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On 1/27/2025 at 9:34 AM, ragnamuffin said:

(also rocking a semi-white MDD bodysuit until I get a proper TinyFox one).


Hey I know your post was a while ago but I wanted to comment on this real quick especially because I originally checked this forum but couldn't find anything clear about it.

To my knowledge Tinyfox never made a bodysuit for macoco. The 1/4 suit they sell was designed for the previous 1/4 body, like big Ashley etc.


It will not fit over animal feet, and it's VERY hard to get over even the macoco human feet because the leg/heel joint is stitched and the 1/4 old Tinyfox and 1/4 macoco are a little different in size. It's doable but I chipped my nails in the process. Also, unlike the Volks bodysuit, the tinyfox suit does not cover the upper chest/neck area.

Honestly the Volks MDD suit ended up fitting my girl much better besides the sleeves being long. Thanks to its stretchiness, the mdd suit can even fit over the macoco animal legs. It takes a bit of effort, but... It was still less effort than getting the tinyfox suit on at all. So I personally think you're better set with the mdd suit than the tinyfox one.

Overall, I'd say the mdd suit is a better choice for macoco than the 1/4 Tinyfox one is. Here are some pictures of mine trying on the MDD suit, with human legs, animal legs, and then fully dressed for reference for anyone reading to judge the fit.

I'd provide pictures for the tinyfox suit but... I don't want to sacrifice any more nails trying to get that back on again right now >_<






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1 hour ago, Noffy said:

To my knowledge Tinyfox never made a bodysuit for macoco. The 1/4 suit they sell was designed for the previous 1/4 body, like big Ashley etc.

Thanks for the heads up. I knew TinyFox hadn't made a bodysuit specifically for the Macoco line and that the existing 1/4 suit wouldn't fit the fat legs, but there were reviews on Taobao saying it would technically fit the body with normal legs on. I didn't realize it would be such a tight fit that it would be a struggle to get on at all, so maybe I'll have to rethink getting one after all... 🧐

The problem with the MDD bodysuit is that even the semi-white version is too dark to match with the white chocolate skin, and since it goes up to the neck, the colour difference is obvious. I like that the official TF one is low cut so her neck looks more natural, but I don't wanna break any nails trying to get it on her 😰

For anyone wanting to see a few more pics, last week I posted a mini-review of the MDD bodysuit on the fat legs here:


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12 hours ago, ragnamuffin said:


The problem with the MDD bodysuit is that even the semi-white version is too dark to match with the white chocolate skin, and since it goes up to the neck, the colour difference is obvious. 


Ooh ok! In that case let me attach a few photos real quick to show the color difference.

I think TF has been trending whiter lately, at least macoco pepper seems super pale, even some cream trousers are darker than their skin.

The MDD semi-white suit is a bit pink and slightly dark, while the TF one is a bit orange and slightly dark. Of course a perfect match isn't possible, both seem kind of similarly close so it's a bit of preference. Definitely TF will look better for low cut shirts. And the fit is fine once you're past the feet.. just the feet are overly challenging. I'll put the TF suit over an arm to show the color difference side by side

Left is TF suit, right is MDD semi white suit. Both are on macoco bodies





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3 hours ago, Noffy said:

Left is TF suit, right is MDD semi white suit. Both are on macoco bodies

Oooh, I see. I wondered if the TF one might be a bit dark since the 1/6 bodysuit is darker than the white chocolate skin. I might still order one for science, but at least I have an idea of what to expect now, so thank you. Who is your other Macoco btw? 👀

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Oh the second macoco, she's...

also pepper! 👀

It went like this

  • The original pepper I ordered got lost in the mail, in the trenches of atlanta (hell)
  • When the mail was confirmed missing I asked the store about it, they sent me a second one no problem
  • .... then USPS actually found the missing mail (miracle)
  • I get the original (pepper1)
  • I get the replacement (pepper2)
  • I ask the store about it, they let me choose to either send pepper2 back or buy at a discount

So now I have two peppers who are now named Pepper (pepper1) and Salt (pepper2)

for now Salt is cosplaying Cirno using the MDD Cirno set, eyes, wigs, wings, clothes and everything, but she'll have a theme to be "opposite of pepper" later down the line for her day-to-day look :>


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3 minutes ago, Noffy said:

So now I have two peppers who are now named Pepper (pepper1) and Salt (pepper2)

for now Salt is cosplaying Cirno using the MDD Cirno set, eyes, wigs, wings, clothes and everything, but she'll have a theme to be "opposite of pepper" later down the line for her day-to-day look :>

That is so adorable. Congrats on such a lucky turn of events. Sounds like you really made the best of it.

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thought i might post an update for Salt and Pepper 😆

I got the shoes and wig previously but the outfit finally came in the mail today. They're looking great! Very Salty in the opposite of Pepper way. Salt's outfit set also came with shorts but I couldn't get them over her hips so I'll have to modify those to open more / fit better later. Both outfits have a really nice shimmer to them that doesn't come across in photos well but really makes them match even better.


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 Mokoi's eyepatch strap stains. Do not leave it on for long periods. Other than the eyepatch, I do not see any stains from the rest of his outfit. Make sure his sweater vest does not touch his body since that material tends to stain.


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Waaah i got message from my proxy they're accepting final payment for Huifre! I'm so excited this cutie will soon be ready~ 😍

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Hi everyone! i finally got my friend into wanting to buy a doll.. but it seems now the one she wants is now sold out. it was a pre-order, do they usually release more dolls after initial pre order is done? She was interested in the Huifre doll. 

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2 hours ago, black_magicat said:

Hi everyone! i finally got my friend into wanting to buy a doll.. but it seems now the one she wants is now sold out. it was a pre-order, do they usually release more dolls after initial pre order is done? She was interested in the Huifre doll. 

It really depends on the doll. Some of them (like Cherrie) just keep getting reruns over and over again, and some (like Asmoti) never see the light of day again.

Since Huifre is an anniversary doll, she may get another run like the Fox King did, and I think TinyFox hinted on XHS/Rednote that there would be excess stock for people who missed the preorder, so it should be possible for her to get one if she keeps an eye out.

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thank you! We will keep an eye out for any stock once they start arriving :)  thank you for the info!!

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