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How to tell different generation DD bodies apart?

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Hi everyone,


I just purchased a used DD body lower half off of FB for what I think was a very reasonable price mostly 'cause I want to do an integrated torso bod. The seller did not seem to know if this is a DD2 or 3 body. I am assuming given age that it is unlikely to be F3. Do I need to know which before I get the torso and arms? If so how do I tell the difference. I have the lower torso, legs and feet with frame. Body terminates at the waist frame peg. 

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I know exactly which body you mean because I was trying to buy it too.  😉


That's a DD2 lower body.  You can get the DD3 upper parts to work with it with some minor modding but it will NOT work with the newer DDF3 frame pieces at all.  Check this thread out for photos and comparisons of the DD2 and DD3 bodies.



As for parts needed to complete that body, you need a pair of arms, a bust, hand parts/wrists and the inner frame piece that holds the arms and has the neck peg.




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I'm looking to do the all in one torso without a waist joint that I understand was discontinued for the F3 anyways. There are several on mandarake for the DDIII and DDII. Do you know if there is a difference between the 2 and 3 that would make me chose one over the other? And do I still need an inner frame? It looks like the one-piece torsos have attachment point for the legs already.

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All the one-piece torsos released to date use the DDIII frame parts. The one-piece torso's come with the upper & lower frame installed, so it just needs arms & legs. So any complete one-piece torso body or standalone torso would be DDIII on the inside. If you are trying to make sure you can get spare parts I would get a one-piece torso along with a DD-F3 waist and upper internal frame. The DDIII is closer to DD-F3, they use the same busts & the vinyl will match. Also from what I have seen the leg holes look to be the same. Because Volks has maintained the same external dimensions for the DD bodies the internal bits should fit. The best combo imo, use the DD-F3 lower waist frame & upper internal frame with a one-piece torso. This would allow you to use DD-F3 arms and legs. I have a one-piece torso & DDIII waist; I’m doing a similar thing with.

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Here is a quick easy way to tell the bodies apart, if you look at the back of the shins. 

DD2 & DDdy look the same at the back

DD3, DDdy3, DDS & MDD3 look the same at the back

DD-F3, DDdy-F3, & DDS-F3 look the same at the back 


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