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Removing dyes from clothings

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Heya guys, silly noob mistake. A short story made even shorter. From the last lottery, I got the new Alchemist Set and I didn't even have the set on Als for more than 36 hours and luckily it only stained Als' fingers. How do you guys go about removing as much loose dyes from the clothes? I would normally just toss them into detergent and just let them wash out but the alchemist set has a much lighter area of the outfit but i'm afraid I might transfer the darker green dye over into the lighter portion of the outfit. Typically most of my outfits have similar shades of colors so I wasn't worried but this set isn't like that.

How would ya go about this situation or what technique would ya use?

sigh.. i need to buy a container of that dream rescue.

looking for - , Marisa Short Wig, full set Beatrice or default face + eyes & Sasara Fullset or default face + eyes.

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Mmmmh well I don't know if it works with doll's dresses, but using something like color catchers is a viable option?


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I bought Synthrapol exactly because it supposedly lifts loose dye and locks it into the wash water. So it shouldn't stain lighter areas. I haven't tested it myself yet, so I can't say if it is really true. There is much discussion about this topic in Care and Repair section.

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Disclaimer: I've only seen the Alchemist sets in pictures so I may be wrong about the materials.

My concern with these particular outfits is the blue and brown parts look like some of those materials Volks uses that aren't really meant to be washed; the same types of things on human clothes that would require dry cleaning.

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Yeah... The a very large portion of the dress had the dual layered dual colored like you mention but this is the exact spot that is staining. I'll take pictures when I get back home. 

looking for - , Marisa Short Wig, full set Beatrice or default face + eyes & Sasara Fullset or default face + eyes.

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