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Measurements for outfits.

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I'm interested in buying some outfits for 2B, but the listed body types for the items I'm looking at have me a little confused.

Items are listed as being sized for many different body types, but looking at the measurements themselves I can't see how this is possible.

Going by the measurements I found for SD13 here https://denofangels.com/doawiki/index.php?title=Super_Dollfie_13 shows that those are almost within DDdy proportions and would theoretically fit with either a little modification or naturally due to the material used. This could all be garbage though as this site http://dollheart.net/measurements/ contradicts those measurements by a lot. That site make the SD13 measurements closer to a standard DD or DDS, but not close enough.

The problem I see is that most items list things as compatible with SD13 but also for standard DD and DDS. If the measurements of an SD13 are close to a DDdy according to that site linked then wouldn't putting an item compatible with an SD13 on a DD be really baggy?

One item that I've seen listed (not for 2B) is a crop bra & underwear set https://dollfie.ec.volks.co.jp/item/4518992417158.html that lists SD13 compatibility but also DD and DDS. If the Doll Heart measurements are to be believed then an SD13 is 2cm larger in the hips and 1.5cm larger in the bust. I'm guessing an item like that would be very tight on an SD13 if it were also made to be worn by a smaller DD or DDS?

Should I explicitly trust in Volks' sizing or is there a little slack in the outfit designs that allow for slightly larger dolls to wear things they're not listed for?

I'm new to the larger dolls as I only have a DDP so far so I've never really looked into the outfits for the bigger dolls.

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What Volks frequently does is they will either have a bit of ease in the design itself, or they'll have several "settings" for pieces--usually in the form of a hook and eye closure, where the eye portion is actually a thread loop; then they'll have several thread loops for different size dolls. Downside of this is that on smaller busts/dolls the hooks can sometimes slip out. It's a relatively mild annoyance.

Also, something to bear in mind: SD13 girl measurements are closer to DD M bust, while SD13 BOY stuff will actually fit DDDy. Another thing to consider is that Dollheart doesn't always design their SD13 girl stuff to Volks bodies specifically, but to other, similarly sized resin bodies, which might account for the discrepancy in their measurements.

Long story short, you've got more play room in outfit sizing than you might initially think; 1cm too small might keep something from fitting, but 1cm too big is not that noticeable in most outfits.

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I can write a novel on this, which may probably still not actually answer what you want to know.

I don't know which of the SD measurements are correct, or if either are. SD13 has become a sort of generic description for resin BJDs of roughly that size, so the Dollheart numbers could be that. I've never been able to find any official measurements from Volks on SDs. This page has the numbers for DDs which matches what Dollheart says.

Volks SD13 outfits are unlikely to fit DDdy; those thighs and hips are too large. Volks will usually rate SD16 outfits for DDdy, even though the SD16 is overall a larger doll. They count on the DDdy bust and hips taking up most of the space.

As Poofiemus mentioned, many Volks outfits have multiple loops for hooks or extra snaps to adapt the sizes somewhat.

Volks SD13 line is basically discontinued, replaced by SDGr (SD Grafitti), who have dimensions closer to DD. The biggest difference is the waist, but that is measured up high at the smallest point where it's mostly not that relevant a measurement.

That bra/pantsu set linked is probably a slightly stretchy material, and the bottom of the bra and top of the panties have elastic, and those two areas would be the ones that need the largest range i.e. the hip part of the dolls is closer in size, but the waist differs, and the same is probably the case underneath the bust.

I've griped in various places on this forum about the "fit" of Volks outfits on DD, as most things tend to be looser than I'd like and not always what I consider to actually fit.

The Tenshi no Koromo line is generally sized specifically for DD, to the point that those outfits often don't list any SD compatibility at all.

I don't own any SD nor have even ever seen one in person, but I have experience with a fair amount of Volks outfits on DD with various bust sizes. I don't have a DDdy though, but I know enough of how they differ to know that the Volks SDGr/SD13 outfits I have are generally not going to fit them. I'll put a caveat on that--if you can sew or modify outfits, outfits with skirts can probably be modified; outfits with pants or shorts are not going to have enough extra material for the changes you'd have to make on those.

Everything I wrote is only relevant to Volks outfits. I don't have any experience with anyone else's clothing, and as most of that would be more generically SD-sized, it'll be different. Dollheart though, actually sizes their clothing for DDs, so if you're buying from them, trust what they say fits DDdy.

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