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Smart doll hybrids?

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So I have a friend who collects mainly boy dolls. Smart doll releases boy sculpts spring minimally that it’s hard for them to get new sculpts. So he’s also been searching for the extra extra small bust. So I’m always searching for those for him as well.

But it got me thinking about hybrids. Does anyone have any smart doll hybrids? 

can obitsu parts fit on smart doll? I think I’ve seen pics of the male chest plate from obitsu on a smart doll. I believe it’s the chest from the slimmer 55cm boy? But not sure. 

im just curious in general since it’s fun to hybrid parts to get different heights and body shapes. I thought it might be fun. (Though hybriding smart dolls will be more difficult now that it seems they are phasing our milk. 😕 ) 

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I'd love to put together a SmD/DDS hybrid! I like the Resilience sculpt quite a bit, but the standard Smartdoll body is WAY too bombastic to fit the character I'd want to shell! A small-chested DDS would be perfect. It'd need some fiddling, though - the hole for the neck peg in a SmD is thinner than a DD's (at least, the DDP that I have available to test out) with the neck pegs also sized accordingly. But with some additive/subtractive modification it could be doable!

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Not sure if you guys saw this already, but here's a thread that was started by MaKayla_Panda! It's really cool! 


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I just made myself a SmD/DD hybrid girl!  


I've been after an Infinity for a while and was able to recently get her head and wig from Facebook.  But I didn't have a SmD body for her so I decided to give her a DDdy body with a modded medium bust on it.  And I think it worked out rather well.  😉


49899266466_d8c141ffac_z.jpgDSC_0063 by Billy  Bennett, on Flickr


49898750183_ae23e9d8fc_z.jpgDSC_0058 by Billy  Bennett, on Flickr


No mods were needed to put her head on the body.  Even tho the hole on the head is smaller than the peg on the body, all I did was heat the neck hole area up with a heat gun and then push it onto the neck peg.  No issues at all!


49899572362_e136d8e8f9_z.jpgDSC_0071 by Billy  Bennett, on Flickr


I just adore this girl.  <3 


49898753623_8e6255e495_z.jpgDSC_0045 by Billy  Bennett, on Flickr




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I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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  On 5/15/2020 at 10:52 PM, baldylox said:

I just made myself a SmD/DD hybrid girl!  


I've been after an Infinity for a while and was able to recently get her head and wig from Facebook.  But I didn't have a SmD body for her so I decided to give her a DDdy body with a modded medium bust on it.  And I think it worked out rather well.  😉

This could be considered blasphemy, you know 😉

On a more serious note, she looks great! Is the skintone a perfect match? I can hardly see any difference between head and body.

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  On 5/15/2020 at 2:59 PM, Kittywolf said:

can obitsu parts fit on smart doll? I think I’ve seen pics of the male chest plate from obitsu on a smart doll. I believe it’s the chest from the slimmer 55cm boy? But not sure. 

I tried this combo out of curiosity,  and it is not a simple plug and go situation. The male 55cm bust is not a bad scale for the female torso (though it would result in a very hippy boy), but the problem is the shoulders. The Smart Doll girl's internal shoulder frame doesn't reach close enough to the openings in the 55cm bust's shoulders to work. You can plug in one arm, but then the other arm can't connect because the internal frame in that side is too far away from the vinyl shell.

You can hybrid that bust onto a DD body, though, if you don't mind big hip boys. This requires the use of both the bust and the internal frame part that you would normally use for the full 55cm body. You can plug the Obitsu upper frame onto the DD lower torso frame, and then the arms can fit on both sides. The reason you can't do that with a Smart Doll is because Jeton joint style spine doesn't allow you to substitute the Obitsu upper torso frame.

I suppose it may be possible if you could find a way to build on to the Smart Doll's shoulder sockets to make them wider.


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  On 5/16/2020 at 12:05 AM, bbotss said:

This could be considered blasphemy, you know 😉

On a more serious note, she looks great! Is the skintone a perfect match? I can hardly see any difference between head and body.

Oh I'm sure that The Cult of Choo would have my head on a pike if this got out.  😉  Thank you!  I think the skin tones are pretty much spot on.  The body is the older DDdy one in NS and the head is in milk and I can't see any difference between the two in person.  I think it works out really well for her.




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I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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  On 5/15/2020 at 5:30 PM, KingyoNingyo said:

I'd love to put together a SmD/DDS hybrid! I like the Resilience sculpt quite a bit, but the standard Smartdoll body is WAY too bombastic to fit the character I'd want to shell! A small-chested DDS would be perfect. It'd need some fiddling, though - the hole for the neck peg in a SmD is thinner than a DD's (at least, the DDP that I have available to test out) with the neck pegs also sized accordingly. But with some additive/subtractive modification it could be doable!

As Baldylox said, you can definitely just heat up the neck peg, but if you wanted, you could also sand down the neck peg on the DDS frame. I don't have any pictures right now, but I did buy a DDS 2nd hand that has the neck & hand pegs sanded down to fit SmD heads and hands so subtractive modding is definitely an option. Just a more permanent one

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  On 5/17/2020 at 9:53 PM, MaKayla_Panda said:

As Baldylox said, you can definitely just heat up the neck peg.

No, not the peg on the body itself.  The hole in the head is what I heated up because the head is soft vinyl.  The neck peg is very hard plastic and if you heat it up enough to make it squish into the SmD head hole then it might ruin that peg.  Just take the head and flip it upside down so you can see the hole, then use a hairdryer or heat gun to warm up that area of vinyl.  Once warmed it becomes pliable enough to push onto the default DD neck peg with no issues or modding.




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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  On 5/17/2020 at 10:51 PM, baldylox said:

No, not the peg on the body itself. 

I typed that so fast, I meant the neck hole part. Omg 😅

I'm literate, I swear 😂😂😂

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I was hoping to find a thread like this- I gave up on getting a full SmD, but I did score a Cortex blank head and would love to find her a body! DDs are enticing, but does anyone know if any Obitsu/Parabox bodies fit too? Or even resin bodies?

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I have never hybridised a doll... but if you were going for resin you would have a lot of options and flexibility. Firstly because it's easy to do mods on resin, especially subtractive ones (I presume the neck hole on a lot of bodies would need sanding down to fit a Smart Doll head). Secondly, I don't know what colour your head is, but if you're prepared to dye resin you should be able to get a good match no matter what body you choose. 😄

(I don't know if you have any 1/3 resin dolls, but they are pretty heavy, so that is a disadvantage) 

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Why not dip a dd male upper torso or an obitsu 55 or 50 bust in a 50/50 acetone to water mix to shrink the top part only? I did that to my dd male upper bust to put on an obitsu and it worked. It had the are popping thing as well. Or just use the ob s bust.


edit: danny also released the xs bust files for free

Edited by kidswan
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Apologize for posting in a dead thread but does anyone know if a DD bust can fit onto a SMD torso if you trimmed the bust to match the SMD bust cut?

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Baldylox has tried this combination in this thread:


It seems to work.

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