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Dairyland BJD

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Since there's a thread on Den of Angels, I thought I'd bring up this forum.


Dairyland BJD is a very friendly forum focused on resin BJDs and it's based in the midwest of USA, so most members are from that area. It's great to get meetups going for this part of the US as well as buying items locally from their marketplace.


Downside is that DDs are offtopic, but there is a DD thread in the "other dolls and toys" section of the forum, so you can still talk about them there! And even though DDs are off topic, they are welcomed at Dairyland's meetups, as are figurines, ABS dolls, and other vinyl dolls! When I went to Dairyland's mega meet (over 100 people!) about a week ago, I saw 4 or 5 dollfie dreams there, as well as anime figurines. The dollfies got a lot of attention too, I saw them in a lot of photos.


Here's a photo taken by member Jemjoop of the DD girls at the meet (and if you have a good eye, you'll see Fluttershy from My Little Pony in the background, as proof that it's not all about dolls xD)


I'm suggesting this forum because of its friendly nature and openness. You can join even if you're not from the midwest, there's members from other parts of the world, too!


Anyway, my username is StellarKei there, too!

DDH04: Elise

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My username is Pacino_83 over there, too. :3 Another person form the Midwest? Awesome.

Parting with my lovely ladies.

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I'm Galvatim on there, too. Or at least I was, I haven't been on Dairyland in quite some time. I guess I should check it out again.

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I've just registered under the same username I use here

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Born and raised in Missouri myself. I may have to head over there and register.

Proud captain of two lovely squires, Kimberly and Airana

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I believe I'm littlebearries on there as well, although I haven't been active in a while.


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I don't check that forum often but I am Lumirei there too

Happily at home:Lumière, Yoko, Nia, Lily, Vivienne, Altria, Lilith, Claire, Sakuya, Sakura, Haruhi, Aurelia, Melty, Miyako, Unnamed 03, Mariko (student), Momo, Miku, Snow Miku and Asuna.

Awaiting: Kirito

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I have the same username on Dairyland as well. I recently attended the Winter meet up and have previously attended two others. I had a great time! The members are very friendly and welcoming.

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I attended the last few summer meets, and I usually bring at least 1 DD with me, although I don't know if I'll continue to attend... I personally don't fit in with the group, but I tend to be more reserved and they're a very enthusiastic bunch.

Doll Photos & Doll Jewelry Sales: Follow me on Instagram

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Awww, I'm sorry to hear that. I know the last summer meet was pretty overwhelming with 110 attendees. I attended the winter one a couple weeks ago and there were only 60 because of the smaller venue. I found that I enjoyed it much more. If you attended the last summer meet then you would have seen my dolls I think. I am part of the group who did the circus theme table/set-up.


I had the gypsy fortune teller, strong woman, kissing booth, knife thrower and assistant, ringmaster, contortionist, mermaid, and tiny purple haired elephant rider.

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Out of curiosity, is anyone here planning on attending the July meet?

Doll Photos & Doll Jewelry Sales: Follow me on Instagram

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