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Politely Nefarious









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Libidoll Details

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Hi All!

Was planning to post some more info on my Libidoll for a while, but you know how life gets in the way eh? XD

Anyway, @Keijogirl asked me some time ago for some info.

The link below points to the photo album of my initial assembly of the Libidoll (warning, some photos NSFW):


The magnetic joints make putting on clothes a breeze. Wanna change a shirt or coat? Just pop her arms out Chewbacca style and lift the shirt off 😜

Possibility isn't amazing. I got an obitsu48 for my mum, and that was the first time I realised just how limited the range of motion is. Especially at the elbows. For example I can't have Lime move her palm up to her chin without the elbow popping out (and then get attracted back).

Changing and aligning the eyes is a breeze compared to obitsu, because they are placed inside a plastic piece behind the face. No putty required. I didn't take any pictures yet, however whenever I'll change out Lime's eyes I'll take some. Diameter is 22cm.

I also wasn't pleased by the default bust size, but the official Libidoll large bust torso has long been out of stock pretty much everywhere for a long time. However my engineering mind just comes up with other ideas, which I'll do in another post hahah.

So the result so far is that I have my doll much better resemble Lime with the DIY bust upgrade, with an unfortunately downside of limited arm movement because the magnets aren't perfectly shaped to fit. She's not complaining though XD

Anyway, hopefully the photos show some detail and that my post has been informative.

Here she's wearing a school uniform skirt with a jumper (I guess? Not sure for the name of this top...).

Upgraded bust!


Edited by RobotDollOmega
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