back over a couple days? What's the best way to handle my ridiculous mission? I'm only there for a week.

Help! I fell into DD hell!

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As far as I am aware, it is one Dream Choice doll per time slot. So you'll likely have to book two sessions.

Assuming a visit to Akihabara is one of the first things on your to-do list anyway, I suggest you stop by the Doll Point, say you're interested in two Dream Choice dolls and would like to have slots for them. If their schedule has enough room, I don't see any reason why they wouldn't give you two consecutive slots.

The Doll Point website (japanese) at the bottom also lists a phone number for reserving slots, but unless you can somewhat speak Japanese, I'm not too sure this is a viable strategy...


Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy your trip.

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If they don’t let you do two in a row (ie if someone has booked a slot for directly after you), then you could just arrange for the second one at another time - even on the same day if it was possible. 

I hope it all goes well and I can’t wait to see your boys!

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