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Now that is nice to know! She does great work and maybe already has it on hand??? I hate that ambiguous wait time!! 

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Can anyone help me with wig and eye sizes? I don't know what to buy! Head I bought is S01

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I just got my Cello today! He’s such a cutie! I love how small he is but he’s pretty hefty for how small he is. I’m definitely in love!



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On 6/7/2021 at 6:54 PM, AtelierMoe said:

Can anyone help me with wig and eye sizes? I don't know what to buy! Head I bought is S01

If you go to the site the wig/eye sizes are listed under the heads. Looks like 01S takes 18mm eyes and 18cm/7in wigs.  

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These dolls are so adorable I think I’m gonna die of cuteness.

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I just ordered this cutie pie!  There are a few other new dolls that look really cute too.






Here are a few of the other new fullset dolls that I noticed.


Boy and girl twins with a nurse(?) theme - https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3-c-s.w4002-21228104440.46.6bdb728fkM0JNJ&id=634119135596


Cute elf girl with a theme reminiscent of Alice - https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3-c-s.w4002-21228104440.16.6bdb728fkM0JNJ&id=645926806817


More twins but it looks like only the boy is still available - https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3-c-s.w4002-21228104440.22.6bdb728fkM0JNJ&id=643400238404


Pajamas boy - https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3-c-s.w4002-21228104440.64.6bdb728fkM0JNJ&id=628909336768


Witch girl - https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3-c-s.w4002-21228104440.61.6bdb728fkM0JNJ&id=629548210928



Edited by Riesz
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I ordered the cowboy-boy and the witch girl through 42Agent, and Shines is working on a head for me right now. And I possibly have two more planned after that.

...Look, I need small portable versions of my OCs so I can drag them to Disney and do photoshoots, it's very important okay?😆

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Oh no! I'm rather tempted by that 1/4 girl! 

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4 hours ago, nami said:

Oh no! I'm rather tempted by that 1/4 girl! 

I am too, but I'd rather fill out my 1/6 army and wait on reviews for the new body before I grab one.

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Man that price on a 1/4 body...that is tempting. My wonder is if MDD heads look good on it both for head size(their head is pretty small compared to DDH-01?) and skin tone matching. Their new skin tone color seems too pale for even SWS in pictures...but I'll have to wait and see for owner pictures. I'm sure people will try out hybrids.

I ended up ordering from Cloversinging since their sale price on a head and body back in April was pretty good. It ended up being the same head as the boy I lost, so that was a nice surprise once I realized it. Hopefully I'll only be waiting one more month for that one as long as there's no delays. I also decided to ask them to order this head for me...I don't know why I end up with so many deer boys, I can't stop 😆


between this head, my two Resinsoul deer boys, and my hopes to get a Shoushou doll Niko eventually...I'll have way too many. If they also make a 1/4 head with these ears, I'm sure I'll buy that one too...

Though I know they used this head for their cow girl, I thought this was a really neat point? The ears seem to come off? So maybe that leaves room for me to make many custom kinds...


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Current Crew: Kaito(DDH07), Kagamine Rin, Kaito V3, 9S, Ruby(Arle), Devola(2B), Anya Forger

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Bless this thread for showing so many of us that these dolls exists. They're lovely! It's great that they have a darker skin colour in their line-up. I hope they'll come out with more fullsets in that skin tone. I wouldn't even know where to find good fitting clothing for them so starting out with a full set would be nice.

I'm smitten with the faceup of the witch. I'd be done for if they offered her in tan. For those who ordered her, please share lots of pictures!

home  Victoria Beatrice {DD Beatrice}  DD 2B  DDB 9S  Lavi {TF Murphy}  Mocha {TF Fluffy}  Anastasia {TF Ashley}  TakoTako {TF Piercy}

waiting for  DDS Alisaie  DDSB Alphinaud  TinyFox Poison

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17 hours ago, Hymn said:

Bless this thread for showing so many of us that these dolls exists. They're lovely! It's great that they have a darker skin colour in their line-up. I hope they'll come out with more fullsets in that skin tone. I wouldn't even know where to find good fitting clothing for them so starting out with a full set would be nice.

I'm smitten with the faceup of the witch. I'd be done for if they offered her in tan. For those who ordered her, please share lots of pictures!

I've had good luck with using yosd clothing on them! Their arms are a bit longer than yosd but otherwise that size seems to fit. ❤️

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I hope you don’t mind me sharing but I just received my custom C-03 head from ShiNes! I’m so happy with how he turned out. I am just in love with these dolls! I want all of them. XD



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5 hours ago, Riesz said:

I've had good luck with using yosd clothing on them! Their arms are a bit longer than yosd but otherwise that size seems to fit.

Thank you so much for this tip! I guess that means I have to add another tentative plan for my doll list...

May I ask everyone who has one of these dolls if they stain as easily as the DD bodies?

home  Victoria Beatrice {DD Beatrice}  DD 2B  DDB 9S  Lavi {TF Murphy}  Mocha {TF Fluffy}  Anastasia {TF Ashley}  TakoTako {TF Piercy}

waiting for  DDS Alisaie  DDSB Alphinaud  TinyFox Poison

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@Hymn I couldn't say, since I stick to light-colored clothing on my vinyl dolls by default.

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Looks like almost all of the fullset dolls sold out during the big sale on Taobao. Hopefully they release some new ones soon!

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So I ended up ordering a fullset of that 1/4 girl Naya from Clover Singing. She'll be my first TinyFox doll.

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I've been meaning to post here ever since June 1st - the day my girl arrived. Oh how time flies by…

Here's Marie! I'm so glad I happened to stumble by someone selling their Pre Order, I missed the PO originally and was pretty much heartbroken over it. She's so small, I feel like she's going to become a traveling companion once I get a bag for her 💕

I'm in love with TinyFox dolls and feel like I'll probably end up with another one down the line… just can't resist those little cuties!


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Just got my new Tinyfox doll today! I was surprised by how heavy they are for such smaller dolls lol.


I love the little "cow" ears and they are removeable and movable! I think that's such a fun feature. So I have this cute C-10 head, the head the body came with, and there was even a bonus head! I'm assuming it's a gift because I'd hate to have to send it back. So it seems I'll need more bodies in the future 😂

I'm just happy to finally have them after that nightmare experience. Been trying to get A Tinyfox since September of last year... Lol. But it was worth it to get a head I actually totally love.

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Current Crew: Kaito(DDH07), Kagamine Rin, Kaito V3, 9S, Ruby(Arle), Devola(2B), Anya Forger

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Does anyone know if theres any particular pattern to when Tinyfox restocks? They seem to be out of all the blank stuff at the moment.

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Does anyone have a comparison photo of these cuties to a DD or MDD? I know theyre small but im having trouble envisioning the scale. :)

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Tinyfox, DD, Obitsu 50 and Dollfie Icon.

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