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Custom face-up, which of these paints to use

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Hi! I have a blank dollfie head and am preparing to paint it. From birthday presents and required materials for art classes, I've ended up with various paints over the years. Since this is my first time painting a doll, I want to take advantage of what I already have while also making sure they're still considered to be proper materials that won't stain the head.

Gouache (Reeves)

I've heard that it's recommended to use water based products, but I see acrylics more commonly recommended? From my experience using these on paper it's a nice smooth paint with a good set of colors, but I've never seen gouache being recommended for dolls.

Reeves gouache

Acrylic (Liquitex)

I've seen this brand come up in suggested dollfie painting materials. Personally I prefer the next brand of acrylic paint on my list, unless there's a reason Liquitex would be more recommended?

Liquitex acrylics

Acrylic (Grumbacher)

I haven't seen this brand name come up in regards to face-up painting. From my experience using it on my own art projects, I like it more than the above Liquitex acrylics as it feels smoother and less plastic-y?

Grumbacher acrylics

Not pictured, but I also have a unspecific brand of watercolor paints if that's something I should include.

Currently I'm thinking either the Grumbacher paints since acrylics are so frequently recommended (though don't they become water resistant after drying?) or the Reeves gouache set. If there's anything here you would definitely recommend NOT using, please let me know. Thanks!

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The acrylics should be fine - just test out how the paint flows when thinned, some colors may be more smooth and consistent than others. You want to avoid any that are grainy, have inconsistent pigment color, or don't flow smoothly when diluted. Gauche is probably OK too but won't be as opaque which is why folks don't use it for faceups.

I like to use Liquitex slow-dry medium instead of water with acrylic paints, it gives a good smooth mix and extends your workable time. I don't know if it'd work with gauche or not.

In any case make sure you spray a layer of sealant on the head before painting, or your paints could permanently stain the vinyl as you're applying them. 

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I've tried gouache before on resin. Maybe it was just my tube, but to get enough coverage, it seemed much too think and dried to fast. I didn't have the same problem with wet water color pencils or acrylics, even when they were watered down. I agree though, I'd give it a try on a sealed doll. I like to use the headcaps for experimenting with colors or new products.

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Thank you both for the help! I went with the Grumbacher acrylics in the end and it's been working out for me! I had to wipe the head down several times until I got the hang of things and was so relieved to see that the paint does come off. Here's what I have so far!


She's not finished yet, but I'm quite happy with what I've done so far. ^_^

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May I ask which primer/sealant you used? She looks great!

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